Faith Without Works Is Dead (James 2) | Theocast

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In this episode, Jon and Justin consider James 2, and in particular, the apostle's assertion that faith without works is dead. How should we understand this in the context of the entire letter of James? How has our quest for personal religious experience clouded our understanding of a passage like James 2? What are the good works we should be concerned with? And how is it that the commands of God are not burdensome? The guys discuss all this and more.

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin talk more about the clear emphasis of the New Testament that the saints love one another. The guys also touch on the confusion that exists around good works in the church today.


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As a senior saint as I look back on my Christian walk with Jesus I am amazed at His grace in me-in spite of me!


I just discovered you all's podcast recently and I'm thanking God for it. As a weary pilgrim I want to thank you for helping us find Rest In Christ


I am so blessed by this channel’s teachings. I finally feel secure in my faith and the effect is so empowering! My grandfather grew up under cult of William Branham in the 60s and has convinced many of my other family members to follow his teachings. They do not believe that other Christians outside of their “elect group” are saved. The teachings are extremely legalistic and oppressive. Fortunately I never believed in it and ended up getting saved as an adult completely independent from my family. I would ask you guys to please pray for my family that their eyes be opened to the truth of the gospel. I am so concerned for them and see how it has wrecked their lives and relationships. I want more than anything for them to experience the love in freedom that is in Christ.


Awesome 👌, I grew up, like many others about James and 1st John, that Christians must have " the fear of the lord" and we better " check ourselves". But thank God for confessional theology leads to rest in Jesus!! Thank you guys, and much love from Germany ;)


32:18 praise God for this. I was waiting for this.


Thank you brothers, for just reading the Bible and taking the meaning out using the common sense God gave, instead of like so many, trying to read there theory, from tradition, into the the texts.


I would also add that the commandments John is referring to in 1 John, he states clearly. They are NOT the Ten Commandments. It's not Moses. The commandments John states are:
1. Believe on the Son
2. Love the brethren.


Ephesians 2:8-9 New International Version (NIV)

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.


I think it's important to remember that one important thing for salvation is repentance...


Here are some Biblical quotes that are often considered in conflict with Protestant interpretations regarding the requirements for salvation:
1 Works and Faith: "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?" - James 2:14
2 Justification by Works: "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone." - James 2:24
3 Endurance and Obedience: "But the one who endures to the end will be saved." - Matthew 24:13
4 Forgiveness and Confession: "If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." - Matthew 6:14-15
5 Narrow Way: "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." - Matthew 7:13-14


@Theocast - Rest in Christ Hey I just wanted to bounce this off you guys. So the commandments that are listed by you guys in the video are the top 2 in the Law. If you go to Matt, I believe a Pharisee asks Jesus what are the 2 greatest commandments in the Law, and Christ lists them right, then says on these hang all the law and the prophets. As we know the law comes to it's end for those in Christ Jesus - Ro 10:4. Now the commandments Jesus gave were actually listed in John 15 I believe? Then again right here in 1 John 3

22And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.

23And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

Now you are 100% right in saying that Jesus keeps the 1st and 2nd 24/7/365 in us, I just figured I would see if you agreed that our commandments are actually found right there in 1 John 3:22, 23. Even that love that we have comes from the spirit in that we can recognize one another as believers of the Grace and saving faith of God.


They are however not your works that any should boast, but works *in Christ Jesus*


One is being declared righteous by God Gen15 through believing the other is not declared righteous but considered righteous by man. Man see his good works, observes and because of that considers which means to make a judgement about that person from observing his actions . Man considers that man righteous.


We (Christians) do Good WORKS (Acts/Deeds) to JUSTIFY our LOVE for the Lord (Christ Jesus) by KEEPING (verb = doing, obeying, and following) His Commandments... (ref. John 14:15)... and with the Enclosed Promise of SALVATION in the AFTERLIFE as we face the Judgment of God base on Christ's Law of Good WORKS. (ref. Rev. 20:12)... Amen.


I think according to James I could either prove myself saved or prove myself unsaved depending upon my works...


Statement saying I believe in Jesus Christ x infinite times but He is telling you to take the next step towards Holiness in the body but you keep ignoring the practice of Holiness but keep saying I believe in Jesus ... Wow.


James 2 needs NO special understanding or preconditions, its truth for every believer, for all time, stands on its own. The problem is men who don’t like the obvious implications for their lives, or their concocted theology, so they fall all over themselves trying to “re-define” it.


If I continue on in willful sin after I'm supposedly saved I'm not saved!


Jesus died for THE WORLD. ALL (WHOSOEVER) who believes on Him WILL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.


You need to update your knowledge stores. Read this paper: Wilson, Kenneth M. "Reading James 2:18–20 with Anti-Donatist Eyes: Untangling Augustine's Exegetical Legacy." Journal of Biblical Literature, vol. 139 no. 2, 2020, p. 385-407.
