10 HIGH LEVEL Tips & Tricks for Minecraft Bedwars! (2024 Guide)

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►Follow my Second Channel: @banjeerlalso

Thanks for clicking on this video! This is the official part 2 to my "15 HIGH LEVEL Tips & Tricks for Hypixel Bedwars! (2023 Guide)" video! This video is a detailed guide on advanced strategies I use in Hypixel Bedwars and how to do them! I picked the 10 tips based off of how often I use them, how useful they are in game, and how creative or lesser-known they are. I included a lot of personal tips that aren't mainstream that you hopefully hadn't seen before :) This is the culmination of months of work, including deciding on the tips, mastering said tips in order to be qualified to teach them, finding the perfect clips to use in the video, writing a 3500 word script and recording voiceovers, not to mention all the editing. I want to say thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for the success of the last tips video, everyone who liked, commented, and shared the video was a crucial part of it's success. I really hope this part 2 lives up to your expectations :)
Once again I sunk everything I had into this video (it was even harder doing it during the school year) so please please help me out if you liked it. Leave a like or comment for the algorithm, share it to a friend who wants to get better, anything that helps youtube push the video to more people. I really hope you enjoyed, and as always, thanks for watching!
Celebrity appearances from Cooldude951, NosDaemon, ChiefXD, ImVaes, and TrainerDario

►Thumbnail: Skeptal (on discord)
►Songs: Full List at Bottom of Description :)
🖱️ Mice: Bloody aBedless (A70), Glorious Model O
⌨️ Keyboard: Rosewill Neon K81
Recording software: OBS
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Graphics card: GeForce RTX 3090
Client: Badlion
#bedwars #minecraft #hypixel

*Songs Used:*

Tip 1:

Tip 2:
Instrumental By Me

Tip 3:
Instrumental By Me

Tip 4:
Instrumental By Me

Tip 5:

Tip 6:

Tip 7:

Tip 8:

Tip 9:
Instrumental By Me

Tip 10:

Shady Moon - Basic: Unreleased

00:00 Intro
00:25 1: Jump Spacing
01:50 2: Flying S Tap
02:41 3: Crit Overriding
04:19 4: Damage Ticking
05:31 5: Prejumping
07:17 6: Fireball 2 Pillar
09:55 7: Editing
12:01 8: GOD Method
13:58 9: Late Selecting
15:26 10: Spawn Prot
17:09 Outro
Рекомендации по теме

If this helped you please SUBSCRIBE, I'm really trying to get to YOUTUBE RANK and I need all the help I can get! More guides coming soon :)


That closing clip was insane. What a double fireball jump




Been playing bw for about 5 years and never realized crit overriding was a thing. Learned something new. Good video


I’ve actually been using jump spacing without even knowing 💀


People who are gonna use these tips after watching the video


Amazing explanation. Love how you show multiple clips, proving it's not a one time random working technique, as well as slow down clips that allow to easily to keep track.


In fact jump spacing, although most people dont do it every hit, is one of the best ways to maintain a combo on hypixel, which has kb which is harder than static kb to hold a combo. I often use this to get 10+ combos on hyp with 200 ms, timing it when my opponent flys a little further than ideal. I see a lot of ranked players using this as well


Explanation of damage overriding (warning: its hella long):

whatever the highest damage source, a player receives during their invincibility time is the damage they take.
For example if you punch a zombie, then before the red invincibility time runs out, you hit the zombie with a sword, then the sword will override the punch and do a ton more damage

This fact is super useful for a couple reasons
1) like shown in the video if your opponent took fall damage and their invincibility frames are about to run out, you can override the fall damage and get one crit right in the last second before their invincibility frame runs out, then because their invincibility frames run out, you can immediately get a second crit while falling.
2) You can attack someone using a kb stick dealing a ton of kb, then after you attack them, while they are still invincible, switch over to your sword and override the normal kb stick / punch damage. This way you do both the knockback of a kb stick and the damage of a sword.

Those are the most useful cases but there are just a few more miscellaneous ones:
1. Spamming jump with a head hitter above you to always either get crits or override normal hits with crits
2. If you opponent blocked their sword for your original hit to reduce the damage you did, you can override that hit with a normal hit once they stop blocking their sword
3. Hit someone with your fist while invis, then move out of the way of where your opponent thinks you will be and hit them with your sword during their invincibility frames. Your sword hit won't do kb but itll override the damage of the fist hit and they'll lose health seemingly out of nowhere.


These tips helped me so much! ill be sure to use the double pillar fireball


It’s so difficult to understand 😭but I feel like I’m at oral comprehension level in English class 😂
I had to watch the video 3 times before finally understanding everything but it's definitely worth it, this guide is incredible like the first one 😍


i watched the 2023 video and this as well and all of your tips are super duper helpfull.
Like no other tips and tricks youtuber shares this. So its good to see banjee share them.


man this guy is the definition of never giving up on your dreams. How you kept uploading for months consistently with like 100 views i dont know and you said all it would take is 1 vid and it happened. Each time i look at your channel youve gained a couple hundred subs. crazy


Nice I've been waiting

2 Tipsy :)


Amazing video as always! First I had mixed feelings about these tips being on youtube, since I am a bit concerned about everyone using them xD (because i may or may not have been -ab-using one or two). On the other hand, many of the tips mentioned in the video were ones ive never thought of, they were so creative and fun to watch! tysm for the vid!


Me who forget every tip while fighting 💀


LOVE THIS BRO brings me back 2 my first vid of urs which was the 10 tips one I think from like 9months back


I’ve been playing bedwars for quite a while now, and I’ve never heard of these mechanics before, and they’re all explained in a way that makes perfect sense. Thanks for the video!


dude remember when it took the og tips and tricks vid like 3 months to get this many views? good ol times
still got it tho I'm 2 tipsy



