There is No Gender Pay Gap - Jordan Peterson #Shorts

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Speaker: Jordan Peterson Thanks for watching!
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When I was working as a single mother I would put in my 8 hours and then get home to my kids. My male counterparts even if married could work the overtime or even work on weekends. They got paid more than me. They earned it. My rewards were my ability to care for my kids, play with them, form them and provide them with the basic needs in life. I don’t begrudge the men or women who made more money than me one bit. God provided what we needed when we needed it.


Women demand superiority but call it equality


In N.D my girlfriend and I both was taxi driver's. Both made same base pay. Tips she made more, but my check was higher. Why? Women get better Tips while men work longer hours. My observation.


There is a gender pay gap in my country
Women are charged less income tax than men
So they earn more than men for the exact same job for every job


Too bad a lot of people like shallow convenient one liner conclusions and they hate going deeper and understanding


When Joe interrupted Peterson I thought he was just gonna start talking about bears 💀


Women dominate college yet refuse to go into STEM. Which men do.
Men make more because they take less time off, work more hours, more dangerous jobs, ask for raises more often, and are more flexible.
66% of women have never asked for a raise in their life, no shit they make less.

Men die on the job x22 times more than women because men pick high paying physical labor with high risk.
Here in Denmark it's the most equel yet women only devide themselves even more, we have 9 female nurses to 1 male nurse.
99.9% of sewer divers with shit up to their necks unclogging pipes are men.
99.9% Ocean gaspipe welding on the bottom ocean, under immense pressure are men.
99.9% of oil rig workers to make sure we have gas for cars and other vehicles are men.
96% of constructionworkers bulding houses & skyscrapers are men.
97% of electricians are men.
98% of bricklayers are men.
95% of carpenters are men.
98% of fisher on fishing boats are men.
78% of Data technicians are men.

The wage gap is because of their choice.
in the physical labor jobs and have every oppertunity to get into STEM field even having quotas to hire more women and they STILL DON'T GO!


I heard from my cousin that works in HR that she and other women make less because women don't negotiate pay and conditions in interviews but men do. Women who make less often screwed things up for themselves by not seeing if they could tip the offer and instead only going for something if they hit 100% of the qualifications.


Story: a couple years ago in upstate NY, my history teacher just got out of graduate school and started working. (At this school, working there for longer equated to higher pay) He had been working at that school for 2 years so far. Meanwhile there was a division head who ran about 20 of the stem classes and was working there for 30 years, and she got paid $5, 000 than he did! She worked way harder than my history teacher (not a jab at my teacher) and was doing a very good job apparently


Joe Rogan just channels his inner Jordan Peterson in his reply 🤣🤣


Long story short: if you’re going to have kids make sure your guy is SOLID. It goes without saying but the number of single mother today makes me think people need reminding.


Jordan Peterson is my dawg!!!! I love this guy, he is so intelligent and ain't afraid of telling the truth.


It's hard working taking children to daycare doctors school. Then when you get home cooking washing clothes and cleaning giving kids baths then the man wants you to sleep with him. There's not enough time in a day for a woman. All of my children are grown up now. I couldn't imagine trying to do it all now.


“ Convenient pay gap ‘ you’re right some things in life just aren’t fair but as a mother, I feel it’s a small trade off


There is though, it’s just not in every industry


There is no wage gap, men work longer hours than women, men average 44 hours a week and women average 41, men work more dangerous jobs and are more likely to negotiate raises. Women take more time off including maternity leave. Example, I was hired at FedEx Freight with a group of people for 22$ an hour, we all made the same starting wage. In that group of people 2 were female and the rest were men, in the 4-5 months after hiring I noted myself and the men had never called in. The women called in at least once or twice a month, sometimes more. The wage gap argument is invalid.


Same with football
Men are better at it than the women and this leads to more people watching them cause why would you watch a lower level version of the sport you like?
And because of this men get paid more than women in sports because they’re better, more competitive and more entertaining


There was a study where it showed that out of the 5 highest paying college majors(out of 5 different colleges in the U.S) 4 of them where mostly occupied by men. Out of the 5 lowest paying college majors, 4 of them where mostly occupied by women. The gender pay gap exists, but it doesnt take in to acount some extremely important details. Male nurses get payed more on average, do u know why? They work for longer hours, they are willing to relocate to places where they receive more, and most men have higher studies and degrees than women.


Please don’t interrupt him when Dr P is speaking. He make valid point quickly and tells a story line . You’re dragging out the point being made, by inserting your thoughts to which he could have quelled swiftly if you just had listened to his story.


The even bigger issue is people being unhappy with who they are and what they do
