Iron Tablets | How To Take Iron Tablets | How To Reduce Iron Side Effects (2021)

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Learn how to take iron tablets correctly and how to reduce iron side effects. Is taking iron tablets with vitamin c effective?

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Iron Tablets Side Effects:

• Stomach upset
• Nausea (feeling sick)
• Stomach ache
• Diarrhea
• Constipation

These usually improve as your body gets used to the iron supplements. If the side effects continue to be a problem for you, contact the healthcare professional who prescribed the iron supplements and discuss the possible options I have recommended in the video with them.

How Iron Supplements work for iron deficiency?

Iron is needed for the production of hemoglobin, which is an essential ingredient in red blood cells. It is a mineral that’s super important for your health and Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the US.

All of your cells contain some iron, but most of the iron in your body is actually in your red blood cells. It helps our muscles store and use oxygen, which is what essentially gives you life. Its also a part of a very important protein in our bodies called hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our bodies. And When we don’t have enough iron, these functions can slow down leaving us to feel weak and fatigued, making it harder to maintain our body temperatures, it can decrease immune function, and can cause iron deficiency anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia happens when our bodies have an increased need for iron:
-Poor absorption of the iron itself
-If you are a vegetarian and have to rely on only non-heme sources of iron from plants
-If you've had major blood loss.

In any case if you are taking iron supplements, available in capsules, tablets, chewables, and liquids, the most common one being ferrous sulfate at 325 mg, there are important tips you should know that can help you make the best use of that iron correctly and help relieve iron deficiency.

1.) Iron is best absorbed on an empty stomach. Food can heavily decrease its absorption. Milk, calcium, high fiber foods, caffeine and antacids should not be taken at the same time. A good rule of thumb is to take it 1 hour before you eat, or 2 hours after you eat. Research also shows, that if you take your iron supplement with a drink containing Vitamin C, like orange juice, it can actually help improve the absorption.

2.) Iron tablets may cause other drugs you are taking to not work as well, these include: tetracyclines, penicillins, and ciprofloxacin and drugs used for hypothyroidism, Parkinson disease, and seizures. So talk to your doctor or pharmacist letting them know you take iron supplements before you take any of these. Thirdly:

3.) Lets say You start taking iron on an empty stomach but it has left you with stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, and feeling sick: The good thing is that this will go away on its own over time when your body gets used to it. But if it doesnt: Your doctor can lower the dose and work its way up slowly to the preferred level or they can switch to a different iron supplement. If you still feel discomfort, speak to your doctor to see if its okay to take it with a small bit of food to avoid these side effects.

4.) Iron supplements can have side effects, so besides stomach discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. It can leave your stool looking black, which is normal as it may be a sign that the tablets are working correctly. It can be alarming at first but dont be worried. With that being said, if your stool is tarry, has red streaks in it, let your doctor know then, to go from there.

5.) Liquid forms of iron can stain your teeth,so try mixing the iron with water or other liquids like orange juice and drinking the medicine with a straw.

Overall though, most people respond well to taking iron supplements, and your levels should return to normal after 2 months of iron therapy for most people. But You may need to continue taking supplements for another 6 to 12 months to build up the body's iron stores in the bone marrow. Never hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist how long you should be taking them or if you have any questions at all.


This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Arsalan Aspires has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

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Рекомендации по теме

I’m 46 years old with uterine fibroids. I had a blood transfusion after my hemoglobin went down to 3.5. Afterwards I was prescribed ferrous sulfate which was absolutely useless because I kept throwing it up. Fast forward four months and yet ANOTHER transfusion later and a new dr who prescribed a supplement called Maxfe, (combo of Iron, B12, vitamin C for easier absorption plus other stuff), the game has been changed and I haven’t had an issue since thank God!


Your video is PERFECT. I wish I had found this last year, when my deficiency started. Thank you.


This video is awesome thanks for the advice


I am 45 years young African American with G6DP deficiency and I take FS-Iron tablets daily with a warm glass of Prune juice diluted with distilled water. Due to many triggers of G6PD and anxiety that follows I Must be picky with medication, what I eat, drink, and the environment I surround myself with.


Thank you so much. None of my doctor explain to me well. This helps


OMG THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! This was so helpful and way more than my hematologist ever told me.


This video was very helpful. Just bought some iron, and didn't want to freak myself out with all the side effects vids out there. Your demeanor is reassuring and calming....even when you say something bad it sounds manageable. Thank you.


Thank you for this great information doctor.


Thank you🙏🏻❤ finally a man that helped me when it comes to iron supplement! I was beginning to think it was dangerous to take 200mg of ferraus sulfate every other day!


Thank you for sharing this information was very helpful!


woow thank you very really help me


My daily routine. I hope this helps anyone that is on levothyroxine.
I'm been taking liquid iron twice a day for a month. Morning and before bedtime. I'm also taking levothyroxine for my thyroid around 4:15am. I separated them apart for 4 hours in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat breakfast an hour later after the liquid iron at 9:15am. Take my vitamins 30 minutes after lunch around 1:00pm. Eat dinner at 5pm. Take my liquid iron between 8:30pm to 9:00pm. Light exercise for 30 minutes for blood circulation. Bedtime around 9 to 10:00pm. I feel a lot better not as dizzy as before. I still have occasional headache and body aches. Also advise to check with your doctor.


Thank you for the information Doc, it was very helpful


This was really great thanks very much dearest ❤❤❤


Thanks for you share I feel like you say


Hi thanks for the information. My doctor said iron is best taken every other day so you agree? Apparently there’s a study backing that saying it’s better absorbed that way. Thanks for your time


Thanks it did help. I deal with kidney problems and the iron is giveyn me a lot of pain in my back.


great video! I have to take 65mg iron red blood cells - 325mg ferrous sulfate every day. But if I have a doctor appt I don't take them for 2 weeks because of the diarriah.


This is really useful ..thank u Dr....Can we take iron tablets along with susten sr tablet??doc??


I have low iron bc of "fibroids" and excessive blood loss. At the most, I lost a pint in one day (13 period cups full). I've been bleeding like this for about two months now, but levels aren't blood transfusion bad. Doctor says 325mg of ferrous sulfate 3x day and once a month b12 shots. I'm not comfortable doing the iron 3x a day so I'm going to titration myself up to that much and do the bloodwork in a month like doctor said. I'd rather not vomit up the iron that I am taking and work my way up like you said in the video.
Thanks for the informative video.
I watched another video that got me to spend $25 on iron supplements made of bovine spleens (bc the guy said it absorbs better but then the NIH article said the opposite) and now I can't send them back. I'm so sad. lol. Thanks for not making a video swaying me one way or another but helping me make an informed decision instead. I'm gonna stick with ferrous sulfate with Zofran two hours after I eat. First thing in the morning, I gag on pretty much anything. I hate iron tho.
