I Quit my Six Figure Job for THIS (Worst Mistake EVER)

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I quit my six figure job for this. This is probably my worst mistake ever. Quitting six figure income for this??
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We tithed to a church years ago but when my family ran into financial difficulties I never received the help we needed for childcare ( they had a childcare center) just got the runaround..I was BroKen but God made away for us. Hallelujah!!


You said it all Garret. Pastors are making themselves rich from the congregations. They have many cars and houses whereas a church member has no job or a place to lay his head. This is wickedness. All they know is give give to the church, give to pastors. Even when a pastor is celebrating his birthday church members have to contribute and give to him. Those who have ears will listen to this video and change the world would be a beautiful place for us all. Thanks once again for the information. God bless your richly.


I stopped tithing to churches years ago, but I do donate several thousand dollars annually to my favorite charities including food banks. I try to increase the amount yearly as my income increases.


Thank you for your interpretation and confirmation about tithing .You need to go live sometime that was one of the most inspirational messages I’ve heard in a long time 🌺


This is such a blessing to hear such clarity. Thank you so much.


Amen, Garrett this is so correct, I had been feeling the same way for some time especially about all this prosperity preaching and started giving my tithes outside of the church. I give to Missions around my way that help feed, clothe and house the poor and homeless. I also give to Salvation Army because they help in the care with providing people with food, they have food banks, they also help underprivileged children in the summer with away summer camps, for free and providing them with basic needs for free. These places do more than most churches do for the poor. Watching from Maryland USA 🇺🇸!


Great message and interpretation of the verses. Your channel continues to inspire me.


I like the way you teach on the bible, and relate it to finances. Bravo


Thank you so much for enlightening my mind, I love the way you expose the truth. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.


I really enjoyed and appreciated this message. Follow you and your family. This should be broadcast on loudspeaker.


Great teachings! You just need to go ahead and give Bible study. Ill attend every day!


Thank you so much for these teachings I really believe on everything you said I'm learning even more.God bless you and your family Mr Garrett.


Thk you for being a blessing. I'm learning so much from your teachings


Finally someone speaks the truth 🙌🏾 AMEN 🙏🏾


I am so happy to hear this. Your family and I think alike.


I have recently been trying tio live clkser to God and been asking God for guidance. As someone raised in the church I started tithing again. Then the holy spirit impressed on my mind to give only to the poor and to help maintain the church building . So I started ti select only thise two catergories on the tithe envelope itried to explain this to my mom but she was adamant that the pastor needs to be paid. So this Sabbath I was struggling to determine how to give thus week, and woke up at 5 an to watch a early service and the holy spirit impressed me to listen to this. i will continue to give to the poor, fatherless and widows. thank you Lord


This was truly an excellent eye opener of how much we have been deceived by the local church. I was so disappointed with the church when I saw all the churches closed and yet asking for your money 💰 and not asking how can we serve you. A lot of these churches has remained closed and yet the pastors and staff are still being monetary supported by the members at the church


Malachi 3:10 the lord also said prove me by tithing and I will pour you out a blessing that you will not have room enough to contain. You tithe so you keep the lights on in the church & put food in the church by supporting the helps ministry. An the church is supposed to pay the pastor. A work man is worthy of his hire. When your pastor sells books, tapes, of his sermons or music that's fine that is return on blessing the work of his hands. The pastor must tithe to the church on all his increase. If your pastor has millions of members & sells millions of books, tapes etc. He is supposed to be rich!!! Jesus was NOT POOR!!! Jesus wore expensive clothes!!! Remember you don't cast lots for rags!!! The lord said the poor will be with us always Matt 26:11 that is why we have a helps ministry in the church to clothe & feed the poor. Trust me the lord will sit down or close the eyes of a pastor that not doing right what's done in the dark will come to the light. Stay blessed


AMEN and AMEN you are correct in your interpretation because tithing is Old Testament and most preachers
DO NOT want to preach the truth because it will take away from their lavish lifestyle.


Thank you so much Garrett for explaining and breaking this bad teaching down! This needs to be stated.
