Latest Science On Vitamin C Is Damning!

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Vitamin C supplements and skin serums are an utter waste of your hard-earned money, and there are far better options to improve your health which we’ll go through later in the video

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Vitamin C helped me get off opiates. Mega dosing Vit C reduced withdrawal pain by more than half. I don't think I could have done it without Vit C. Perhaps I was deficient, but there is no denying that it was a major factor in my recovery.


I started taking large doses of vit C many years ago..I am 71..NO vaccines live in a city environment and have not had a cold in15 years..Yes I am a health nut but was not when I started with the C..and C serum and tretinoin..have my skin almost no lines and little sag..I did go to school for holistic health and I love your channel it makes me think..But I will never give up my C..


Linus Pauling died at the age of 93 of prostate cancer. He attributes his long life to the consumption of
Large Doses of vitamin Vit. C Not the amount of Vit. C that is mentioned in this blog. I am
77 years old and I've been taking at least 3 gms of Vitamin C daily. 1 gm of ester C at lunch and at supper
and 1 gm of liposomal Vit.C before going to bed. Linus Pauling has been a Nobel Laureate for chemistry
and was almost close to being successful in discovering the DNA structure. So I am sticking to his advice.
I think for most of us, trying to reach the age of 90 is not smooth sailing, a fatal illness
or a fatal accident is a possibility for everyone. From what I've read so far those those who lived past 100
never thought or even planed to live past 100. Genes and luck are probably as important as exercise,
good diet and a healthy lifestyle.


With all my respect… I started doing the exact opposite to what dr. Brad is saying. Because all what he is doing is reading through literature that are biased most of the time and are funded by big pharma. I’m sure he cannot talk about VAX adverse reactions that are already known and documented. I’m sure he cannot talk about CDS “chlorine dioxide solution” regardless of the research done on the effectiveness of CDS on many diseases and longevity. I’ll continue talking high does of vit. C because it helped me a lot.


I’m a Veterinarian so I understand a few things. My 3 year old daughter would get sick every 2 or 3 months, sore throat, cough then bronchitis and fever. Her doctor would give antibiotics and other medicines and a week latter she would be ok until the next episode, and the next etc etc. I tried homeopathic treatment, did not work, then herbal treatments, did not work. Last resort was 125 mg a day of vitamin C divided in 2 doses. SHE NEVER GOT SICK AGAIN. When she was 5 years old I doubled the dose, and at 10 years of age she was taking 1 gram. She’s now 20, still takes a gram a day and never got sick again.

I have recommended this protocol to many parents that had the same or similar problems with their kids with the same results.

We all use vitamin C in my home. The secret is to take it every day. Never miss a dose.


In all of these studies very little amount of vitamin C was used. I do not care what they have found out. When I have a fever, I take about 10-15 grams of vitamin C and thereafter I keep taking more vitamin C until I reach my bowl tolerance. Whithin few hours I feel far better. My bowl tolerance of vitamin C is considerably lower when I am not sick. If I do not take vitamin C when I have a fever, it lasts much longer. I take about 3 grams of vitamin C before I sleep, it makes me sleep much less and when I wake up, I am very energetic and well rested. I have tried many times not taking vitamin C before bed and everytime I have done so, I have slept at least 2 hours longer and do not feel as rested and energetic when I wake up. The amounts of vitamin C used in these studies is very insignificant and the results are not statistically significant. I encourage people to experiment with hight doses of vitamin C and see for themselves how effective HIGH DOSES of vitamin C really is. It is a water soluble vitamin, therefore, you will not harm yourself when take hight does.


So: NR not good, intermittent fasting not good, resveratrol not good, tocotrienols not good, vitamin C not good. Now I wonder if water can hurt me.


I have taken V. C more than 6g every day last 7years. The following symtoms gone gratefully.
1. Gum ulcers and bleeding
2. Tiredness
3. Cold and flu
4. Frackles on the face
I am often told that I have a healthy complexion.

So why not?


Funny thing, started taking Vitamin C back in 1985 or so, figuring that if it worked against colds for Linus Pauling (‘member him), maybe it’d work for me. It did. I’ve never had a side effect from it, nor a COLD, since. Used to have two or three nasty ones every winter; so think I’ll keep “waistline my money, ” whatever your “science”, Doc.


I started taking high levels (2000mg x4 per day= 8000mg total) to prevent C19. This was listening to docs in China and India before C19 lockdowns started in the UK (March 2020). At the same time, I had major issues with my knees. My right knee was the worst. I couldn't run, instead of a straight line I would curve to the right, my knee would buckle, and I would collapse on the floor in pain. If I knock the inside of my leg a shooting pain would go up my leg and the pain would last awhile. $-6 weeks of taking vitamin C my knees got better. After 8-10 months my knees went back to normal. If I stop taking vitamin C for awhile the pain starts to come back. I also noticed an improvement with backpain. I am now a firm believer in vitamin C. Currently, take 4000mg x 2-4 per day. Every 4-6 hours. Noticed a slight improvement with the cold, but not a lot. Vitamin D seemed to have a major impact on that though.


Routine vitamin c supplementation is absolutely necessary. He lies saying all you need is 100 milligrams


Linus Pauling recommended much more vitamin c than what was used in the study and he tested his urine and consistently found that the majority of the many grams of the vitamin c he actually took regularly was used and not simply peed out. Linus Pauling was vastly more intelligent than the people trying to debunk him.


Pauline's tests were done with 5000mgs, yet you are saying 500mgs was tested and proven not to


Ascorbic acid reversed gastric metalpasias in 4 Chinese studies. I took it for 2 months and it eliminated all my metaplasias. Gastric cancer runs on one side of my family, I will keep taking it. The metaplasias never came back on further EGD testing over 12 years so far. That is cheap prevention of an awful disease.


I did some experiments with vitamin C at 2 to 3 g a day for a week, And I had some amazing results.


Vitamin C is also a much needed electron donor. I think that is one of it's most beneficial attributes


No it isn't. Taking a gram of vitamin C per day, I have not had a cold nor flu since 2004. At 73, I am not plagued by age-related maladies. Vitamin C is a structural component of collagen, so the optimal daily dose is much greater than the recommended 90 mg.


Sorry, doctor, it's impossible to believe that I've just imagined the effect of vitamin C for so many years. I live in Northern New England in the US, pretty bad winters, colds and flu everywhere you look. I megadose vitamin C at the first sign of sickness and literally 99% of the time it kills the budding illness. For many years I've done this. Before I started megadosing C, I was about average in getting sick, now I go for a year or two between colds.


The last study that you reference does state that topical vitamin C is effective IF it's formulated well!


Would love to see you respond specifically to Rhonda Patrick's Vitamin C review. I think there were some important takeaways that were not addressed in this video. Athletic performance and mitochondrial health being one of them.
