DELETE FOREVER - leaving social media!!!

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In this video I talk about how The Beatles and The Social Dilemma inspired me to quit instagram and Twitter.

Of course, social media is how a lot of people run their business and I am not saying everyone should quit social media. This is simply my perspective and experience :)

Sending love!

UPDATE: I officially deleted insta, tiktok, and Twitter for good and feel so good about it. I remember back when I had a Facebook, it felt so nice to let it go too. Experiment with media balance to find what feels right to you. Good luck!
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was stuck in the deactivating and reactivating cycle for a while but now socials have been deleted forever finally! waking up and not checking phone is the best feeling ever just like childhood! god bless you!


I deleted my fb 3yrs ago. Also my instagram for many months. No social media just focus on my peace of mind. I Focus on the gym and explore more. Social media gives me anxiety when seeing other peoples lives. So i made a decision to get off on social media. Best thing ever!


Facts, social media truly does take away our peace, I deleted my Facebook today, I only kept it for family but now feel it's not worth it, I deleted everything else in 2020


I'm glad that I never went back to social media because it's so addictive and it really wastes lots of time scrolling .


I absolutely love your mindset about deleting social media! Deleting Instagram over three years ago was the best decision i ever made! Living in the moment and keeping your peace is where it's at! xx


I carry a journal with me at all times now & i can feel my brain healing. When I need to jot something down I jot it down, i don’t accidentally doom scroll.

Getting further & further away from smart phone use has been really liberating.


Social Media messes with your mental health. It sucks away your sanity. Getting off 5 years ago was the best thing for me.


Thank you for taking the time to share this video! I cannot believe how relatable this is. 😮 from 2012 to 2017 I did not do social media that was five years of my life.
I did not think about it
I took pictures the old-fashioned way.
Family photos that went into my album or up on the fridge to share with the family.
For Some reason in 2018, I began to feel like I was missing out- it’s all what people seem to talk about…

I decided to give it a try, and that was the start of a downward spiral for me and my partner ! And My kids.

I became obsessed with taking photographs off everything.
I could not even eat a meal or have a drink without having to snap photographs of it.
I used to get upset and very angry if I could not get the perfect picture of myself or my family. We used to have blazing rows because I would get so stressed out.

When I did post a picture I was constantly looking at my phone every two minutes! This caused problems for my friends and family that I was with at the time, but most of all for myself and my mental health.
It was like a magnetic pull.
My mind could not settle. The only way I can describe it is that an addict needing that fix. I was never present in the moment with the people around me I feel I missed out!

I was that obsessed about trying to catch the memory that I actually missed out on the moment. This went on and off for around 3 years but eventually I realised the significant harm, this was having on my mental health, not only on mine but on that of my family also.
Not only was it, robbing me of my peace but also my privacy. Special moments with family and my time!
The amount of time that I have was wasted scrolling other peoples pictures and for what?

Absolutely nothing !!!

I can honestly say that is me done with social media now…. I honestly wish it didn’t exist. Life was so much better when I was growing up in the 90s I would do anything to go back to them days when all this tech did not exist.


Although I'm not on social media, I do get youtube notifications <3 don't be afraid to leave a comment, I love getting to hear your thoughts and appreciate them all!


I found myself nodding my head to soon much of what you were saying, I have been putting off watching The Social Dilemma because I think I knew it would give me the final push off of my remaining medias! Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on being in a space where you can not only hear your inner voice and intuition but hear it clearly! Mindfulness goals :)


Yes! This is so good! I deleted my instagram and Facebook this year. I've been six moths without it and I am so excited to be more present in life. I quit alcohol, instagram, Facebook and I am moving into my van this year to travel and work in film and TV.


loved reading the comments and seeing so many people deleted their socials, i have deactivated right now cus of exams i’m on edge of deleting


I deleted Twitter like five years ago and Snapchat somewhere around last year... I felt like those apps weren't interesting or valuable enough for me. I've been thinking about deleting Facebook too... because I unfriended like around 200 people earlier this year and now I only have 60 friends there and I talk to NONE of them, so I don't see the point in having fb... but Instagram and YouTube are great platforms for artistic things, like music and writing and photography in my opinion so I'm keeping them. I think it depends on the person, after all... all socials are not for everyone and I'm happy you're staying on the ones you genuinely want to be on, because that's what I'm doing too! The fewer the better, because you get to focus on REAL LIFE outside of instagram and yt... hugs xxxx


Nothings gonna change my world

Look out for things that take away your peace

I love this thank you, deleted yesterday forever


Getting rid of Twitter was the smartest thing I've ever done. For years I was addicted to it and the last 6 months have been a struggle to escape from it. I've deactivated my account multiple times only to come back days later. But last month, something changed. When I deactivated my account for a few weeks last month, I felt an itch to come back, so I did. But as soon as I reactivated it, I didn't feel anything from it and realized that there wasn't anything I wanted from it anymore so I shut it down again. In about 2 weeks from now, it'll be permanently deleted and I'll be better off for it. Never again will I fall into that pit.


Welcome to the club ! I noticed social media was horrible when all girls on there think they are models and high class, treated guys like fans or just atms. Treating people like they don’t matter, social interaction became “oh you’re not this or that; so I will never talk to you” vibes ..


I generally don’t care about social media, My childhood was normal up until I was 15 or 16. I feel it’s ruined relationships or getting a relationship and the way we see people, but thankfully that’s not the case for everyone. Imagine if in a different timeline, social media never existed? What a different world we would’ve lived in, though I’m not sure what would be better or worse.


I quit social media 10 days back. Was in dilemma earlier but it was the best decision made. I feel happy and less anxious now


This was brilliant
Thank you

I'm very glad that I found this video

I think that there's a very big difference between looking for a "news" or an article on the internet (which is useful and necessary) and when those "news" and articles "look for you"

This creates this terrible feeling about being missing something
Because you are not connected

In fact you're not missing anything

You are just fighting against addiction

And the people who really
Care about you
Won't stop caring

And anyway,
You didn't even know the people you were following
Neither those who followed you


loved this sm and the way you think. I've been off social media for a week now and my thoughts are so much clearer!!!
