LABOR SIGNS and the #1 Way to Know For Sure it’s Labor

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Labor Signs and the #1 Way to Know For Sure it’s Labor

IS THIS LABOR? The question on every mama’s mind as she approaches her baby’s arrival. It’s easy to become obsessed with all the sensations from your body and wondering if it means that labor is on its way, but the end of pregnancy should be a time where you find joy in your patience as you’re preparing for birth, focusing your energy on how to have a calm birth, and waiting for your baby to fully develop.

In this video you will learn the most common signs of labor and which of the labor signs is the MOST RELIABLE labor symptom of them all. We talk all things from pooping during labor to answer your questions “Is pooping a sign of labor?” to nausea before labor to, again, answer that question, “Is nausea a sign of labor?”, losing the mucus plug, what do contractions feel like and then when to go to the hospital for labor.

By the end of this video, you’ll know the symptoms of labor so that you can stop obsessing over every little sensation, how to avoid any false alarm L&D pit stops if you’re giving birth at hospital, and feel more confident about your question about, “How long should I labor at home?” Most of the time, those early labor pains like period cramps during labor can be completely dismissed and forgotten about until the real thing sets in!



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Although I strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the medical and health area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any medical or health related decisions. For your health related questions, please seek the advice of a licensed physician or any other qualified health care provider immediately.


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1. Losing your mucus plug
2. Feeling crampy or nauseous
3. Loose stools or diarrhea
4. Leaking amniotic fluid
5. Progressing contractions


Days (like 3days) before i went into labor i felt constipated n my stomachache WAS "crampy". My first day in labor i felt cramps but i wasnt due for another 3-4 weeks so i assumed they were Braxton hicks (false labor contractions). I woke up and went to work...i made the slowest walk to the bus stop . Luckly i didnt have to wait long to get transportation as i got a ride straight to work immediately with a co worker. Later that day i experienced cramping / lighter contractions all day. By the end of that day i left work n headed back to the bus stop. I couldn't stand up straight....i was in such discomfort. Luckily again not 10 mins of waiting i saw the same co worker n got a ride straight home. Thank Jesus.

I didnt eat. I planned on cooking that day but was in too much pain to further consider it nor did i have much appetite. The next day was my day off from work thank God (otherwise i would have probably gone in to work again lol). That day i had more intense abdominal cramping on n off which i now know were "contractions". They got worse later that night. I couldn't sleep n was up from midnight in discomfort. Moaning n tossing n turning n cramping by now i wisesd up n started timing these " crampings" as i began to suspect they might be contractions. By 5:40 am my mom came n we left for the hospital. We arrived after 6am n I had my baby by 8:30am that morning.

My boy is now 2 months n 3 weeks old. Hes the joy and love of my life. I am so happy to be a mom for the first time...

...although currently single God has been my comfort n our provider and strenght. I was single my entire pregnancy as well my ex and i had separated apparently right after i conceived and we had no clue. I had an easy pregnancy (half of it passed without me even knowing i was pregnant ), i had a quick n easy delivery with 0 complications. I did an all natural delivery (not induced, pushed from the vagina, no epidural).I experienced 0 tearing or cutting of the vagina, only slight bruising according to the nurse. I felt 100% recovered n strenght immediately after delivery. I did bleed heavily for 2 days, then moderately the 3rd day n lightly like spotting up until my 6 weeks checkup. I did NOT experience post partum and ive just been so happy.

Whenever i feel cluless n lost or scared or frustration i just lift my head to Jesus and talk to him, "God im so lost i dont know how to keep this baby alive, i dont know what to do nx, i feel lonely, i feel overwhelmed etc...please help me" . Instantly i always feel comforted n i just seem to get past whatever problem im facing.


as i didn't think i could have kids after trying for so long....but i prayed the prayer of faith n finally 5 months after that prayer i discovered i was 5 months pregnant. Halleluia!!!!

Jesus still answers prayers


38 weeks and I’ve hated every second of pregnancy (but I’m super excited for my baby and I LOVE her already), I’m just so so SO ready to be done with it so I can start healing.


I’m at 36 weeks now and literally feel like im going to labor with the slightest cramps.😂 I’m just so excited. Goodluck to all the future mommies out there and i hope you have a safe delivery.💕


I watched a lot of your videos during my pregnancy and I truely believe your advice saved me and my baby's life. I had HG throughout my entire pregnancy. It was so bad I had to be hospitalized almost every 3 weeks and given fluids (and sometimes liquid potassium) because of the nonstop puking. I ended up weighing less after birth than I did before the pregnancy. I went in to labor 8 weeks early and had my little girl at home in our bathroom with no medical assistance. My husband was there but he didn't even have enough time to help before she came out. I was having a pretty normal day, nausea as soon as I woke up but it had subsided and I was feeling pretty good for most of the day. Until about 6pm when I started feeling lower back cramps accompanied by a very strong feeling like I had to poo that would come and go but every time I tried nothing would happen (now I know it was back labor). And my nausea came back FULL force. I couldn't keep even water down and I eventually was so worn out I just tried to sleep it off. That didn't help either, I was waking up every 15 minutes puking bile because I didn't have anything left in my stomach. Eventually I decided to try hopping in to the shower because that had always been the only thing that seemed to help throughout my entire pregnancy for the HG. And then I remember feeling like I REALLY needed to poo so I hopped out and went across to the toilet, still butt naked, puke bowl in my lap. This was about 2am now and I didn't have any lights on. All of a sudden I felt something splash on the floor at my feet and, delirious from all the puking, I thought I'd spilt my bowl but then I felt myself push to poo really hard and something shifted. But nothing came out. And I reached inside and when I saw blood on my fingers I had a moment of realization. I reached in one more time and I could feel her head halfway out already. I immediately screamed for my husband. I remember thinking "oh god, it's too early" and then "oh god she probably can't breathe!" And as soon as he flung the door open it took one push, and I pulled her right out. As my husband called 911 I realized she was moving but her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and she wasn't crying and she was getting darker and darker. My instincts kicked in and I unwrapped it and immediately put her up against me and started vigorously rubbing her back. And when she started coughing and screaming I cried with relief. We were both covered in blood but we were okay. My husband tied off the umbilical cord and not 5 minutes later came the placenta out in to the toilet just before the ambulance arrived. I think you're encouraging words helped me because I knew my body could do it and my instincts worked. Even though I was terrified my body and motherly instincts knew exactly what to do, just like you say in all of your videos. Your words kept me from panicking and if that had happened I just don't know if she would have made it. She was 4lbs 8oz at birth. Now she's 2 months old and just over 9lbs. She's absolutely healthy and beautiful. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just can't say it enough but you are amazing and what you do really makes a difference.


Bridget: “reduced appetite is often a sign of labour impeding”
Me to my husband: “yeeaaaa I don’t think today is the day” 😂


At 38 weeks, I rolled out of bed at 3:30am with intense pain. I automatically paced out the pain. My son came six hours later. I labored at home for about 3.5 hours.


Kept telling my husband “today is THE day, get prepared” for two weeks and nothing happened😅


38 weeks pregnant and I am so sick of everyone around asking when baby is coming and to walk walk walk...I just want to enjoy my last moments as mama of one. However cant help get influence at times and obsess about labour.


I'm on my 39 weeks and gradually feeling the nauseous, loose stools or diarrhea and minor cramps on my back. I'm just waiting for the mucus plug to loose and the leaking of amniotic fluid, and progressing contractions. I really want to see my baby, I'm so excited. 🥰


42 weeks pregnant BUT I'm finally in labor! I have been for the past two maybe 3 days but today has picked up intensity and I now know this is it for real. Its my first ever natural labor, I was induced with all my other babies, I have 6, but here real soon to be 7 babies. Its been way more mellow this way, it's a homebirth so I've been at home and enjoying it all.


40 weeks and 6 days today, waiting for my little man. I’ve been watching your videos during the end of my pregnancy to help aide during my natural birth experience. 💗


When I walked in to labour room telling the nurse that I have been having contractions since past 19 hrs, they refused to believe me initially.
They were expecting me to be wrong because I am first time mom and was too comfortable to be having contractions.One senior nurse even said I am primid so highly likely wrong.
I had nausea and one episode of diarrhea in the beginning.
CTG revealed that my contractions were every 5 mins and os was 3 cm.The nurses were wrong 😂.I delivered within 2 hrs of admission.


I’d literally sneeze and think it’s labour signs!😂 I’ve had enough already 39weeks 5 days


I’m 34 weeks pregnant and I’m starting to feel so crappy and nauseous and I have period pains in my back. I also had one time diarrhea and that was random and bizarre but now I’m seeing that these are early labor symptoms and that makes me feel better that my body is just doing what it is supposed to. Glad I watched this video. Ready for baby boy to come end of June!


35 weeks pregnant, loved being pregnant but I’m ready for this baby to be out! Both ready and nervous for labor 🙃


Bridget you might not be my personal doula, but every single video you do is such a blessing and it makes me and many others feel so at ease. Thankyou!!!!


41 weeks pregnant with my first baby today and am starting to feel some contractions coming on after all the above symptoms. Will try to take a nap and a bath and relax and hopefully my baby will make his way before induction tomorrow. So excited to just have him in my arms already. Thank you 💙


37 weeks pregnant with a beautiful, active little boy! I've thought for weeks that he's coming soon and it was giving me anxiety. Now I'm just trying to keep my mind off of it and trust that he'll come when he's ready. Until then, all these signs are getting ME ready for birth 💪


40 weeks tomorrow, just trying to wait patiently for my body and baby to do their thing. I just had to say - I LOVE that jacket!
