Left-handed upside-down guitar academy Lesson 1: open chords in G major

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My apologies for any background noise, the guitar being slightly out of tune, and the occasional mis-naming of strings--it's my first attempt at this kind of thing and I normally don't think about string names when I'm playing. If you miss anything, you can always rewind!
Requests for future topics are welcome.
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I'm left handed and upside down! I've played this way for over 40 years and thought I was alone in the world. THANK YOU Jon!


I thought I was the only human being that did this, especially because I'm right handed in everything else. THANK YOU!


this is my personal heaven!! I'm left handed, and I learnt guitar upside down. Every guitarist look at me like I'm weird. But thankful I'm not alone!! Thank you Jon!!


It was long time ago when I was young to play this way.Back then/ under communist regime/ there was no books no dvd and no left handed guitars it was difficult and very expensive to buy regular guitars but i love to play and i learn to play up side down.I will tell you i was not bad i drive people crazy even my teacher who refuse to teach me in the beginning.Years later I bought a left handed guitar it was difficult in the beginning but i'm OK now.Playing with left hand guitar give you more/much more/ opportunity to get out of the guitar but if you want to play this way never be discourage you can very good even better than right handed or just have fun.I apologize for my bad English but i have fun to share my little story.Keep playing do not give up.


I don't know you gonna read this or not. But six years ago, because of this video. I grabbed righty guitar of my brother and learn it with your lessons.
Although now I play mostly on true lefty guitar. But my whole journey of guitar started because of you. Thank you so, so much.


i was about to give up and switch the strings


I wish I could find your channel earlier. I've played left-handed upside-down guitar for nearly 2 years but I didn't know how to learn until I found your lessons. In those 2 years, I just watched my right-handed friends playing then I did back the upside-down way but now I still feel like a beginner. Thanks for making these tutorials. I'll try my best!


I'm right-handed but I play just like that. A big thank you for your instructive videos. I've been feeling like a weirdo for quite a while, now I see I can just keep on playing the way I do.


Never realized that there were so many of us! We should start a subreddit or something.


Thank you so much for these lessons. I have been teaching my son to play this way, which is a strain on me because I play right handed with the low E string on top. I love how you go in depth with it. These lessons need to be in book form so that you can reach a different audience. Thanks for taking the strain out of it.


So happy that I’m not the only one. About 35 years now. When I play, I always get that WTH look from other right handed players. But rhythm playing is quite easy. Thx for the video.


This is awesome!!!! I just bought a guitar and don't want to restring it lefty. So I'm playing upside down and to be able to visualize that process is insanely helpful. Thank you for sharing. keep em coming.


Nice! I'm a left handed - upside down guitar player...thank God I'm not alone in this world. All of the things you though, I had to learn on my own lol. Great piece!


Finally I have found a community of people who play like me. Thank you my good man for uniting us all here on this glorious guitar page


I'm so happy right now, I've been doing my best to play my right handed guitar upside down, it feels super hard to do. It's great that there is someone out there who has some tutorial videos out there for us lefty folks. :D


Thank You For this Tutorial, I really feel I can learn a lot all to your videos. And it is rare to see a left handed upside down tutorial for guitar. I hope I can contribute too and share my knowledge to all other guys who prefer playing like this one. Cheers!


It's neat to see this video. Ive played this way for over 50 years. Thanks.


Thank you a million times I've been going crazy and had almost resigned myself to just having to learn to play right handed


Holy jumper Jesus I can't believe it I'm not crazy. I was probably like everyone else and was going to switch the strings around. I started playing guitar when I was a kid and was getting good too, then some one laughed at me and I stopped playing. I just took it back up again at 56 years old and I love it. Thank you so for us strange players you answered my dillemma .


Thank you so much for making these videos Jon! I'm new to guitar, first instrument ever. My friend gave me a guitar to start with, and like you I'm playing upside because I'm a lefty. So far i'm just trying to wrap my head around the cords, and memorizing them. I haven't done much that really sounds like music yet. I found some cords really hard to do upside down, but I have some new ideas now thanks to this video! Thanks!
