Going Grain Free? Stay Out Of The Red Zone!

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Think you might be gluten sensitive? Take the quiz:

Gluten-free diets for beginners can be intimidating and overwhelming.

Know your food. When you go gluten-free, it’s important to understand just what you can and cannot eat, common sources of gluten, and how the food industry uses gluten. This means reading food labels, researching products and companies, and finding new ways to have a well-rounded diet without exposing yourself to gluten-containing foods.

The RED zone is a simple list of all the things you DEFINITELY want to avoid.

To connect with Dr. Osborne visit:

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I have been grain free, including staying away from all that is talked about here, for the last 2 1/2 months.
I am absolutely PAIN free! I feel at 58, like I’m 20 again. I have been clean eating, label reading, exercising for the last 20 years. I also ate all the foods high in oxalates. I had pain in my hands, shoulder, back and pretty much every joint. I really thought I had arthritis. I went cold turkey and modified my diet to a ketogenic/carnivore diet.
Anytime I am tempted, I just tell myself “No grain, no pain.”
Honestly, at my age, I’ve eaten everything I could want and I can certainly do without for the sake of my health.
Thank you for all your research and for continuing to share your knowledge with us.


More doctors should read Dr. Osborne's book, 'No Grain No Pain'. Sadly, most doctors have only one day's training on nutrition and how it affects a patient's health.


🙌🏼 and this is why Italy 🇮🇹& all over the world needs you to educate them, hopefully next summer going back on vacation in mom’s hometown there, my dear friend lives there and has Celiac.I’m sure there are many there with Gluten sensitivity/Celiacs!🤪
Blessings from 🇨🇦


well said dr Osborne! love the red board, it is pink 💗 on my phone.
i just had a steam cauliflower with white sauce, mushrooms with chopped up red onions, with garlic, with anchovies. with a dash of parsley.namaste ! always with gratitude 🙏 and appreciation. wish i found you twenty yesrs ago.


thanks so much for this video, i didn't realise you could get problems from various "gluten free" grains and their derivatives but it makes sense. i like this no grain no pain saying, very easy to remember, thank you, great video.


Really detailed and clear for a 10 minutes video.


Very informative. I have had no idea how much rice and corn is in every day gluten free labeled products. Especially vitamins.


thisn is great i was gluten free since 2 months but still bloated with gluten free pasta rice and oats...I removed oats I felt better now I removed all grains since last week and i feel amazing since last week now animal based with lots of fruits and vegetables and nuts avacado and ghee one question is beans and lentils allowed?


I really need to order your bread Gluten-free or flour etc
Thank you so much!


What are your thoughts on erythritol? I have heard that it is made from corn (maize).


Gluten free flour from the store affects me more don’t know why😢


You forgot supplements!! so many have rice flour!


man if i listen to this guy i will be eating air i swer to god yall be doing to much too dam much
