An Easy Guide to MACROS (Get the Best Gains!)

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What exactly are macros, or macronutrients? And why are they important for fitness? Macros are the largest quantity nutrients we eat, consisting of the nutrients protein, fat, and carb (plus alcohol). Having a solid balance of these macros can make a huge difference your fitness goals. And that's why fitness strategies like IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) have become extremely popular. We'll cover the fundamentals of macros and learn how we can use it to improve our gains.
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Thanks for making these videos PF! Have been following your vids for a 5-6 years now. Have been super helpful in my journey of being a personal trainer


Never heard of alcohol being a macro nutrient


Thank you for providing such rich information always,
Can you do an video about how to increase your flexibility gradually (for every or mostly used body parts) safely


Alcohol? I remember in the old video game rags to riches you could live on Alcohol. Didn't realize that game was so scientific 😂


I’ve been on a ketogenic diet for a while, I eat virtually no carbs (except fiber from leafy greens) not only went from 29% body fat to 13% but also I have more muscles than I’ve ever had. I know I’m a sample size of 1, but I doubt on the idea that dietary carbs are the primary source of energy, the body only uses it first because it would be dangerous to allow it to get to high


Just make sure you are hitting your macros on alcohol... = 0 😂


Can the next video cover the topic of nuclei overload? Im curious as of if its bs. Ive always been taught that you need a rest period after every workout.


I have a "smart" scale to measure Body fat %, body water, BMI (not the most accurate) % of bone density. Now I subtract my % of body fat & % of water to get my most accurate weight of muscle and bone. Then I base my Macros on this weight. It is more accurate. Reason being, fat and water don't need nutrition. Now the water in your body does benefit from electrolytes. Fat already stores fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K). Thanks for reading.


I always considered alcohol a carbohydrate.


For protein, is it per your current body weight or the body weight you want to be at? Because, I got me about 35 lbs old fat to work off. Should I calculate based on target weight in this case?


1-2g protein per lb body weight. But is this total body weight or lean body weight? 300lb person with 30% body fat v 200lb person w 13% body fat have different compositions. Based on this logic while the 200lb person may have more muscle mass, the 300lb person could essentially be taking in 300g more protein. Legit question that I’ve always wondered


Fats also play an important role for testosterone production in men, and joint health in all individuals, although prefer to have unsaturated fats over saturated and trans fats.


Hey bud,
Could you please make a video on PSMF?


I've calculated what I typically eat in a day. I eat about 2300 calories of which are 25% protein, 38% fat and 37% carbs. Do you think my fat intake is problematic? And I'm afraid that it's even higher when I have a bad day when I skip my skyr + protein powder + fruits for another pizza or so. Google says I should get 45-65% carbs but there is no way I'll get in that range or I would literally have to stuff sugar in my face against my will. Ironically the only thing I'm eating that hits the carb range is pizza lol. Oh and the sugar in the fruit seems to be helping too.


Do you need dietary fat for bodybuilding or is it just for general health?


Thanks for the great info! Is a CrossFit video on your radar by any chance?


Even if im not into extreme fitness, the videos you make, help wonderfully with day to day health advice.

Be it diet through well, even this video, and many more.

Speaking of dieting, also keeping a good ratio of proper sugars and body fat to keep your satiety proper even when protein and carbs aren't available.

Alleviation of bodily harm due to excess overwork, through methods of de-inflammation (doing the opposite of what you would do to cause inflammation, such as taking cold showers or baths, managing the daily electrolyte requirements such as Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium)

Promoting proper sleeping habits that help with mental health.

And promoting the fact that the body and mind are deeply interconnected, so anything you do for your mind will help your body, and anything you do for your body will improve your mind


THEY SAY ALCOHOLIC I say macro enthusiast 🗿


How did you make this carton and edit this?


you mentioned alcohol, which no one does, so you get my upvote
