Carnivore Diet: 10 negative side effects that no one talks about + how to reverse them

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In this video I talk about 10 strange/negative side effects of the Carnivore Diet that no one talks enough about.. I also share how to reverse them with my solutions and tips.


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Steak & Butter Gal aka Bella is a classically trained pianist and violinist. She is a graduate of The Juilliard School as a Masters of Music Degree Candidate.
Bella is passionate about sharing her vegan to carnivore story of healing autoimmune conditions (eczema & psoriasis), skin, mental health, mood, and energy with animal foods alone.

0:00 Why I am making this video
1:11 side effect 1
7:00 side effect 2
10:08 side effect 3
12:52 side effect 4
18:25 side effect 5 + 6
22:42 side effect 7
26:40 side effect 8
30:47 side effect 9 + 10
35:00 need my help? ❤️

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10 things that no one talks about on the carnivore diet

#carnivorediet #sideeffects
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Hey Carnivores! Have you experienced any of the side effects I shared?


When I go to the store to buy meat I have to pass by the bakery, the cheesecakes, the cookies, the bread, the chips, the pies, and the deli meats. All the way back to the meat section, I’m praying….”though I walk through the valley of carbs, I fear no evil…..just keep walking….”


Bella thank you for another great video. These are things that do need to be talked about. I started "trying" to be total Carnivore 3 years ago. I also went from vegan, mostly fruit to the Carnivore... well I still had breakdowns so I would say I have been 95% Carnivore for these three years with many stints of all Carnivore. When I would go off the strict protocol it was mostly because I could not cope with the explosive loose stools that I do still get now, after the three years. I am so very determined now to go more strict and just have ruminant meats only and salt for the next while and see if it corrects. I will not be giving up on Carnivore because I see so many positives in my health. Incredible differences in my skin and in my joint pain that does go away if I keep to only meat. Dairy does not agree with me and bacon is impossible to find that does not give me a lot of pain. Yes, I was also vegetarian for seven years, and then three years on mostly fruits, and I had so much pain in my joints. I never give up... Carnivore is not easy to do, but the benefits are worth it. One of the most remarkable things for me was that I had a lot of those horrible dark brown age spots and a couple of huge patches on my face (for years) and now they are all faded to the point where I just can't see them anymore.


I was devastated after a dream of eating sweets. It was so intensely real. I was so relieved when I i woke up!


I started keto in January 2020 and was expecting to experience the "keto flu". And indeed, within 2 weeks I got something like the flu. But it seemed worse than I had heard. Later I realized I had had covid. 🤒


Correct in the losing weight subject. I remained the same weight, give or take a few pounds. Noticed my clothes getting baggier. I wasn’t really paying attention to my body….what for?…. I’m still heavy. I was working out, lifting weights, punching bags, etc. Got out of the shower one day and looked in the mirror. Saw my muscles without the fat. Pumped up; almost looked like Bruce Lee. (Almost… ) .


Love your presentations and especially happy to hear your outstanding piano playing.


As a Naturopath for 50 years I've seen autoimmune problems go away on a fast. Then there's Dr Goldner's Goodbye Lupus, based on lots of raw foods and spinach and Kale smoothies. So, there are other ways of handling it


I just did start having dreams, usually nightmares! Last night I had one about fighting my family and screaming at them as they sat lined up on the couch drooling, with all these gooey desserts all over their faces and bodies. They just stared at me while I ranted at how they were going to die and they were killing me. Sheesh....
I never dreamed, not that I remember any, on carbs, after falling asleep in a "carb-coma".


She right about the dreams. Thank you dear.


You a very beautiful lady, skin is fantastic! You are very easy to listen to and very thorough in your explanation of carnivore. Crazy you were vegan before am switching from Keto to this to see how it goes. I love red meat already, so this should be a calk walk. Thank you for your insight!


Hi Bella, just one question. Do you plan on eating carnivore forever or do you miss and/or will reintroduced the least toxic food your body can handle one day in your diet ?


Good presentation. Pretty comprehensive and very easy on the eyes.


Thank you for sharing. Good info and great piano playing.


Your Takeaways:
1. Loose stools
2. Later constipation
3. Carb nightmares (never heard of this. Strange)
4. Healing crisis. Things get worse before they get better. Yup!
5. Weight gain but body slimming.
6. Meat sweats. Vegans are always cold!
7. Smoke and grease everywhere. True.
8. Sinuses are clearer. Sense of smell is stronger. (Bad breath is a sign of inflammation(!))
9. Sense of taste is better.

This crib sheet is just to summarize. Watch the whole video because she offers a lot of his information.


I just want to THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for this program!!!
I am a 76 year old grandfather and been overweight all my life except in the 1970's when I went on the brand new Dr Atkins diet. It really worked!! I kept a chart of my bodyweight for exactly 100 days. I lost 18kg!! When I stopped dieting my old bad habits were still there, so I slowly gained all my weight back again.
I am an all or nothing person so I have decided I must stay on Carnivore for the rest of my life.
I am in excellent health, enjoy long walks and have lifelong never needed any medications. Praise the LORD!
Erich in New Zealand ☺️


Wow, thank you, I was so bummed out when I went to the Drs. for yearly ck up, and I was expecting a BIG DROP in weight as my clothes are noticeably loose ! Was Keto for 1 or 2 month & Carnivore now for 4 months . Feeling good & my psoriasis is 95 % GONE !! I am 74 years young & Very alert. Mowing my own grass - 1 1/3 Acre !! Redoing an old farmhouse - 1906- will be done by spring ....LOVE your videos 👏 👏 👏


Just to add that I was vegetarian for 14 years, vegan for 4 years and raw vegan for 2 years. The damage on my body got to the point to be diabetic now. Try the carnivore diet was something outrageous thing to do. The results didn’t wait. My body is healing. I feel better and different at the same time.


69 yr old senior woman here. Started Ketoo in January 2022. Lost 85 lbs. Stalled in October 2022. Transitioned to carnivore (BBBE) about 10 days ago. Also severe arthritis and joint pain. Loose stools yes. But my joint pain is so improved. I've gained 1 lb, but not worrid as I feel slimmer. I'm also stronger. Like you, I'm
a musician - a classically trained singer. Thanks for this discussion. New subscriber!


Carnivore saved my colon, which doctors wanted to remove
