Why do some people not ‘get’ Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX?

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Some people are just not open to considering the figure of Marcel Lefebvre or the SSPX as 'good guys', no matter what types of arguments or facts are used. Why is that?

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Archbishop saved the church, you wouldn't have the Latin Mass without him!!!! Thank you Archbishop Leverbe!!!!


The ones that can't see the value in Lefebvre simply refuse or do not understand the current crisis we are in. Well done Mr. Hall.


This is spot on,

Thank you so much for this video Kennedy....I myself and my twin brother attend a SSPX chapel here in Dallas, Texas as well at times I do attend the FSSP when there is no daily mass available but for the most part we have been attending the SSPX for the past 2 years ever since the COVI hit in 2020.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,
Pray for US!


Currently reading the biography of Marcel Lefebvre and so far the key to his holiness was his super importance of obedience. Obviously, he could differentiate between obedience to God before the blind obedience to man.


I'm attending SSPX masses since January 2019. I made my chose after my first Traditional mass. It was enough for me see the reverence and respect God's deserve. I tried bring people I know to this nass, but I think, most of catholics are happy with a light liturgy and a very liight compromise with God.


I am 80. Found the SSPX 1985.Those
I tried to tell would say their local priests told them that the society was in schism. Period. I saw families split over this. Lot of blind obedience


Cradle Catholic here, remember the TLM from when I was very young. Fell away from the church in my teens. By the time I came back, it was Novus Ordo. I knew something was “off” instinctively but wasn’t really concerned about it. That is until all the slappy happy started happening at my parish. No reverence, songs that sounded like tv commercial jingles and women doing everything. It got annoying and we’d leave Mass very perplexed about what happened to reverence, etc. 😡 But then… I started to discover information about what happened and what we’d lost. I found out about Archbishop Lefebvre and his story. I tell you, my husband and I “got it” immediately. Hit us like a ton of bricks! Here was the truth! Now, we’re beginning to attend an SSPX chapel near us. It’s so wonderful! Beautiful reverence! God bless the good Archbishop!


Many people who are able to think critically and connect the dots that Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX are God’s instrument to preserve the Catholic Faith during this dark period cannot deal with the branding that comes with being a
“Lefebvre-ist” and therefore choose the honour of men over God and Truth.
Of course it often takes Grace and softening of hardened hearts to remove the scales that blind.


A very good presentation. I have been attending masses at the SSPX seminary in Virginia since 2017. I was very doubtful at first, but now see they are fully Catholic. I am so convinced I am now a member of their Third Order. I am so grateful for the SSPX!


Thanks be To God .
Thanks to Our Lady.
Thanks to St Thomas.
Thanks to St Francis Xavier
Thanks to St Gonsalo Garcia.
Thanks to St Joseph Vaz
Thanks to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and The SSPX for giving us Traditional Latin Mass in India


Your killing it with content brother, keep up the great work! Always a joy to wake up and see new content to listen to.


Marcel Lefebvre ora pro nobis. May we all learn from the Archbishops humility and strength.


Agreed. When I first became aware of Marcel Lefebvre (by seeing Fr. Robinson on Taylor Marshall as well as Kennedy Hall), the logic, the justice and injustice was so obvious... but I couldn't convince my friends. Very grateful for the grace to move to another state where I assist Mass at a Priory of the SSPX!


Thank you for articulating these simple truths so well.


I agree with you Kennedy and it's good of you to defend the unjust treatment of Archbishop Lefebvre.🌹


Once the Church removed the narrow gate and installed the wide gate so to speak many find it hard to return to the strict adherence to the practice of the Traditional form. You really can't be a Trad and at the same time be a cafeteria Catholic. Others are still discerning as mentioned in the comments and as the situation in the Church becomes more and more confusing with this current Pontificate, there is no where to go but to return if you value your soul. Archbishop Lefebrve understood this. Certainly he was guided by the Holy Ghost. Archbishop Lefebrve pray for us.


Some people are called to stand up and are willing to. Abp. Lefebrve was one of those. He was always a natural leader. He was able to easily see through the smoke of war.


It's kinda like everything in the secular world as well. Some of us get it, some don't. It's kinda like the parables our Lord spoke - I often hear the words "for those who have ears to hear, and eyes to see". Divine grace, gifts of the Holy Ghost. Blessed be God! Marcel Lefebvre, pray for us. St. Pius X, pray for us. Our Lady of Victory, pray for us.


Best analysis/ explanation of the SSPX. Can be applied to proper formation of our conscience overall. Starting with the proper definition of “the Church” as the “mystical body of Christ” is brilliant and True. Must start with clear ontological understanding of what is being discussed & defended. Fascinating!


On point. Totally agree. I belong to the side that easily get it (bragging aside). And when I talk to people about it, I was screaming inside "Why can't you get it?!"

When I ask people to watch a video about SSPX and Lefebvre, they would already have an opinion, they would start arguing, without first watching the video. And I would always say, "Watch it first before we discuss, so we will be on the same page." And they would continue arguing.

Aside from the point you've made, I believe in 2 other factors that contribute to their blindness:

1. They have been brainwashed by modernism and the spirit of Vatican II.
2. Perhaps they don't have God's grace.

Let's continue to pray for them 🙏
May God bless you 🙏
