The Art of Small Talk

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Don't skip small talk. Small talk is a social lubricant and a good way to bond with others.

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Small talk is the necessary intro to meeting anyone. Afterwords, once comfortable, in any relationship, you can have more in depth convos and share bigger ideas/express yourself more freely.


One thing I always do is ask cashiers how their shift is going, when they get to go home, stuff like that.

Recognizing them as humans with lives and not machines nearly always opens them up to some short small talk.

It’s so normal. We’ve forgotten how weird it is to NOT make small talk.


I had an interesting discussion with a friend about this the other day. I think we as men (more than women) tend to see conversations strictly as a way to share information, when it can be much more. Small talk, although there might not be any useful information exchanged, is a great way to feel out another person. You might not exchange information, but you can exchange energy. That's why small talk with one person can be fun, while with someone else it can be boring or even awkward, even though the words said in these conversations were basically the same.

I think you have to see it like a dance with words: there's no clear inherent goal, but when done well, it's a joy for everyone involved. Small talk should be seen as a way to connect (or start connecting) with those around you - and this feeling of connection is essential for good mental health.


Any future, meaningful relationship has to start with small talk


Your elevator example was perfect to drive the message home and it expressed how I feel about it too. Small talk is what leads to the deeper conversations. And even if it doesn't, it makes you feel connected to the world around you and it makes you feel like it's okay to talk with strangers, because it is.


The timing of this is crazy... I just realised this concept about myself too. Felt too "above" for small talk, but it genuinely does make interactions way more satisfying. Coming from a science background, I am very objective based so banter is something I've really had to learn. But some of the best times I've ever had and people met came from smalltalk and letting loose.


Dont play a character guys. High Thumos, get that authentic man out there, the world wants to meet him.

I got tired of playing the mysterious cool guy. So what ive been doing is forcing myself to be extra social these days and have been going in every interaction with zero expectations. Ive gotten invited to 3 parties and a weekend trip throughout these last 3 weeks. And better yet a friend of mine from class sang the mc donalds theme when she said hi to me and got super embarassed it was cute as hell, afterwards we had a good laugh.

Love you Elisha God bless


Big bro Elisha. I appreciate you taking the time to make these great relatable videos bro


I think this is one of the most simple yet transformative video that I have seen. You need to start small so the big talk feels better, and if it fails it doesn't hurt or waste to much time


Spot on brotha. I remember hearing “don’t be boring” and it programmed me into thinking saying “how’s your day” is so boring and they hear it all the time so I never did it. Lesson learned I complicated everything and paid the price of not progressing.


Excellent video. Young men(and even old ones!) need to learn to have conversation without any real expectation of an outcome aside from a genuine pleasant exchange between two human beings.


man thank GOD you mentioned guys continuously repeating platitudes said by these red-pill type talking heads. A lot of it is positive, but it ends up becoming a belief system they dare not to challenge; then becoming their identity.


literally your videos always get recommended to me when I need that specific topic, the other day was the music one ( that helped me a lot thx) and now this


I really liked what you said about eliminate the burden of performance and talking from the hearth


I had the same voices trying to be unique, witty, charismatic, alpha all at the same time with in the first few lines. It was impossible to balance and make it work out, I soon realized it was making me come across a little too arrogant and made me feel a little sick of myself for acting out something that is not genuine.
I have come to terms that you need to slowly warm things up with some small talk first and slowly insert a few things here and there to make it a little more playful and give the other person a feel for who you are.
That video was spot on!


This is exactly what I needed to hear right now. I've been experiencing this pressure to perform a lot recently.


Good video Eli. Much needed topic to talk about


Small talk can be awkward at times, but it's necessary for building bigger connections. WE GOTTA TALK!


swear I just fumble the bag majority of the time


I have a lot of friends who do not talk during school lunch breaks. I want to have small talk but my friends are all on their phones, so this is why it is becoming a lost case to start a small talk conversation with them.
