Turning a stereo amp into a monoblock

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TIP: next time use a drawing board to DRAW what you are trying to explain, this would make it much easier to follow. Thank You


Diagram speaks louder than any verbal talks!


I don't understand this. Is there a diagram on the internet that shows how to connect this?


You can also, using splitters, utilize a 2 channel stereo amp as a mono system. This way, 2 drivers or 2 different speakers can be used per each stereo amp. Think, bi-amp for each stereo channel. Some amplifiers cannot be bridged into mono either.


Thanks Paul for such a down to earth explanation which I thououghly understand now after 50+ years of not understanding! From Nick in Wales..


There’s another way of connecting a stereo amp, pseudo earthed amplification. It surely improves the sound quality though it doesn’t heighten the output.
You connect only one channel and shortcut the other channel by connecting a shortcutted plug in the positive (red) input on the other channel. This way the shortcutted side helps by dampening the signal (-pulling, as Paul would have expressed it😊) and it surely gives the amps a much more controlled sound.
I had my two Rotel power stereo amplifiers playing this way for years but have them now playing in ordinary bridged mode. This makes them sound more dynamic but not quite as controlled as in pseudo earthed mode. Guess it’s a matter of preference...
Pseudo earthed mode is only an advantage if your two stereo amps has enough power in advantage, otherwise it would probably be wiser to choose bridged mode. But you’ll be surprised how much it improves the sound if you have two reasonably powerful stereo amps. Surely worth trying👍


Man, I certainly don't disagree with your statement that we are a country of immigrants, but I think I get the subliminal message in your mini-rant. We are in fact a country of immigrants, and we are also a country that has laws and processes that need to be adhered to. It really has nothing to do with people "not wanting" immigrants to come here at all. It has everything to do with following the laws and due process. As I am sure you will agree, there are right ways and wrong ways to do things. Our current system is broken and needs fixed, there is no doubt about that. Simply allowing people to flood across the border so that we hard working middle class can support them is NOT the answer. I also liked the audio portion of this video, thanks!


I would not recommend attempting to connect the two red terminals on a standard stereo amplifier to a single speaker.
This will likely damage the amplifier and possibly the speaker as well. Bridged amps have special circuitry to enable this connection including routing a single input to both power amps and handling any issues with the phase of the signal.


Nicely explained, you’ve earned yourself a thumbs up and a subscriber.


Yikes! Attempting this type of hook up will kill off a lot of amplifiers. You should only attempt to bridge an amp, if it was designed from the factory to do that, and has the required bridging switch.


What about putting the same signal (left channel, say) into both inputs and then run each output to a bi-wired speaker. You would, of course need a second stereo amplifier for the right channel to the other speaker.


Thanks Paul. You are correct. Plus, your audio tech knowledge is pretty good too.


Paul was clear here, I applaud him for taking on a 202 question. It's a bit more difficult to picture in your mind's eye than the typical question. Some graphics would help with the phase inversion aspects. Anyone that has tried to integrate REL subs with M700's would have crossed through this threshold. :)


Please show it visually like where the speaker wires goes to (whether positive to positive, negative to negative or wherever) amplifier. Because there are a lot of people just like me who doesn't understand what you are talking about. But by visually showing us where to connect "this" to "that", then we will truly understand what you are saying.
Thank you.


Is it a good idea to bi-wire my Infinity Alpha 50 speakers with two bridged stereo mono blocks? To be more exact I have 2 NAD 2200 pe and one NAD 1155 along.


There is a BTL converter that will, like Paul said take a single un-balanced input and make an out put that is 180 degrees out of phase. Now on a" regular" stereo feed these 2 new outputs(from the BTL) into the stereo left and right inputs and only use the red speaker connections. Also be careful don't go below 8 ohms.
The converter is on Ebay it's a DIY circuit board. Just search unbalanced to balanced converter it should pop up.
Again this is a DIY so if you aren't comfortable soldering or connecting an AC power supply, stay away.
Just my 2 cents


With a white board and colored markers you could have done a better job of explaining this.


Wait, just by using two red terminals, you get bridged amp?? No interior modifications needed?


You don't need an amplifier to be bridgeable do you use separate amplifiers for each Channel. All you have to do is hook up the left output whatever your program sources to one amplifier and the right output to the other one. I know this works cuz I just did an experiment to satisfy my curiosity the amplifiers aren't even the same brand and it still works of course you have to adjust the volume control separately of each amplifier. As I said this was just an experiment and I don't know that using separate amplifiers in this way is of any advantage I know you're not gaining any extra power this way


Take a set of rca cables, 2 y adapters. Run one side of the rca cable, to the y adapter, then plug both ends of the y adapter into the left and right input of one amplifier. Repeat for the second one. If multiple channels are desired, repeat as needed. Be sure to match the paired channels with matching amplifiers.
