The Fatal Flaw: Lies, Laws, & Pro-life Deception

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This is The Fatal Flaw. This is a film and exposé that demonstrates the real reason abortion is still legal in the United States during and after Roe v. Wade. The Pro-life movement claims to believe that they believe that what is in the womb is fully human and worthy of protection. However, they do not believe that the child deserves equal protection. In this new film, you will learn why they have worked to stop the abolition of abortion. You will hear it yourself. From their own mouths with confidence. They don't believe what the Christian Church believes about the issue. It isn't a difference in strategy. It's a different worldview. It's a different desired outcome. Get ready to see for yourself.

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When I was 17, in 1975, I got pregnant. I went to Planned Parenthood. They explained to me to that all I was carrying was a pile of tissue. I had an abortion. Right before I went under I started to change my mind and I felt the nurse dab my cheek with a tissue. I’m now 65. I’ve carried the details of the murder of my unborn child with me over the years ever since. Back then, I was a stupid, scared kid that was lied to and I believe at that time for maybe a minute, I may have been a victim. A victim of a lie. But that’s it, just a lie. I willingly went to this doctor and had this abortion. Did I murder my first child?? ABSOLUTELY!! Today, I am a child of God and I am forgiven by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Every year I remember the day I took my child’s life and every year I mourn my child’s due date. Every mother that has ever had an abortion should be held liable!! We will all stand before God someday. A lot of people don’t realize this. Only true believers understand. ❤


I murdered my pre-born daughter through an abortion about eleven and a half years ago. For a long time I saw myself as a second victim. Partly because it was what people told me I should feel and partly because it was comforting.
I finally repeneted (for real) of my abortion about a year ago. I was sitting in my car at work on my break listening to various videos and it “clicked”. What I did was murder and I was guilty. I bursted into tears and confessed to God.
For many years before this I thought I had repented of what I had done but I realized I never truly did because I had seen myself as another victim. When I actually repented I was truly set free. I no longer felt this lingering sense of something being incomplete.
By listening to people talk about abortion truthfully is what led me to that point of repentance.
People think it is cruel or mean to talk honestly to post-abortive women and I can say the exact opposite is true. By sugarcoating it and telling women they were also victims you are denying them the chance of true repentance and thus, freedom from sin. What actually is compassionate is telling women the truth… the full truth.
So thank you to those who approach abortion from a biblical perspective!


I had an abortion before I knew Christ. I was so depressed after my abortion even though I didn’t know it was from that. I was so pro abortion etc and when I gave my life to Christ I was so convicted from murdering my baby. I asked God for forgiveness and immediately I felt a huge weight lifted off me.
I know that if I would’ve been sent to prison for murdering my baby I wouldn’t have done it.
We do need to be held accountable and abortion needs to be criminalized.
This documentary completely opened my eyes. Thank you !


I was homeless on meth when my now-wife became pregnant with our first child. We both decided immediately that we would not abort. God immediately reached into our lives and took our addiction away - we've been seven years clean and our daughter is a healthy, intelligent, God-loving little girl.

Praise God


As a teen I was coerced into abortion by my parents.

Many women want to keep their children but are threatened by loved ones, or future fathers not to.

I guarantee you that if there would have been the possibility of them or me being held accountable for that murder, my child would have been born.

Equal protection would not only protect the pre-born, but would also give protection to the mother. Protecting them from loved ones and from themselves.


The fact that when you tell a woman who aborted her baby that she is a victim also means that you remove her sin… her need for forgiveness… her need for the cleansing blood of Jesus and His Gospel… this—THIS—is an eye-opening game-changer.


My mother is a history professor at a university and she warned me many years ago that when they got rid of critical thinking as a requirement for graduation the government would start changing the meaning of words to change the laws and ultimately the constitution and bill of rights


So thankful that Apologia is shedding light on this massive flaw in the pro-life “industry” through a well put together documentary.


I was in that Senate Hearing Room in Missouri that day.

I saw Missouri Right to Life and Campaign for Life for who they are.😢

"There are six things the LORD 3 on the list is)....hands that shed innocent blood...." Proverbs 6:16-17

Keep up this noble work!
Sincerely, Mark Renaud, Perryville MO


Praise God for this powerful film! This message needs to be trumpeted across the nation. These little ones deserve our best effort, as does our Lord.


"Hopefully, we can make sure that women don't have to CHOOSE abortion." Says it all! They are ACTUALLY "pro-choice."


As the father of 2 children who were aborted against my will. I wasn’t told about either until after it had happened. I support you completely! Thank you for sharing this and raising this awareness!


Gotta love the disclaimer YouTube places on the video, about what an abortion is.


"And I a professor at this university and I make more money than you" is not the sick burn she thinks it is.


I have very strong Republican “pro-life” relatives from OH. I was shocked to hear them at thanksgiving dinner defend issue 1. “The government doesn’t have the right to tell a woman what to do with her own body!”

In previous years, they have always been abolitionist in their speech…

I wasn’t prepared to respond to such a huge change in their position. So I just told them I didn’t want to get into it but I strongly disagreed and that issue 1 is ab absolute travesty that should be overturned by the courts. Next time I will be ready for a more full throated defense.

These are avid churchgoers too. The church in OH seems like it is corrupted.


I never knew about Pro-lifers killing those bills. Thanks for shedding the light onto this.


So, if the reason these pro-life organizations oppose punishing the mother is because “most of them are coerced into having the abortion, ” why can we not add into the bill that in those cases the punishment goes to the one who forced the woman to have the abortion?

Would that not solve the problem or expose them for the convenient excuse of coercion?


"A person is a person, no matter how small." The book, When Unborn Babies Speak, sheds light on just how much of a person a person is in ways that the average person usually has not even thought about - or wanted to admit.


Great work EAN team. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts to end child sacrifice.


Thank you for enlightening all with a true view of the Right to Life organizations, I had no idea they were granting mothers Carte Blanche
