Real Analysis Exam 1 Review Problems and Solutions
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(0:00) Introduction
(0:37) Define supremum of a nonempty set of real numbers that is bounded above
(3:43) Completeness Axiom of the real numbers R
(5:43) Define convergence of a sequence of real numbers to a real number L
(9:06) Negation of convergence definition
(11:42) Cauchy sequence definition
(13:37) Cauchy convergence criterion
(15:39) Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
(18:58) Density of Q in R (and R - Q in R)
(19:37) Cardinality (countable vs uncountable sets)
(21:26) Archimedean property
(23:40) Subsequences, limsup, and liminf
(28:43) Prove sup(a,b) = b
(35:34) Prove a finite set of real numbers contains its supremum
(39:39) Find the limit of a bounded monotone increasing recursively defined sequence
(45:28) Prove the limit of the sum of two convergent sequences is the sum of their limits
(51:28) Use completeness to prove a monotone decreasing sequence that is bounded below converges
(58:14) Prove {8n/(4n+3)} is a Cauchy sequence
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