Early Signs of Labor Approaching

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When Does Labor Start?
Typically, #labor occurs between the 37th and 42nd weeks.
Products that help pregnant women in the last trimester
In this video, you will learn the common #signs of labor at 37 weeks,
- And the Signs that labor is 24 to 48 hours away.
Signs of Labor at 37 Weeks
1. Pro Baby Kicker!
You have probably felt some #babykicks before, but nowadays the kicks are probably harsher more frequent than ever.

2. Braxton Hicks
Also called false #laborpain, these are considered one of the non-painful #earlysigns of #laborapproaching.
You can get rid of them by lying down or drinking some water.

3. Back-ache
The backaches will get harsher and more frequent. This is because the baby is moving and your body is trying to adjust.

4. Cervical Dilatation
When your uterus contracts, your cervix dilates a little. It also softens and thins out more and more with time.

5. Vaginal Discharge
You may see some pink, brown, red spots in your underwear. This is due to the tiny blood vessels rupturing with all the pressure.

6. Losing Your Mucus Plug
The #mucusplug was there to close your cervix and protect your dear baby from #infections is likely to fall.

7. Bump Drop
Your baby has descended in to the birth canal.
This decreases the pressure on your diaphragm, so you may notice you can #breathe more easily.

8. Changes in Energy
This is called the #NestingEffect. You feel like you need to prepare a “nest” for your precious guest. You feel a burst of energy that you need to arrange everything.

9. Sleep Changes
You will notice a change in your #sleep patterns.

10. Vaginal Pain
You may experience some sudden shoots of pain.

11. Getting Fitter
A good #sign of #laborapproaching, is that you will stop gaining weight, or in some cases, lose weight.

Signs that Labor is 24-48 Hours Away:

1. The Bloody Show
This is not a British exaggeration, but you may see some pink watery #vaginal discharge.

2. The Baby May Relax
The baby may relax as you get closer to labor.

3. Your Water Breaks
it is not as dramatic as movies portray it. Some #mothers may miss it especially if it is their #first-time.

4. Regular Uterine Contractions
This is when contractions hit every 4 minutes, each lasting for a whole minute and this state continues for a whole hour.

5. Wide Cervix
If your cervix reaches 10 cm wide, you are already in stage 1 of labor.


#Earlysignsoflaborapproaching #Nausea #Pain #Contractions #Earlysignsoflabor #LabourContractions #FirstTimeMom #WhenDoesLaborStart #SignsofLaborat37Weeks #SignsofLabourApproaching #FirstTrimester #VaginalPain #VaginalDischarge

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Yes my baby is on her way!!!! I’m 37 weeks tomorrow and have most these symptoms ❤🎉


Am 37 week pregnant to day is last day of this week. Eagerly waiting for my baby.


Very well detailed, expecting my baby soon


My baby has been kicking harder than ever. And it hurts at times


I have a high pain tolerance Im 38 weeks and don’t know what to look for I have had pain but nothing terrible


That explains a lot what I been trying to figure out to with the vaginal pain uterus contractions this is what I been experiencing


Thanks this helped me alot because when i saw the blood i was thinking am in cretical condition or something went wrong


It would be great when you tell us, what did you give birth to a boy or a girl?


I'm 35 weeks 6 days and I think my baby dropped


trymypriceonline channel team

He wishes all pregnant women an easy birth
