How to Reverse Gray Hair, According to Scientists | Mashable

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A Columbia University study found that actively de-stressing could bring the color back to gray hairs — but there's a lot we still need to figure out.

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I`m 46 and I confirm it can be reversible somehow at any age I believe. I relieved stress for last 6 months and regained 50% of my hair color


I am 48 and my hair colour has come back after separating from a toxic husband and I was shocked as the hair was actually colourless!


The thing I hate about grey hair is not necessarily the lack of pigment, but the coarser/wirey nature of them bothers me


In my forties I use to pluck out the grays....then in my fifties I bleached my brown hair to hide they my sixties I vowed to never bleach or die my hair again after a serious cancer diagnosis at 58. By my late 60s I embraced my streaked gray and at 70 I am loving my below shoulder length hair that looks great because I take better care nutritionally and with proper care products. As I have excepted my gray as a woman that has acquired wisdom along the way. Life happens, embrace it because you can't stop time, grow older gracefully and be at peace.


I bet everyone watching this video has gray hair...


My husband works as a senior manager at a Big 4 company and you best know how stressful it is to be there. He has not found a single gray hair in the last 15 years of working there and I’m a stay at home mom with a head full of gray hairs 🤣


Just a copper deficiency that's how your hair turns gray. You're Welcome..


My father had a very traumatic
experience when 19. His thick black hair went white over night. The dark hair came back after some months.


As someone who began developing some silver hair since high school but then witnessed the same strands going in and out of silver to brown over about 5 years only to have the silver hairs return in grad school, no one I knew had heard of this. My mum was so confused because at one point I had very long hair (5 years worth of growth) and on each strand you could see the pattern go from brown to silver for about 3 years' worth then in and out of both and then back to brown at the root. My hair texture also completely changed across my entire head over this time (going from curly/wavy 2c-3B hair) to pin straight and only now nearly a year from graduating is the texture and colour returning to my preteen types and colour. So it's very validating to see this research coming out and further examining something I have experienced. For me, reducing stress and how I process it seems to have helped but of course a lot of other factors can play into that.


People should embrace their gray hair and thank God that they're still here to see it and have it there are cancer patients who wish they had great hair


I found many gray hairs with colored roots lately, no sure why that happened but it's true, gray hair can regain it's color
One day it will be so easy


My hair started greying in my early 20s due to stressful jobs. For 4 years now I have 0 stress in my life and my hair keeps greying progressively. I'm in my early 30s now. I don't think it's genetics, because my parents didn't start greying this young...


My hair is going gray, and one thing that helped stop it was a hint I got from my younger cousin. She has really beautiful hair. Brush your hair quite a bit with a brush made from boar's hair. It really helps your scalp and removes the broken hairs. Also, take in a lot of vitamin b12 that helped my grandfather keep his hair dark.


i have grey since when i was a kid, i got teased a lot and it was tough for me especially as a kid. Literally everyone who saw my hair back then told me that I'm old. Ever since it first happened, I wore a hat to school just to hide my insecurity.


I'm 35 and early this year I found many grey hairs. Now I have many hairs that are grey from the middle - tip but with a normal coloration root-middle. It's crazy. I also have some entire grey hairs but most of them are getting back And yes, it is totally related to a period of huge stress. Early this year I left a very toxic place. I was at the airport to leave that place when I first saw the grey hairs, and a few months later I began to find these strange mixed hairs


I had stem cells last year and my hair started regaining color from back to front. Although the front is still gray, it's no longer white and the back is brown. Also fore arm hair grew back after disappearing for more than 20 yrs. a fine blonde. Everything is waking up! 71 yo F.


I’ll just accept the fact that i’m turning into a sexy silver Fox🤷‍♂️


I got "transparent" hair from three things:

1. Always coloring my hair with the Clairol or L'Oreal hair coloring which strips the follicles first.

2. A hairdresser literally frying my scalp while hair drying my hair and me trying to contain my reaction.

3. L'Oreal makeup foundation which bleaches the skin on my head and therefore the hair around my face.


Wow, this is super interesting. It makes sense though, I remember even as a kid I would notice about two strands of silver hair on my head when I wasn’t having a very good year


I started taking Amla and Fo-ti supplements, my hair stopped changing. Both are really reasonable and easy to find at any health store.
