Left-handed upside-down guitar academy lesson 2: Barre chords

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This episode takes care of root position, first inversion, and second inversion barre chords.
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Very nice ive been playing like this since a wee little lad. Its nice to see another player like this


Hi, thanks for these videos. I am right handed but have an issue with my left middle finger so I can't use my left hand for chords and decided to play upside down. I'm still learning and so far, a lot of what you show is familiar. I am surprised that in your 'second inversion' chords, where you show the minor position (around 7'08 in the video), you don't suggest a similar major position by just moving the middle finger one fret up. That what I use. I will look more into your first inversion chords (C chords based) which I don't use much today. There is also the possibility to use 'D shape' chords and kinda barre them in a similar way: index finger on D string (and muting E and A string), ring finger on G string, pinky on B string and middle finger on high E string. I don't use it often yet but I need to spend more time looking at what's the best option depending on classic chords progressions. Anyway, thanks and please keep posting. I'm quite interested in the picking / strumming hand technique which I have yet to explore so I'll go tcheck out that lesson. Please keep them coming !


Hello sir. I too play upside down since start. started to learn the "proper" way and got frustrated soon ;p. so back again to "our" way.
Chords come all the time so i can play songs by ear pretty easily. Solos and fingerstyle are a problem though. Can you help me with some exercises?
Thank you for the barre tutorial. Needed this badly (my g major discouraged me to play barr chord)
P.S.- my way of playing d major is
index-G string 2nd fret
ring- B string 3rd fret
middle- E string 2nd fret
Advantage of this is i can just slide my middle one fret ahead and we can strum between D major and D sus. Love this effect.


If you are reading this Jon, I'm really struggling with barre chords, today I was messing about and found it a lot easier to barre from over the top (still right handed) I can still play all the open chords Although I'm still getting used to it, can you foresee any problems doing this or any tips please? 👍Just thought I'd add string positioning is still the same..


No matter how much force I put down on the strings when I play the individual strings, they sound muted Kane dull


2:34 -2:41 sounded like the music from 2001: A space oddesy lol


Hey John do you think you could be able to have one camera viewed straight on to the neck, and then have a pov form your point of view, /maybe split it the views, and have your face in the bottom right corner of the screen??? If you care? Also I obviously with know I can rewind /watch it multiple times....and go slightly slower?, I just wanted to help you


Hey hey Mr. Teacher friend, can you please maybe share whatever exervises you do to strengthen your fingers to move smoother/less clunky when you're moving them between chords or just playing in general ?


I wasn't aware of chords conversion... thanks to you


I have been learning to play this way left-handed after years of right-handed technique have left me functionally scoliotic and with back and neck pain. Playing left is the only thing that relieves the pressure, like I was being screwed into the ground before, and this is the counter-torque that lifts me out. Surprisingly it is my right hand that's had the hardest time adapting to its new role. Finger picking was the easy to learn cause it does not require the same ulnar stability as strumming. Learning to strum left has actually widened my shoulder girdle more than years of weight training ever did. Anyways, your vid on the G chord gave me my first year's practice material, so thanks for the inspiration! This second year I have been exploring open tunings, which I find port well to upside-down playing. My favorite is an open Dsus2 (eAF#DAD) which sounds beautiful with partial bars and triads on the low strings, letting the high strings ring out. If you have any custom tunings that allow easier or unique voicings in this manner, please share!


Thank you so very much... I was beginning to grow frustrated since I couldn't find a conversion.


Thank you so much. Been playing for years got stuck playing the same thing. Now I've got a new out look.


Did you face any difficulty in playing any of the chords or switching as compared to right handed people? I just started learning guitar but I am worried that I might get stuck at one point of time.


I'm having a lot of trouble with Bm
