The Pros And Cons Of Learning The Guitar UPSIDE DOWN

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The Encyclopedia Of Nobody Telling You That You're Holding The Guitar Wrong For 7 Years - Vol 1

#guitar #lefty #jazz #unorthodox #upsidedown
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I'm also left-handed but I play "right-handed guitar" but to me it makes sense because for me to use my dominant hand on the fretboard.


i'm a bassist, and we in the bass community have accepted people like you long ago


I've been playing upside down for 20 years. Left-handed, self-taught, and didn't know any better. I mainly play riffs with inverted power chords (a perfect fourth interval) which is a convenient shape because it's 2 strings on the same fret. Power chords in general sound different because you're striking the higher note first as you strum downwards. I've found that most Ibanez guitars have a neutral body shape that works OK for holding upside down. On the other hand, Les Paul style guitars don't work at all - try putting a strap post on that little pointy part and your center of gravity is gonna be way off, the guitar neck will be pointing towards the floor (speaking from experience, unfortunately!)


This summer will be year 30 for me of inverted playing. I started playing as a counselor at a summer camp. All the 'cool guys' played guitar during worship, and I wanted to play as well. Being a summer camp employee out in the boon docks, and no money or time to find a left handed guitar, I picked up a right handed one and never looked back. I get all the weird looks and hard to answer questions as well, use to it though. My wife just bought me a Martin OOO-28 for Christmas! Can't put it down.


For those few left handed guitarists who have simply turned over a right handed guitar and playing it upside down (inverted) could play like that and keeping struggling with the cord and the switches and not being able to reach the higher frets for soloing....

Or you could use your loaf and get yourself a left handed guitar and restring it backwards.
You will have to get a new nut and also have it intonated and set up by a shop.
It will solve many problems for you.
*No more damaged cords
*No more moving switches
*Easier to play because once the guitar is intonated, the strings will be the correct lengths
*No more scratches on your guitar because the scratch plate will be in the correct place to protect it.
*Much easier access to the higher frets for soloing.
*And lastly, you will be playing your way, the upside down backwards way but playing on a guitar that was made for your ergonomics. Like the belly cut and the carves to rest your arm, and all that malarky.

So if you are too far into playing upside down to change your playing now, then don't change. Just play upside down but at least do yourself a favour and make the playing easier for yourself.

Hopefully this advice will convince you to get a left handed guitar but restring it to solve some of those problems.

I'm a fellow lefty trying to help your playing be a little bit easier.

When I first started, I learned on a right handed guitar, the traditional right handed way cos I couldn't find a left handed guitar. A year into playing that way, I was getting pretty good but then I did find a left handed guitar (paid over 30% more than the exact same right handed guitar) and started over as a lefty.


Thanks for teaching me about genetics Benn! I can't wait till next class.


I'm lefty. I play both sides and I couldn't care less. But, hey, I have fun playing.


When my friend would ask me why I play this way. I just refer to myself as a “left handed, upside down guitarist” or a “Hendrix player.” I don’t want to be burdened of having to explain to him why I play it weird.


Another upside down lefty here. I’ve been buying left handed guitars and heavily modifying them for years. Lately I’ve taught myself how to play left handed with the strings set correctly. Post some more videos of your music!


im one of the "so what" people buuut i will say the way you have it strung does have an advantage. like if you hurt your hand and someone else needs to play for you or you have a righty guitarist over they can still play your guitars


Really interesting, never thought about this inverted business before, thanks for the insight.


You have huge advantages IMO by playing a flipped RH guitar instead of LH guitar. Although, I never understood why we select our less dominant hand for fret playing, when I would argue it requires much more precision and dexterity than the string playing hand. I'm sure Guitar can promote ambidexterity with time, however- I am a pianist and classical guitarist for over 20 years, I was never ambidextrous as a child, but today I can write draw with both hands almost interchangeably.
Super content and entertaining AF bro. Subbed, liked 💪


I play quote normal right handed, but decided I wanted to try to learn to play left handed inverted, because, why not. You probably will advise against it, but oh well. Enjoyed your video very much!


Benn, I have a had a hundred comments I've wanted to make in the past 3 months since I discovered your channel. You managed to finally trip my trigger today to fire off a comment.

Every video you make is an eloquent dissertation on "vibing." : ) The thing is, when you "vibe" many folks probably don't even realize they've been "vibed, " I bet that includes me. Keep up the good vibrations. I am so depending on you these days. Cheers


Wrist arthritis and nerve damage in my right pinky and ring finger from over 50 years playing upside down


I just wondered how hard it was... thinking some chords and some lead liks would be easier but mostly and generally way harder.


Fun fact, although he played left handed, Hendrix wrote with his right hand.


Im play that way too!
Im Brazilian and here is a very hard found anyone a teach


Flanders should open a leftie music store as well


20:42 I also HATE picks. I wonder if it’s an inverted string thing.
