Repeat PRP Hair Loss Injections can Cause Hair Shedding Similar to Shock Loss in Hair Transplants
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A gentleman had three separate sessions of PRP injections for hair loss over the course of three months. He shed hair since the first treatment, and said it go worse going into the third month where fifty to one hundred hairs were lost daily, and he could see the white part of the hair follicle. He wants to know what’s happening to him.
Dr. Amiya Prasad is a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has performed hair transplants for over twenty years. He is also the founder of TrichoStem Hair Regeneration Centers which is based on a technology and method he developed called Hair Regeneration using acellular matrix, or extracellular matrix combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for the non-surgical treatment of hair loss.
Based on the photos this man submitted, the most likely reason Dr. Prasad sees is that he has an aggressive pattern of genetic hair loss, manifested by rapid shedding of hairs. Dr. Prasad emphasizes that PRP alone won’t stop hair loss. PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, derived from your own blood has been shown to help grow hair that may be dormant in the telogen phase of hair growth, and may stimulate growth, but that’s different from stopping pattern hair loss.
Dr. Prasad is very active in using PRP. He uses PRP on patients for the face, skin, scars, and as part of his treatment called Hair Regeneration. The distinction is straightforward the Hair Regeneration treatment is not performed on a patient every month, rather it’s a single injection treatment, then the patient is observed by him for eighteen months. For 99% of his male patients, he is able to stop hair loss, thicken thinning hair, and in some patients even improve on the first results by doing another injection. For his female patients, more than 80% respond to the treatment where hair loss is stopped, and thinning hair is thickened.
Shedding can be a part of the hair regrowth cycle. Thin hair has to shed before a thicker hair comes in, but this only applies to the Hair Regeneration treatment. Patients who come from around the world to see Dr. Prasad for this treatment, which is one of the reasons he started a company to help bring this technology closer to people.
Getting PRP treatment done frequently can cause something called shock. Shock is from scalp trauma and inflammation from the injection. Shock loss is often seen in hair transplants - a few months after the transplant, you can get what is called shock loss caused by the surgical trauma. The hairs that were grafted can shed, and the adjacent hairs that were not grafted can also shed. A person can look like they have less hair than from before the transplant. Similar trauma from the injections can cause shock loss.
It can be really tiresome to get scalp injections every month with PRP treatment alone. This leads a lot of people to stop PRP treatment, and then they learn more about alternatives like Hair Regeneration which is most often only performed once, and lasts at least 3-5 years. Currently, Dr. Prasad’s Hair Regeneration patients from 3-5 years ago are still not experiencing any regression where there has started to thin again, so time will tell how long the Hair Regeneration treatment lasts.
To see more results for the Hair Regeneration non-surgical hair loss treatment, please visit:
To learn more about hair loss, please visit:
For more about Dr. Prasad, please visit:
Dr. Amiya Prasad is a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has performed hair transplants for over twenty years. He is also the founder of TrichoStem Hair Regeneration Centers which is based on a technology and method he developed called Hair Regeneration using acellular matrix, or extracellular matrix combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for the non-surgical treatment of hair loss.
Based on the photos this man submitted, the most likely reason Dr. Prasad sees is that he has an aggressive pattern of genetic hair loss, manifested by rapid shedding of hairs. Dr. Prasad emphasizes that PRP alone won’t stop hair loss. PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, derived from your own blood has been shown to help grow hair that may be dormant in the telogen phase of hair growth, and may stimulate growth, but that’s different from stopping pattern hair loss.
Dr. Prasad is very active in using PRP. He uses PRP on patients for the face, skin, scars, and as part of his treatment called Hair Regeneration. The distinction is straightforward the Hair Regeneration treatment is not performed on a patient every month, rather it’s a single injection treatment, then the patient is observed by him for eighteen months. For 99% of his male patients, he is able to stop hair loss, thicken thinning hair, and in some patients even improve on the first results by doing another injection. For his female patients, more than 80% respond to the treatment where hair loss is stopped, and thinning hair is thickened.
Shedding can be a part of the hair regrowth cycle. Thin hair has to shed before a thicker hair comes in, but this only applies to the Hair Regeneration treatment. Patients who come from around the world to see Dr. Prasad for this treatment, which is one of the reasons he started a company to help bring this technology closer to people.
Getting PRP treatment done frequently can cause something called shock. Shock is from scalp trauma and inflammation from the injection. Shock loss is often seen in hair transplants - a few months after the transplant, you can get what is called shock loss caused by the surgical trauma. The hairs that were grafted can shed, and the adjacent hairs that were not grafted can also shed. A person can look like they have less hair than from before the transplant. Similar trauma from the injections can cause shock loss.
It can be really tiresome to get scalp injections every month with PRP treatment alone. This leads a lot of people to stop PRP treatment, and then they learn more about alternatives like Hair Regeneration which is most often only performed once, and lasts at least 3-5 years. Currently, Dr. Prasad’s Hair Regeneration patients from 3-5 years ago are still not experiencing any regression where there has started to thin again, so time will tell how long the Hair Regeneration treatment lasts.
To see more results for the Hair Regeneration non-surgical hair loss treatment, please visit:
To learn more about hair loss, please visit:
For more about Dr. Prasad, please visit: