Interview of Former New IFB couple Nathan and April Marquis - Stedfast Baptist of OK City

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Recently we had the privilege of sitting down to speak with Nathan and April Marquis, former members of a New IFB church. Nathan shares his experience of being excommunicated by pastor Jonathan Shelley, who was not satisfied with the sincerity of his apology for statements made on social media. We consider the unbiblical nature of this display of pastoral "authority", as well as the marks of a cult which are evident in the New IFB Movement. We also look at how the New IFB condemns nearly every other Christian group as being "unsaved", yet another mark of a cult. Nathan and April discuss their experience with the Mennonite and Amish of Pennsylvania during a recent vacation, and finding true believers among them. We encourage others in the New IFB, or any other extremist group, to consider the unbiblical, controlling nature of the movement and get out. A portion of the conversation between Nathan and Pastor Jonathan Shelley is included at the end of the video.

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Never attend a church where the One-man Pastor system is in place. Acts 14:23


I like the "NIFB" more after this interview🤷🏾‍♂️


I have been an IFB in the past. There was a REAL lack of love and militancy in the atmosphere. I fed into it 100%. Thankfully that church, now, though IFB in name, has calmed down a lot and I dont even think they fellowship much with other ifb churches that often. They're crazy, and given my personality bent, I dont need that influence.


I grew up in IFB churches but they were pretty good. The NEW IFB is just evil.


Why so many dislikes? This is a great interview. Lovely couple.


Not biblical Christianity? Because of drama? The Apostles had lots of drama sir. Peter and paul had a confrontation! Paul went to prison! There will be plenty of drama among true churches teaching the Bible as it will clash more and more with the culture! Your statement is ridiculous.


You can tell by how heavily NIFBers troll this interview exactly how cultish it is.


I grew up in a IFB church and am so grateful to God that I’m no longer part of that wackiness. Very man centered idolatry. It’s really really sad. Only church I ever went to where the staff would drive the pastors car up to the front door when the service was done. Never understood the knocking on doors “ soul winning” when the most unfriendly people I ever met inside the church, could go out and try and win souls “invite people to church” Everything that I ever experienced within the IFB was so strange. For those caught up in this cult like religion, I would just say read your Bible and pray for discernment. Grace and the peace of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ be with you


I have listened to many of these IFB preachers on YouTube. I am struck by how little they preach the Bible. It is all about THEM and THEIR opinions and their HATRED for other believers who aren't crazy like they are.


You might want to pay attention to this but Leslye Romero has given a tell all interview about the infidelity and bad drug habits of Donnie Romero.


Funny how this is recommended now. Good timing YouTube


NIFB is making life-changing quality documentaries. This guy can barely record a decent interview. 🙄


Thank you for your expose on the NIFB. I wish I didn’t get a part of that branch of NIFB back in 2007/2008.


As far as the Reprobate Doctrine goes, I agree with my pastor when he says,
"A Reprobate will do all of those things in Romans 1, but doing those things in themselves doesn't make you a reprobate. Rejecting God makes you reprobate."
So I agree that there are confused people among the "LGBT Community" who are _not_ reprobate. Though unless it's to get them saved, I wouldn't want to be around them


I came out from IFB but I'm not planning to join the Calvinists anytime soon or ever.


What are the two Great Commandments? To LOVE God and to LOVE your neighbor. Not a lot of love in that group.


Clearly these people have reached absolute perfection. I am surprised that they are still here and not taken up into the clouds. 🤔
Condemning others for condemning others. Are they not doing the very thing they claim is un Christ like. When did this group of three become the absolute authority on what is and isn't right. They are simply retaliating for what they feel was unjust treatment. Did God answer all your prayers, did he say go on YouTube and trash my church.


Here is a little tidbit from a commentary on the book of Hebrews by A. W. Pink - regarding those who peddle in false doctrines and their method of excluding others who do not follow them:
"Those who would impose such doctrines on others, generally do so with much bombast and blustering; unless we believe and practice such things, we are denounced as heretics and unsaved (Acts 15:1). The unlearned and unstable are disturbed by them, carried out of their course, and are in danger of making shipwreck of their faith." (An Exposition of Hebrews page 1166).


I am not NIFB but I do have concerns about Mennonites since many are not orthodox let alone born again. Nevertheless, I do not deny that there may be a minority of Christians amongst them.


The NIFB, at least pastor Anderson has never claimed that they’re the only ones that have the gospel, he even says nondenominational churches often have it right, and encourages people to go to a good church in there area, it doesn’t have to be NIFB or even ifb. I’m not surprised that the fame is getting their egos blown up, but my experience in the NIFB has been positive. I love the hard preaching and the family integration in the churches, which the old ifb lacks. I’ve also never felt I HAD to agree with them that every homo is reprobate. I’ve heard multiple of the pastors in the movement say they believe someone could be confused and wrapped up in the LGBTQ movement without being reprobate. And they make it clear you don’t have to agree with that doctorine to be a part of their church. So a lot of these accusations seem to be false, or at least missing a lot of context.
