10 Things You Didn't Know About Revenge of the Sith

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Truly brilliant 'Duel of Fates' arrangement at the start of the video by Kingdom Power Music
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Congratulations!! You are literally the ONLY YouTuber who actually understood Episode III and that Hayden Christensen did precisely what Lucas told him he needed to do. Why literally nobody else on YT understood this movie I don't know. Thanks!!!


This will ALWAYS be the best of all 3 prequels. The birth of Darth Vader was compelling. The music by John Williams is brilliant.


We need a Revenge of the Sith Director's Cut! I'd definitely watch a 4 hour movie. I did it for Lord of the Rings.


I like the scene where anakin has just killed mace and he's terribly conflicted about everything, but his actions have put into motion something that can't be stopped.


I wish you could have seen Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back in theaters when they came out. The immense wait to see The Empire Strikes Back after Star Wars was unbelievable. It took over all our lives!!! The look and feel of these movies was so magical its been a part of my life for over 45 years. The prequels were hopefull. But got too silly and too much for its own good. The look of the original trilogy will always reign supreme.


I remember taking a vacation from work when this came out and seeing it 5 times that week. I really enjoyed it and still do. It's funny to think that back then I thought this was going to be the last Star Wars (or at least the end of the Skywalker story) on the big screen.


Please don't leave any nasty comments when I tell you this is my favorite of all the Star Wars films. Ever since I found out Anakin turned into Darth Vader I was intrigued on what was the cause. I wasn't disappointed. The battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan was the most intense lightsaber battle of all the other ones. And of course the emotion of this movie will break your heart. Thanks Minty for another great video.


This was my favorite of the prequels. The lightsaber fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin, the wookies' involvement, and all of Palpatine was fantastic.


The 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars series really did help the story out a ton. Whatever flaw the prequels had, there was an explanation for in that show. We got to see the background characters a lot more often and got to know them better. All of the clones have personalities and are their own individuals and we got to see the actual weight of what the war had on people. Even the return of Darth Maul made a lot more sense than randomly bringing back Palpitatine in episode 9. I can remember this show coming out on Cartoon Network, at a time in the late 2000s when the Pokemon anime series was beginning to phase out of popularity and this show alongside Ben 10 being the most popularly watched shows on the channel.

George Lucas may say that the Clone Wars is a footnote in his saga but that show really illustrates how and why the galaxy ended up the way it did in episode 4. The prequel era is the first time in Star Wars history where a whole film trilogy needed expanded content to better explain it's own story. Something that I don't forgive the Disney era for.

(The 2003 Clone Wars 2D Micro series is great and all but I felt that it was too fast paced at times and a lot of the concepts in there felt like rough draft stories that needed revisions. Hence, that show being part of the Legends EU continuity and the new 2008 version being the official canon version of what down between episodes 2 and 3.)


I remember seeing this in theaters when it came out and after being disappointed by the first two prequels I was skeptical if this film would make up for the first two and it sure did. It was full of action, a great story and characters who all made their mark on the Star Wars Saga.


When Palpatine told the story of of Darth Plagueis creating life. I immediately thought that, Plagueis was the one who created Anakin. But Plagueis was not able to seek him out because Sidious killed him. Probably because he feared he’d be replaced and decided Anakin would eventually reveal himself by his use of the force. Hence the statement of Palpatine at the end of Phantom Menace that he would be watching Anakin abilities closely.


This was the final Star Wars movie made. I embraced it. Too many listened to others. The prequel trilogy was incredible.


Fun Fact: The lightsaber duel between Obi Wan and Anakin was shot at normal speed. They really were going that fast.


I really like this film, one of my favourites. Best of the prequels . I never had a problem with Hayden Christian he played Anakin as he was supposed to be.


Potentially revenge of the sith is the best star wars movie, it has everything, and was the story everyone wanted to see.


Much better than anything Disney did with Star Wars.


I really enjoyed the Obi Wan Anakin rescue at the beginning because of how buddy cop it was. To see that melt away really turned the knife


I’ll never forget being 5 years old seeing this in theaters when it came out very gut wrenching seeing Anakin’s turn to the dark side and losing everything he once had.


Another Great Look at a Movie Minty!! Thank You for All you do...Love your Videos...Keep 'em coming!! 👍🤗 Have a Great Friday/Weekend Everyone!! Hello from Hines, Oregon!! 👋🇺🇲


I think Hayden Christensen did awesome with the script he was provided, I agree I felt every moment of his inner confliction in episode III.
