Over 40? You should start a YouTube channel and here’s why

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If you’re over 40 years old, now is a great time to start your own YouTube channel and here's why.

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Kevin you look DAMN good for 63! I recently blew the dust off my YouTube channel after taking a hiatus for about 2 years after having my first child and having a career setback. I'm creeping up on 40 but really been enjoying creating content again, my hobbies and helping people. I feel like I'm just warming up and I appreciate your encouragement, it’s just what I need 💪🏾


I started YouTube at 40-ish. Age is just a number!


Thank you for your advice.I'm 47 years old japanese man.
I'm into practice piano now.


I’m 62. I’m a singer-songwriter. I’ve had a channel for years but I’ve mostly used my channel to showcase shelter dogs.via want to start sharing more music but i’m completely unknown and only have 100 subscribers and I don’t even know if those subscribers are even legit. There are so many singer-songwriters out there I feel like I will just be a drop on the ocean. I don’t really have any knowledge about anything that I can share. Just my music and my rescue dogs. I’m such an introvert I need a little encouragement.


I started my YouTube channel 52 days ago. Life sometimes gets in the way but every day brings me new ideas for my channel. Health wealth and live to you and your channel. Message received loud and clear. Xoxo


Great advice. Even if it's just a hobby, START a channel. I was in the same boat. I wanted to retire early, had a 5 year plan and then my position was eliminated. Lemonade from lemons, I retired early and moved to paradise in Thailand and my channel took off after just a month living here. Now it's brining a steady income, I'm making tons of new friends, and it keeps me busy shooting video of things I enjoy doing and sharing with others.


I’m 72 and starting my second channel. My first one is just out there to inform people on autism and I don’t mess with it at all. My new channel is going to be my retirement job and you have encouraged me.


I started my channel four years ago aged 70, designed to promote the fact that the older generation Still matters.


I am 68 and do YouTube videos every day! Love it!


59 and I've had my channel just over 3 years. I thought about it for 2 years before I actually got up the nerve to do it. I love the creativity of it, the community, and learning all the things. If I were just doing it for the money, I'd have quit long ago. I'm now at a place where I can give more consistent attention to my channel and I'm working hard to get my last 400 watch time hours so I can get monetized. I am already making a little with affiliate links.


47 years going here 🤩. Appreciate the encouragement and the message about balancing your family obligations especially having a child with special needs. 👌🏼 Thanks Kevin.


I’m 68 and started my channel last November. My channel is aimed at seniors, but it’s a real struggle. We need to have collaborative work between seniors content creators to help our segment grow.


Hi Kevin, I’m nowhere near 40, but thoroughly enjoyed this video. Thanks for sharing your experience. I started a month ago, and been enjoying the process and the community aspect of it. God bless!


Hi Kevin 👋🏻 I'm Lia from Australia 🇦🇺 and I wanted to say this was refreshing to watch and listen to. As a 52-year-old Retired Veteran, it's humbling to find a fellow mature YouTuber to learn from as I begin my creative journey and tell my story of Lia 3.0 (third times a charm they say). I look forward to watching more of your videos and learning from someone I resonate with. And agree, there's a gap when it comes to mature Vloggers + YouTubers so here's to shortening that gap. 👩🏻‍🦱


I started my YT channel at 59 or 60. I'm 70 now.
I think it's easier for an over 60 guy to do a channel and not get slammed for looks. God, people are so catty about womens' looks. No matter how fabulous your content is.
I like that you shoot and edit your own videos.
I htink where I struggle is my channel has no focus. I'm a professional musician who plays the uke and sings older songs (20s - 70s). I do a few tutorials. Once in a blue moon, I'll talk about a specific ukulele. Once in a blue moon, I'll talk about equipment but I am no expert.
I started my channel, really started it when I was diagnosed with cancer. I've had this long career and I didn't want to get "lost." Lost in memory, like I never existed.
Then it's that I wanted to share "great American songbook" and beyond because so much of music nowadays (IMO) is crap.
OK, so this is rambling but your video touched a chord, so to speak. Thank you.


Hi, I just found you. We have a lot in common. I just turned 64 and left my profession as a musician because of health concerns and having to take care of my special needs (autistic) son! I was financially secure but needed some extra income. I started writing and publishing but needed more income so in 2015 started my YouTube channel about traveling because I have travel experience as a musician. I quit a few years after because YouTube changed its monetization policy and would not pay me for the money I had already earned. My wife then had health problems and passed in 2021. My son is doing great and doesn't need much assistance anymore. (14 yo). In 2023 I got a calling to play music again. I started practicing and after a few months started filming and posting about my journey and my music on my channel. I am almost monetized but that is not so important. I enjoy sharing my music and teaching. I have also published 3 books and now I about to release my 4th. I will start a blog or pod cast talking about my book which is a compilation of my stories of working with and meeting famous people called Celebrity Encounters of the Third Kind. Thanks again Kevin, nice to meet you!


Hi Kevin: we are in our 60's....never to old..:). Started our channel March 19, 2024. We have 151 subscribers and have 1, 643 watch hours...we are moving right along. Thank you for all of your great videos. They are very helpful and easy to understand...:). Thank you. Joanne


You're right. I make super unprofessional craft videos, but I share my skills and ideas and it gets me to do what I love. Not making a living, but having a life.


Started our youtube channel in our 50s this year. As full time van lifers, it gave us something to do in the evening


The great thing about the online universe, whether it's video, writing books or starting a business, is that you're never too old to do what you love.
