Intro to Real Analysis: How to think of real numbers

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Mathematicians didn't feel that the decimal expansion of a number was quite rigorous enough in the 19th century, so they came up with some new ways to build them. Two prominent methods are Dedekind Cuts and Equivalence Classes of Cauchy sequences of rational numbers (or in other words, real numbers are convergent sequences of rationals).
- Finish showing that the Cauchy sequence definition of real numbers provides a field.
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//Music Provided by Epidemic Sound
Light Up - Ben Elson
Morning Rises - Airae
Drop That - Reversus
Mumbai - Ooyy
All Parts Equal - Airae
Pandora's Box - Squid
We Can't Stop - Reversus
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0:00 Introduction
0:23 What are real numbers?
1:49 1 is 0.9999
2:32 Two approaches to defining real numbers
4:00 An example through pi
6:32 Convergent sequences
9:35 Cauchy Sequences
13:21 Sums of Cauchy Sequences
16:40 Inequalities
- Finish showing that the Cauchy sequence definition of real numbers provides a field.
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//Music Provided by Epidemic Sound
Light Up - Ben Elson
Morning Rises - Airae
Drop That - Reversus
Mumbai - Ooyy
All Parts Equal - Airae
Pandora's Box - Squid
We Can't Stop - Reversus
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DISCLAIMER: The links above in this description may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase with the links provided I may receive a small commission, but with no additional charge to you :) Thank you for supporting my channel so that I can continue to produce mathematics content for you!
0:00 Introduction
0:23 What are real numbers?
1:49 1 is 0.9999
2:32 Two approaches to defining real numbers
4:00 An example through pi
6:32 Convergent sequences
9:35 Cauchy Sequences
13:21 Sums of Cauchy Sequences
16:40 Inequalities