How I Organize My Life + Work in Notion [2024]

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0:00 The Perfect Productivity Tool
0:33 Creating your LifeOS
1:15 The Books Inspiring this Method
2:07 The 4 Key Components
4:48 Key Mindset Shift Alert!
5:22 The PARA Method
6:48 Practicing the Method
8:44 Put Tasks in Task Manager
9:56 Put Time-Bound Tasks in Calendar
10:40 Notes for Projects List
12:10 Notes for Areas List
13:42 A Someday/Maybe List
14:44 Notes For Resources List
16:41 My Project Management Template
19:34 Project Example: Planning a Party
23:27 Project Example: Attention a Party
25:26 The Value of an Archive
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I have never watched a more inspiring, informative, useful, concise, well-delivered productivity/planning video in my life. No long intro about unrelated info (your favorite coffee or candle, introducing us to your dog or cat), just jump right to the way you organize your planning.: a review of the books that are the basis of your system, showing how you pull it all together in Notion, examples that are interesting & make sense. Best 27 minutes I’ve ever spent on YT!


Hey Amy
I just have to say, I am absolutely LOVING everything about your videos of late- the editing, the background, the topics covered. The amount of work you put into your videos is very much visible. Kudos to you for working so hard, your videos are super informative and always a delight to watch.


Here I am at 9am absolutely re-organizing my Notion because of this video! Sometimes I find productivity related videos too pushy or not explained well enough, but you did an incredible job. You had my attention for 27 minutes, which is truly a miracle :D


Ok. I'm genuinely surprised, and that rarely happens in the endless stream of suggested content through which I find myself sleep-watching. And though you didn't ask for it, I feel compelled to give you my first reactions:

Immediately hooked and VERY curious.
- A fellow seasoned Holy Grail searcher! Our tribe is always scouring the interwebs for the chosen-one to lead us to the system we've been searching for... (I'm hoping this is it)
- The idea-branding of "MY" LifeOS being the focus...
- Mentions the emotional payoff of a functioning system no one ever seems to acknowledge, but we all yearn for... (players of Satisfactory will understand)
- Awesome books (at least I hear, from multiple recommendations, though I've only read GTD which was awesome)

This was all in the first 2 minutes. Wow. Watching the rest now...

Edit: Just finished. Did NOT disappoint. It took me 4x as long to watch the rest because it was non-stop note taking. I may finally have a decent idea how to implement a solution in Notion. Thank you!


I’ve never stuck with a system, I usually just play it by ear. But, I’m currently 3 months into my first job which is a startup environment and it’s embarrassing how unorganized I am. I never understood productivity people before, like actively researching how to be productive. Now, I totally get it. And I thank god I have resources to help me. I just downloaded notion, and I’m setting up my second brain this weekend!


This is great! I’d love to see a project planning video for sure.


Probably one of Amy's best video so far. Very useful and informative. And aesthetically pleasing. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Wow! The amount of useful information and details in this video is wild! Thank you so much, it is incredibly useful for me. I already use Notion and have my own templates, but following along made me adapt so many things. Love it!


Just amazing, this content is soooo good! Keep up with this inspiring work, I have already applied more from your work into organizing my life than years of on my own research have given me. You are truly inspiring and I love how you talk and think, just know you are doing great with your work here!


THANK YOU for this video. I feel like my life is in shambles (it’s not), but I can see this working for me to help me build a better back up brain. Going to watch again at least a few times. 🎉


I have just downloaded notion but haven't started using it yet, this is a fabulous tutorial!

I love productivity and it's so great to find someone who is more knowledgeable and have more expertise than I do, you are an amazing productivity coach and teacher! Thank you for breaking it down with so many specific details!

Spending my spring break implementing your tips from this series!!!


This is PURE GOLD! Ive been following for years & got so overwhelmed lately i’ve resorted to my board of mentors & you are the productivity board membre 😂 Enjoy time with the new one and please note id looove a more detailed work version of this! Thanks for everything amy!


Just read The PARA Method that I found from your book recs! Loved it


Love this, so so good! I use Notion as my second brain and have been relying on it more and more to stay organized. I love a lot of the tips and processes you provided, thank you!! Downloading the template to move stuff over so I can find it all easier haha


One of the most valuable things I got from your video: the reminder that receiving an invitation to an event = new project. Like many people, I know that when I get an invitation in the mail or by email, I need to put it on my calendar. My brain usually stops after that single step/task, but you’ve made it super clear that that’s only the first Next Step in a PROJECT that I need to PLAN. Sure, it’s a fairly straightforward project with a handful of steps, but nonetheless, time needs to be set aside to DO those steps before the event.

It may seem silly, but that was kind of a 💡 moment for me.


Definitely helped and worth the watch thank you ❤


Been waiting for your next video 💎 Thank you


Totally worth watching, not once, but over and over until I have it down pat. Just like them all in this series. You're my fave online expert to follow, by far! Btw, congrats on baby #2! From one of your truest 1000 fans! 😉


I freaking love your videos so much. Planning feels like crack to me. But you are much better at it.


You are a real queen. Thank you... <3
