Why I Left Six Figure Mentors. A Review of it.

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Overall, I think SFM and Digital Experts Academy have good training, but it can get very expensive to get to that place where you get that great value. WA offers value from the very moment you join it for free and you'll see that right away.

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From what I see from other marketers in WA, the strategy is to bag out other companies to make themselves look good, which I genuinely believe is highly unethical.


This was helpful! I recently joined SFM and payed just under 30$ for the initial course. It's not free anymore... I have just the same feeling. It's very proffesional, but I didn't get as much out of it that I thought beforehand. And I also think its too expensive to upgrade, being uncertain of the value I'll get out of it...


I joined the SFM just over a year ago, the training and global community is fantastic. I've earned over $200, 000 USD in my first year and yes I upgraded to all of the optional more expensive training programs and clearly, from my experience, it's worth every penny as you can see. Over 10 years of training thousands of students like me, can't be wrong. I think this is very unethical selling, joining a training program for a few days then knocking it in this advert, just to promote your cheaper training platform. Very unethical and the SFM would never allow any of its students to do this, they would be removed from the community immediately for this type of behaviour!


Everybody selling a course. Just like the old pyramid schemes. SFM is obnoxious.


....two minutes in and I'm seeing triangular shapes


SFM now charges $29.95 for their Student Access "Digital Business System And Student Training Series" with a 30-day money back guarantee. I also realized I signed up with Wealthy Affiliate years ago, but now I don't know where to start. I need a sort of step-by-step guide so I know I'm set up correctly.


Thanxs mate this was exactly what I was expecting, I have been looking into affiliate marketing since around 2004, but life changed so i didn't have the time, and now in the last couple of yrs since I've started again, every1 is teaching AFM programs, and ive noticed its cheap to start up but it always ends up costing money i don't have atm, I know I need a mentor, but I am happy just doing the research & find a good mentor, that's not going to charge too much. I realise they are trying to make a living also but it just ends up leaving you more confused. But thanxs again for the advice.


Thank you so much Vitality Gershfeld. I was searching for a more inside view.


Would you not agree though that although WA gives you much more in the way of information and free training, the SFM gives the opportunity to not only replace a previous full time salary, but surpass it by a significant margin, by providing you with high ticket products to market? I am new to online marketing so I have no experience but wonder how difficult it is to make money off high ticket sales in other areas? I would be interested in hearing your take on this. Paul.


Regardless of your opinion, this post is shameful. Make a presentation worthy of your product and you will see that it will have better results. Trying to denigrate someone or an institution to present your product is the most decadent and miserable way. This way of being will not lead you anywhere properly.


How can you give an unbiased review when you haven't actually signed up for SFM? I paid the $30 or whatever it was to complete those intro models (and that's all it was, an intro so you could get a taste for the program) and found it highly beneficial and that was over a year ago. I couldn't join at the time because of some life circumstances but SFM has stuck with me all this time and something that I will seriously consider doing. It seems that the purpose of your "review" was to promote Wealthy Affiliates and "prove" that it's a better alternative to SFM. If you wanted to do an "honest" review of SFM, you wouldn't have mention your online business (do a separate review).


considering what you have explained that it’s cheaper and has more value than SFM, will you be able to get a fastee and better results? I know it depends on all the hard work and studies and knowledge, but I was wondering how long it can take for an average person in order to earn enough money like at least a 3000-4000$ a month. It’s for me not even about getting super rich, but it enables me to live abroad and earn money whilst traveling.


I get the argument that SFM is expensive and agree upon that. But to be honest even WA use the same method. No way to get the first module without getting premium and the only difference is the price tag. Same same.


Wow thank you very much for this video, excellent made. I’m just went into 29.95$ program on SFM and I’m really sceptical especially of the prices they have. I do have a question, when i would join wealthy affiliate is there also a automatic system and all the stuff what SFM offer? Best regards Dhanush


You tried SFM free program and slate it because you didn't get anything out of it and are unhappy at the amount of features. It's like going to Costco and complaining the free food samples didn't fill you up. My experience of Wealthy Affiliate is it's a sketchy looking Facebook rip-off with constant upselling and no value.


I registered with sfm. Got to Got to say too long winded. Too much to go through. I still got a spanking headache from listening to the tht Stuart Ross go on and on and on.and on. Goodness me. When I see his picture my head goes again aching. And yes it's true they try to make you buy buy buy. Pay pay pay. I just don't have the time energy or even the money. For their long course. Too long too much talking. Too much theory no action. Is anyone out their get what I'm saying?


The second time I've thought about making money online so I clicked through on a YouTube advert only to find Stuart Ross. The last time I'd watched him was in 2010 when I dipped my toe in the water. Coincidently he was claiming then what a good lifestyle he was leading but in reality, behind him in his videos it looked like he was just starting out in a barren office and what appeared to be a hired sports car that he was showing off. The overall impression I got of the SFM sales system was members getting a commission based on acquiring new members. In closed systems energy degrades ( 2nd law of thermodynamics? ) So 9 years later he's admitted it in the pitch video, the fact he had just started out, so that's my intuition correct. Okay, SFM, perhaps works but its like Scientology. The higher tiers become increasingly expensive... but in reality. If it works for you and your income increases dramatically then going up to higher levels should be affordable?


cant hold my breath till the end of the clip...volume is extremely low


Thanks for sharing, what I need to know is how do I get pay-not in the USA but in the Caribbean-no one is answering this question . This is my stalling point we often pay to Paypal or visa- but do others pay me.


Hello, I just paid less than $30 on the SFM to enroll. I just want to ask, for someone like me who isn't in a rush to making 3 figures but just something good with a minimum of 2000$ a month. Is it compulsory for me to still upgrade to the elite? And by the way, is 6 months enough for me with good hard work to still earn the above amount?
