THE secret to training yourself how to respond instead of reacting to difficult people

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In this professional communication training online, communication coach Dan O'Connor teaches you THE secret to training yourself how to respond instead of reacting to difficult people and stressful situations. You'll learn how to appear cool, calm, and collected under pressure, and respond with tact and finesse even with the most difficult people and in the most stressful situations. respondvsreact #respondingtodifficultpeople #difficultpeople #onlinecommunicationtraining #

This free online communication training is a complete communication skills lesson, and is broken down like this:

1:55 The 4 things you'll learn to do, and the tools you'll use
2:05 How to say you need to take a minute to process the information
7:37 How to maintain the floor while you buy some time to think of what you'll say
11:15 How to properly use coping statements to get a grip and maintain emotional control
15:04 How to use the box breathing technique to change your emotional state and think more clearly
18:45 Visual cues and how important they are
20:54 The materials you'll use and how to use them
21:37 Your Slayer ID--how to create it, and how to use it
22:17 How to create your Slayer name
23:33 How to use the flashcards
24:20 Do you really need the visual cues?
24:35 Why do they call spells--spells?
25:30 Your slayer superpower
26:55 My mother's slayer name
28:22 The final 2 visual cues --Your Personal Compass and Personal Reminder
29:15 What my "Personal Reminder" says
30:25 The 3 Magic Questions
31:52 Lesson Summary: choose differently and create miracles
33:17 Final thought

For those of you looking for more free online communication training courses, with topics that include body language secrets, dealing with difficult people, speaking with power, tact, and finesse, developing a personal compass, effective customer service skills, making presentations, closing the sale and much more, you've found it.

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What I have learn:
1.You will never control anything outside you
2.Be prepared with positive questions ; don’t open the gate to their bullying game. Audience will recognize him when you move your ground from theirs
3. Your nervous system will always betray you with your pre-recorded emotions on your past experiences
4.Connor is right, until you grow up on the situation, the situation will control you 💝


My parents always taught me to say as little as necessary. This has been an invaluable lesson for me. I was always the kid who had the answers before everyone else. I never realized how much people resented me.

When I got to the level in my profession that I dealt with upper management and the board, their advice was a lifesaver.

I realized that when I responded quickly, nobody really heard what I said. The conversation had become a quick tit for tat, all people saw was chaos.

About the time I turned 40, my parents' advice finally clicked. It got to the point where I would hear in my head saying "NO!"

By taking my time, the focus stayed on me. If the other person keeps on ranting, any valid point they had, becomes diluted.


Can we give a HOORAH To Dan!? 🎯💃
Tips like these especially help in intimate relationships, so it's perfect timing for *qurantine time* 😂😂😂


Does this need to be said now?! Do I need to be the one who says it?! That’s something I gotta remember when I am outraged by a toxic person and just want to be the one who tells them off!! It’s hard to not want justice with these people. But in the end you never can get anywhere anyways because they will never admit they are wrong it’s like talking to a wall


I’m semiretired and recently took a part-time job at a grocery store. I deal with difficult people every day. I can’t take time, unfortunately. I’ve found most difficult customers are difficult because they are tired, confused or just having a bad day. I try to be their personal problem solver. Here’s a typical situation. Customer picked up the wrong product thinking it was a sale product and is frustrated that the price they were expecting didn’t pop up on the screen. They become defensive and angry. I’m thinking, “This person is an idiot. They can’t read or comprehend what the sign says.” Then, I stop and think about what kind of day they’ve had. Maybe they’re in a hurry. Maybe they are trying to get through grocery shopping to attend to a difficult problem at home. I try to diffuse the situation, first, and let them know I’m their ally. I let them know if it’s the store’s mistake, it can be fixed. If they were mistaken, I can help with alternate ideas. I use the breathing pause quite often. I tell difficult customers, “Give me a couple seconds to figure this out.” I always try to make sure the customer understands they weren’t stupid because if they feel stupid, they just get more defensive. I make the situation seem like it was just a misunderstanding and we all misunderstand things. I know most times people become difficult are struggling with budget issues and they’re struggling to feed their family. I find it helpful to try to become a problem solver. Everyone understands tight budgets. Many times people are so frustrated that the only way for them to deal with difficulties is to become difficult themselves. When I get them to realize I’m there to truly help, most people change.

Example: a lady came in and completely misunderstood almost every sale we had. She got very verbally abusive. My first thought was to tell her off and ask her to leave the store. Then, I asked myself, “why is she being so difficult?” My first step was to tell her, “I won’t allow you to talk to me that way.” Then I told her, “If you calm down, I’m here to help you. I want to help you. Give me a couple seconds to research the products you have questions about. I will make sure you leave the store with the best deals possible.” After a few questions, I found out this lady was grieving the death of her mother and was also under a lot of financial stress. At my store we have a policy that every employee can “make it right” up to $20 and in most cases a supervisor will go beyond that. I wound up talking to my supervisor and we gave the lady $80 in discounts on a $240 total. She was trying to feed herself and her three kids all while dealing with the emotional and financial cost of her mother passing away. That lady now comes to the store just to see how I’m doing occasionally. Her family is doing better financially and she has become a regular customer. It takes a lot of effort to figure out who is trying to pull the wool over your eyes and who is genuinely misunderstanding, but if you work at it, it can really turn out well.


I literally burst out crying. So many things here enlightened me. Thank you Dan 😭♥️🤲🏻 I was sinking and God sent you and your skills to me and my family.


I am fascinated by the powerful techniques, your presentation style and high level of passionate dedication - again. Dan, you are a treasure!


“ I hear what you are saying, but I need a moment to process it”. I am not going to react in anger; I am not going to let them see my hurt; I am not going to play the mind game they are trying to initiate, blah, blah, blah. Great stuff, Dan!


What you teach is so important to me. It is helping me grow as a mature and loving adult. You are a beautiful person. Thank you.


Yes thank you mom! Thanks to you we have THIS Dan who has valuable nuggets to share!


I absolutely adore this man. This is the BEST YouTube teaching I have EVER seen. His humour and the effects bring the enormous verisimilitude to the experiences he describes. It's not just words. We have been there! He is right. I spent sometime this afternoon trying to remember G.I.F.T. Aha! Gratitude. So utterly smart. He needs his own television series!


I asked myself these questions a few years ago, and decided that the most loving thing I am capable of doing is to go no contact with my mother. I just found your channel and absolutely love what I am learning. Your sense of humor is magic to my ears!!!


No answer, is an answer. Timing is an important thing. I care too much about you, us and our relationship to answer you right now without thinking this over because I want to respond appropriately vs react.


Thanks Dan I always learn so much from you you are appreciated


Finally something that gives actual things one can use to help improve communication


I Can't believe we're getting this valuable techniques for free! Thank very much 💕💕 When I get a job I'm definitely getting a VIP pass.


I can't put into words how this video has opened my eyes. A 34 minute video for a life long lesson that I've been wanting to learn and master. Thank you so much, Dan. Thank you so much. 🙏❤


Thank you for helping me deal with these difficult energy vampires. “She who sunbathes in Hawaii with Lions, began slaying energy vampires on September 1, 2021.” So much gratitude to you and your beautiful Mom & Dad. God bless them for creating your spirit


