Why Does God HEAL Some People and Not Others? w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, OP

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In this clip, Fr. Gregory Pine answers the question: "Why does God heal some people and not others?"



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I always thought it was because my faith wasn’t strong enough, but if you just pray for strength to work through things and carry your cross with gratitude, that’s when the real transformation takes place.


When my mother was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer and maybe one year to live, I told her I hoped the doctors would save her. She said "Son, I was saved a long time ago". It has been 5 years and she is still alive and fighting.


Whenever Fr. Gregory posts, I think "More like Pine's With Aquinas, amiright?"


It seems to me that great favors carry a certain responsibility. Like, you’re not just supposed to take your healing and go back to your cozy little bubble, but rather to carry this gift to help other people.


I so appreciate the knowledge imparted in these videos. Small bites of information add up to an overall better grasp of God and the way He manifests in our lives. Thank you to both Pints and Pine for spreading God's word to His Glory.


Excellent explanation. I think it's our human nature to limit our understanding for God's plan. I now understand why my father died of cancer so many years ago. I believe he is a saint and is doing so much good praying for all of us still left in this evil world.


Thanks for all these videos. I'm going through some tribulations and it is quite refreshing since a good bulk of my flesh is just intellectual inertia.


I had this really strange left eyelid twitch for over a month. It was getting progressively more twitchy and I was getting used to it, but at the same time I was worried about it and I don't have the funds to get it checked out yet. But it went away last week shortly (maybe even immediately) after I prayed the saint Joseph entrustment prayer after reading about him for 9 days. I did it on the last day of the year of saint Joseph in the Church and I'm wondering if this is what made it go away. It's funny because I recently went to a healing by a travelling Fr. Ken Geraci about a month ago and nothing seemed to have happened, in fact I got sick since then, but after the entrustment, everything for the most part got better. Praise Christ!


According to Jesus, God already knows all that we need. As a result, I think that he already heals and protects us all the time, usually unbeknownst to us!! So generally if we are troubled, he has allowed it for a purpose. Sometimes that purpose is to prompt us to ask for help, sometimes it lasts unto death in this life, but in all cases (as Father notes) it is designed to bring about virtue in us and will do so to the extent that we cooperate with grace.


I had thought that the ‘works of God’ meant that those of us who are confronted with these ‘maladies’ - even evil - might respond with charity, love, and hope, rather than the healing reveals God’s intervention, as more often than not, we are left to accompany those who suffer to the end. And even those who get better with medical care, should see these acts of care received as ‘works of God’ too. But as a Pine Cone - fan of Fr Greg OP - I’m happy to learn how God ‘crowns’ our faith with healing to affirm his presence.


What an excellent answer to a difficult question.


Scriptures say that God shows no favouritism, yet Jesus said according to your faith be it unto you, so maybe i don't have enough faith to be healed of these chronic health problems, pain and many types of medications 💔


Always beware of those who tell you what a God needs, or wants.


Many people claim to have healing powers. But very few people have the same level of grace like Moses and Elijah. Saint Peter and Saint Francis are two of the best healers for the prosperity of the Lord.


Rocks act rockily. Jeron acts Jeronly...and spends too much time with ice cream bc he is sick...BUT...can be healed and be made good so as to glorify God. Got it. :) Said it before, will say it again...love this man.


My nephew once asked this. I answered if God heal everybody human wont work hard to learn medical science. We prosper now because of hardship of our ancestor and that maybe the way God bless us the way that we dont know.


Fr. Henry made JAW DROPPING profound differences. The magnitude of bringing his Heart on Fire mega Faithful Joy into the world is rarely ever on earth, But he was an early gonner. So trash is trash no matter what? View Servants HM Films to see what I mean.


Who is the Liar & the Antichrist according to John and Jesus?
1 JOHN 2:21 (..) and because no lie originates with THE TRUTH. 22 Who is the LIAR but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ?.. This is the antichrist, the one who DENIES.. the Father (JAH YHWH).. and the Son (JESUS YESHUA).

PROVERBS 30:4 Who has ascended to heaven and then descended? (..) Who has established all the ends of the earth?
- WHAT IS HIS NAME - & - THE NAME OF HIS' SON —if you know?
6 Add nothing to his words, Or he will reprove you, And you will be proved a LIAR.

Who TRULY have the son, according to the son Jesus himself?
JOHN 14:24 Jesus said: Whoever does not love me does not observe my words. The word that you are hearing IS.. NOT.. MINE.., but BELONGS.. to the Father.. WHO SENT ME. John 5:24 Most truly I say to you, whoever HEARS my word and BELIEVES THE ONE WHO.. SENT.. ME (JAH YHWH) has everlasting life, and he DOES NOT COME INTO JUDGEMENT but has passed over from death to life.


I don’t often say this about your videos but I don’t get this one. If only heals some what’s the point of praying.? Especially if we ask to heal from a sin yet we continue to sin because we are weak. Surely God doesn’t want some to continue to sin and others to stop? I am confused. However, god bless you for your work


I think God doesn't do it too often because:
1) It's a supernatural grace, it cannot be guaranteed, reproducible like a scientific experiment.
2) He wants us to be blessed, because "blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe" 🙂
