Part 3/5 Why I Quit My Six Figure Job #retireearly #money #mentalhealth #wealth #socialcap

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Yep, there were many reasons that ultimately lead to quitting, but being with friends and family and controlling our own time is priceless. Always. Make sure that you are doing what you love every single day.
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I totally agree 100 percent!! As a military officer, I spent most of my career meeting the Generals metrics, creating my own metrics, and creating lists so that I had something to write about for my annual appraisal so I could get promoted. Living off 5-6 sleep and working 6-7 days a week. My ROI is good, but really much less than the time I actually put in. I am 63 and retire in less than a year. Damn..
Honestly being the Jones's. I am glad you figured it out earlier than I did. As always, enjoy and learn from your content!!


This is 100% correct. Chasing numbers and rewarding people who are overworked. Unfortunately there are those with no family and don’t know that do nothing but work, are unhealthy, etc but the company sees this and says everyone should do it. “Jim can do it, why can’t everyone else”. Well, they could, but at what cost.


Hey Tyler, if you have a minute I have a question that I don’t know who else to ask. I’m 24 years old and I am looking to plan for my future now. I just met with a financial advisor who has mentioned whole life insurance. I noticed in one of your videos you mentioned “they’re just trying to sell you insurance” I have heard good and bad about term/whole/ and life insurance in general. Can you break down the difference/if whole life is the best option? Thanks for the time. Love your videos


Hi Tyler idk how you came across my feed but im here for it. After scrolling for about 5 min i subscribed and although im one person, i am picky with who i follow which is basically someone adding value. Thank you for the content.
I do have a question. I changed careers in 2022 because finance has been my passion as sad as that sounds it wasn't an easy decision. I am with JPM and i have found myself questioning my existence. Im surrounded by people who are just repeating the same thing over and over. Im really more of a nerd about the markets in my free time ive created an ETF and have back tested it for 1 tear now, i get certificates for the hell of it, im constantly learning, and recently i have been considering my CFA but im also wondering if its even worth it. Seems like no matter what i have its just noise at a big corporation. Im married with 2 young children and it makes it harder to move. Any thought? I would be appreciate it. Ty.


My friend this video makes it sound like you were fired for being lazy.
