3 Ways to Deal with Being Overly Sensitive

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Being over sensitive is really no fun at all. I know this because I am an extremely sensitive person. People who are emotionally sensitive are often referred to as highly sensitive people or HSPs.

While sensitivity is linked to creativity and empathy (Ward, 2011), being overly sensitive can sometimes be burdening, especially in a school or work environment. When you’re oversensitive, you tend to see everything through a different lens. You may take criticisms as personal attacks. I know this feeling all too well and sometimes feel like bursting into tears when someone is even a little harsh with me.

While I’m certainly not suggesting that this is some kind of illness or that it needs a “cure,”

I know how hard to deal with emotional sensitivity. Many people even find it to be a gift, and in certain situations it can be, especially when empathy is required. However, it can also be overwhelming. I’m not necessarily with those people who think you can build a thicker skin or change yourself so easily, but these are a few simple steps that may be prove helpful.
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how do I stop myself from crying every time someone raises their voice/is annoyed at me? Its real embarrassing being in high school and crying in your math class because the teacher is frustrated that you can t do the problem right...


I am emotionally sensitive.
I am sensitive about being emotionally sensitive.


I always cry. Almost everyday. I cry becuase of the pressure I feel from this world. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't born




How to stop crying:-
1. Roll/move your eyes
2. Breathe slowly
3. Drink water
4. Distract yourself(da hardest)


How do I stop myself from tearing up every time I'm being angry or in an akward arguement. I hate myself for crying everytime this happens. It's like I can't even control myself from tearing! I hate it.


what frustrates me about this video is the fact that these three things to "deal" with over sensitivity actually create more problems for the individual, especially if they have a history with either general anxiety disorder and/or child hood induced PTSD


I cry for no reason and I'm just a kid and I wish I wasn't sensitive


I almost started crying when I got something wrong in class I react to criticism terribly and I guess my friends think I'm finally told my friend I'm sensitive she's now nicer then I thought she was I also get stressed out easily


This won't work for me I am the most sensitive person in my family. I get a lot of lectures about how there is nothing to cry about and I cry during them. The people aren't even yelling. I really want to improve myself and Anymore tips cause the didn't help very much.


if i ask myself why i might cry even more


I frustrate my best friend a lot because she calls me stupid sometimes over text and i don’t like it. She calls me over-sensitive and that i can’t banter at all. I can banter, but i hate being called stupid.


HSPs aren't just emotionally sensitive. We also suffer from high sensitivity to physical stimuli (temperature, fabrics, light, loud noises, etc.). These are great tips, but HSPs are more than just overly emotional people.


you know crying at the little things make you innocent and softhearted


if someone leaves me on read, or if someone gets mad at me i literally feel so sad for the rest of the day and it’s like i’ve been stabbed :( even if someone makes a joke that is genuinely meant to be funny, not to hurt me, i tell myself that it’s a stupid joke and they didn’t mean it but still, ouch


I like this vid !!! I am so much sensitive but i don't know if i am " overly " sensitive . I can be easily offended, i can cry easily, if someone criticizes me then i keep thinking about it a lot, i put myself in others' shoes and like you said i absorb others' emotions which sucks if they're mad XD


I have autism and I cry over the smallest things when I get yelled at, fighting, failed tests or homework, and a lot more. Sometimes I breakdown cause I’m thinking of the future or thinking of my Guinea pig that’s dead.... I can’t control myself I randomly break down in gym.. I can’t handle my emotions.I also had a rude bus driver today, cried. And I cry very easily. I know criticism is a thing and I shouldn’t take it to seriously but I can’t handle my emotions I have autism ( already said) and i can be very emotional and mad at random times. I don’t know how to control my body.


i'm so fucking emotional And i don't want to be weak anymore cuz people use this to Hurt me


“Ask yourself why you feel overly sensitive” every time my eyes water someone asks me “what’s wrong” and for some reason those two words just trigger all the tears and make them pour down my cheeks. Then people think your depressed and the teacher sends you to the office and you have to talk with the councilor all because someone said “what’s wrong” 🤦🏽‍♀️


I do all this already, the thing is it barely helps me. I've been trying so hard but there are some moments where I just want to cry. I do a sport and of course your trainer is going to be rough with you especially when working with dangerous animals. But I am very clumsy and forgetful and a bit blind at times and because of this I get in situations where I'm stuck and my trainer thinks I can do it on my own in a short time period but I can't and it makes me feel like plane crap. I don't know how to handle this stuff and everyone else in my family are not the sensitive type same with my friends. So I'm looking somewhere for something that can help me with my lack of skills for everything.
