6 Reasons why Labor is not starting – What prevents labor from starting - Why don't I go into labor

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“Why do I not go into labor?” It’s a question that is often being asked, particularly by women who fear to be induced. So, in this video, Nathalie Kaufmann, Pregnancy & Birth Consultant and TCM Therapist, and Mathias Ritter, Researcher and Science Geek, explain the 6 most common reasons why labor is not starting.
First, they explain why the reason you are 40 weeks pregnant, but have no signs of labor, can be related to your due date. Next, they discuss why your baby can be the reason why you don’t go int labor. Then they explain various reasons why your cervix can be the cause that prevents labor from starting.
Moreover, they discuss the reasons that can inhibit the release of labor hormones in the first place. And they also explain why your contractions can be the cause why labor is not starting (if your contractions have started already).
At the end of the video, they also explain their action plan which they follow help women avoid that they don’t go into labor.


We invite you to watch our free MINI BIRTHING COURSE, in which we teach you how (not) to breathe during labor. In fact, we show you with the help of a measurement device, how “good” and “bad” breathing techniques affect your body and labor.



OTHER VIDEOS we mention in this video:

Frolova AI, Wang JJ, Conner SN, Tuuli MG, Macones GA, Woolfolk CL, Cahill AG. Spontaneous Labor Onset and Outcomes in Obese Women at Term. Am J Perinatol. 2018 Jan;35(1):59-64. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1605574. Epub 2017 Aug 11. PMID: 28800658; PMCID: PMC5912914.

Simkin, Penny; Hanson Lisa and Ancheta, Ruth (2017): The Labor Progress Handbook: Early Interventions to Prevent and Treat Dystocia. Fourth Edition. John Wiley and Sons.


All information and content in this video, including the video description and any information that we post in our comments as a response to any questions we may receive, is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute psychological, medical or health-related advice of any kind. We do not warrant that the information in our video, in the video description or in our responses, is free of any errors or omissions. We neither provide any medical services nor any services related to health care and / or nutrition to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any kind of medical condition or physical ailment! Where we use examples of how certain tips and tools from our video have helped other people, we do not imply that these tips and tools will work for you in the same way.
We do our best to provide accurate general information. However, the information in this video, including the information in the video description, as well as the information that we may provide in our comments as response to any questions that we may receive from our viewers, is not intended to and does not substitute any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. We are no medical doctors. Always consult a medical or health professional for your particular needs and for your particular case before making any medical or health-related decisions and before you apply anything that we mention in this video, in the video description or in our comments. All exercises and dietary changes are potentially dangerous, and those who do not seek personal counsel from an appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any injury which may occur.
If you or your child suffer from health-related problems or if you have any questions related to your own health and / or the health of your baby, please seek the advice of a qualified health care provider immediately!



Care About Little Ones
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#NoContractions #LaborNotStarting #CareAboutLittleOnes
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You are so special
These people are answering all the questions in the comments
Appreciate your efforts covering all type of questions
You are awesome 👏 ❤


Im so greatful I found your channel. Been watching since 1st trimester. Im now 40 weeks +3 days and im panicking. Thank you for your help


I could listen to y’all talk all day. Music to my ears


Baby is finally here, had her through Caesarean section on the 8/07/23 cus she was diagnosed with fetal macrosomia weighing 4.5kg at birth at 40weeks 4days, recovery has been quite rough but having my healthy beautiful bundle of joy makes it all bearable❤️


This is amazing guys such a reassuring video im 41 weeks tomorrow and this has really relaxed me your like a ray of sunshine


37 weeks, 3 days gone❤️tough but we will finish harder🥳can’t wait to meet my very active baby🤣she doesn’t let me sleep at night cus she is always on the move😂


This video was very informative and reassuring! My second baby was due 5 days ago and I caught a flu day after due date which is very chesty now so I'm on antibiotics. Its winter where I live, flu and colds going around. Having a scan day after tomorrow to check on his health. I actually did have an early dating scan, but your video gives a lot of food for thought, i might have a scar on my cervix because with my first baby she was induced after two days of non progressing contractions where I stayed at 1cm, wasnt sleeping and back was in severe pain too and after the induction she went into a fetal heart distress and I haemorraged but they got her out quickly and she was ok, and then they found my big bleed to be coming from a cervical tear. The upcoming scan will give more peace of mind and in a way i am glad for the delay because I wouldnt have wanted to be in labour on the initial time i got sick and had fever nor risk him catching it.


Great video❤❤❤. I'm 41 weeks and 1 day and still not going into labor. I'm not stressed cause I know my body has its time. Hopefully this week😅


Sooo true love this video. Lots of amazing information. Its so true when a doctor says oh if your not getitng the ball rolling by next appointment we will induce you it puts sooo muchh pressure on me


I’ll be 42 weeks tomorrow. I refuse an induction until 43 weeks which I likely won’t need. I have been researching like a crazy woman since 39 weeks and there is so much good information available to those who can move past all of the fear. Unless something is seriously wrong then it is always best to wait. Birth happens!


Thank you so much dear ones it's my first baby and have no complications for my baby he is healthy and that's of our everlasting God's Jesus Christ grace.
God has shown a way by you people with blessed information overall. God bless you.


I was 42 weeks with no labor happening. I was huge! Gained 100lbs. Had to be induced and ended up with emergency CS due to CPD. Baby was 9lbs 6 oz


U guys really rocked with useful information, im now 39 weeks still not get labour pains mean im tension but when i watch ur video im happy now.everythng under heaven is time, i hope in jesus christ hope for the normal delivery


I'm 41 weeks pregnant and super tired at this point everything is hard and I can't do much since my body hurts. Thank you so much for this video I understand better.


This video was such a relief to me. I'm currently 38 weeks and 1 day into pregnancy, but I've been having daily Braxton Hicks contractions every 2-6 hours along with pelvic pressure since 36 weeks and have had a lot of mucus discharge but no blood. When my OB checked me at 36.5 weeks, I was 1cm dilated and baby's head was already very low in my pelvis. At 37.5 weeks, I was 2cm dilated.

Since that 36th week though, I've been feeling like I'm going to go into labor early at any minute, and it just left me with the increasing pressure that there is something wrong with my body. It's so reassuring to remember that I'm really only entering the period when labor is statistically likely NOW. Also looking back at my 11 week ultrasound, it looks like September 14th is a more realistic due date than the 17th. My baby will come when she is ready. 🙏

I'm also wondering though, which medications could potentially slow labor? Besides my prenatal vitamin, I'm also taking omeprazole daily for heartburn, extra magnesium oxide and calcium for leg cramps, and extra vitamin D3 because I have multiple sclerosis.


i’ll be 40 weeks in two days, really trying to avoid a medical induction 😅


i am 40 weeks and 2 days. and still nothing is happening. i am waiting for labour pain. please pray for me


This video has been really helpful as a first time mom. I currently 40 weeks give or take, my due date was yesterday and ive been having alot of pain and contractions but still no baby. I was a little worried cause the next day i wasnt having that much pain at all. But your video really helped. I will be sure to watch the others tysm


40th week, and I've had a bad head cold fir 2 weeks. I started antibiotics Monday and I can finally breathe through my nose. Still stuffy, but that cold was very stressful. My OB said she was worried the respiratory issue could cause a stillborn! I went to Labor &Delivery the next day because of my anxiety. I spent this next week focusing on relaxing and overcoming anxiety through The Lord, and I'm feeling much better. Baby boy is on his way, thank yall so very much for the great content!!
