What BAD ADC's MUST LEARN! - League of Legends

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Learned something in the first 3 minutes. Support main learning ADC and definitely appreciate this video


Feels bad to be Jhin missing gale force and flash autos a minion


Watched this video. Got motivated to play some adc.
Go 0/6/1 in lane
3/9/6 in game
Close the game


In the Cait example I probably would have gone with A, but my stipulation would have been if, and only if, my team wasn't also there. If they all went to the bot turret (and not dragon like they should be) then I would have backed and opted to answer top or mid. Probably mid to break the wave then shift up top since top turret seems like it would have already been lost by the time I got there.


Seriously, though - encouraging low elo players to base after winning a fight is really bad at the same time. You have to rememeber that anyone below Diamond does not understand fully that the ONLY reason to fight is to get an objective after. The only reason to pick is to have an advantage at an objective. Fighting for fun is not a thing. A lot of low elo players will see this and base after winning a crucial fight instead of taking baron or dragon or turret (when they could have done both with 20+ sec timers). The mistake is when they don't base in time for something crucial.


I just started playing league, and my very first pvp match I got flamed for playing cautiously and not knowing exactly what I was doing.

I’m not necessarily mechanically bad, just my game awareness needs working on.

Wish the community wasn’t so toxic, I want to get better /:


7:20 the options are not actually optimal, you want to end quick before they naturally turn the game around, but being agressive doesnt equal rush things, you just have to make sure the enemy team doesnt do what they need to do to win


Out of curiosity, why wouldn't option A actually be: ADC solos bot, jg solos drake and Vegiar/Lux base for top together? It seems the option itself could be correct if the circumstances were a little more realistic than shoving the whole team bot no? We know where two are and given that rift was just taken its safe to assume Tal is topside so we are free to gain some extra gold AND shove the wave to tower to create an eventual slow push back to us botside for even more benefit later while Veigar/Lux hold the towers and Rek finishes up drake. Though I only bring this up because I'm curious as to if this would be the correct play had it been given as an option.


My support LITERALLY went into a 1v2 when I was a mile away, and then got angry I didn't go fight them when he died.


This video os basically why I play Kaisa in soloq. Early on you can get shit on, counterpicked or whatnot, but her comeback and late game potential are so good. It's so easy for the enemy to get overconfident and give you shut down. Even if you are behind, if you hit full combo and have Q evolve you can kill anyone if you have enough time.

After losing tower you just farm wave safely and rotate for free picks with R. You scale like a monster. Just like Vayne. What does a Caitlyn do late game once she gets outscaled and you dive her like an assassin?


Can you make a video when to prioritize between RFC, RH, PD?


The last one, the scaling part dosnt even matter. Most players in gold and plat, even diamond dont even know or care about scaling and just wanna fight all the time for no reason when they have lead. The worst is players who wants to FF only and starts tilting when playing scaling champs when they get just slightly behind. But yes just play slowly for objectives and stop random force fighting helped me win alot more and got me to diamond


I think for the Draven clip you should have mentioned that wasting flash on Veigar wasn't completely wrong, he actually threw the game by still playing aggresively even though he already wasted flash


Is defending top as Cait in the first clip even a good play? They would just dive her and continue pushing.


Speaking of the Caitlyn game, would Cait really benefit from trying to defend the enemy push given that they have an Irelia on the team pushing out mid as Irelia is a champion that can easily dive Cait and Cait has bad wave clear? Pushing out bot lane as a counter push seemed reasonable there, as it could force the enemy to try reset.


I mean.. my problem comes from not having 6 eyes and not having a 300 apm. in teamfights in low elo it all comes down to being fast and being perfectly at max range cause you have to kite backwards but other lanes don't have to worry about that. after all that toplaner is just clicking you once and see where it gets him and the mage is pressing q and take a breather 50 yards away from the fight


Even supports bait you to stay in lane very often. Sometimes it's okay to recall after farming two or three waves if you didn't get to spend all your gold last time you were in base. As long as you don't lose minion xp and gold it doesn't really matter when you recall, even if your support pings you with question marks.


this is gold plat? how am I below this :C


The only thing that happens when backing of from silly fight were they have a big gold advantage or sth else is that your team still commits to the fight doesent listen to the pings and predictions you give them (we are way weaker dont fight you will all die) they just do it anyway and end up feeding. And you get trash talked for not helping.


I went to base after crashing my wave to keep tempo and buy and got blamed bythe jungler died at the dragon pit.
Went top to catch the wave and take the tower (because nobody else was doing it). Pinged that I was going there and the team died and got blamed for not being there.
