How To Spot an ISTJ in 3 Minutes...

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#istj #the16types #mbti

Luann Snapchat - @luknepp
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Honestly, I feel bad when people share their plans with me and I instantly see all the ways it’ll go wrong. I don’t want to crush their dreams, but I also don’t want them to fail.


I'm an ISTJ and live by the principle "I don't care if people think I'm boring as long as they know they can rely on me."


Talking about my younger ISTJ brother, I've always said his life is as if he is steadily and calmly walking up an escalator at a consistent pace. Never wavering. Never slowing down. Never speeding up. Never getting distracted. Never running into or causing problems.


ISTJs are the reason planes don’t hit each other, parachutes are packed properly and restaurants have health codes. We need them!


2:39 "It's not pessimism, it's realism." I really like the way you put it.
Some people just need a reality check that.. *inflicts* them.


ISTJ the unnoticed pillars on whom we lean on


Not often are ISTJ's the subject of an MBTI video. This was excellent. I'm an ENFJ with an ISTJ husband. He's the sweetest, most stable and helpful person I know. He is a calming force for my chaotic Fe-Ni brain. He does frustrate me with his (in my mind) over-the-top attention to detail. I have a saying in our marriage: "If you want something done right, ask him. If you want something done, ask me."


Steady, unassuming, humble, playful (with loved ones), ISTJs appreciate quality in people and things. 👍😊❤️


My dad is an ISTJ and tbh he is actually one of the funniest, most caring ppl I know. Just because ISTJs focus on rather down to earth, practical, and logical things doesn’t mean that they are unemotional. To me ISTJs can actually be very wise and deep, and they have a superior skill in breaking down complex topics, often summing them up in one sentence. To me it seems that ISTJs actually care a lot, it’s just the way they communicate that is by making sure everything goes smoothly. Making sure that everything is organized and well thought out means that you care about a good outcome and therefore want to make people feel satisfied/happy in a way. They are always eager to find a solution or to help better a situation, pointing out a possible flaw in a plan, and suggesting alternatives, is the most efficient way to improve it. I never once felt like my ideas weren’t taken seriously or made fun of, bc ISTJ‘s usually always offer advice on what to do instead of the initial blue print, instead of just criticizing your idea and leaving it at that. I find them to have great morals too, most of the time they just act on them without sticking it into everyone’s faces. No one can truly match them when it comes to being responsible and dependable, I really really admire ISTJs. ⭐️ -ENFP


I really admire ISTJs, they always seem to have their shit together - INFP


I would so want to be an ISTJ. They sound like presistent but well living people, and such people that can plan with meticulousness. Being an INFP, it feels like these people are the organised and ambitious version of myself.


ENFJ here!! I love ISTJs! always some of the nicest people. i struggle to explain my intuition and insights and they always find a way to rationalize it!! I love how honest they are, its a tool for improvement!


This is my husband! I am INFJ and he is ISTJ. He’s always been my rock. His energy is like a consistent dedicated place. He’s also pretty sarcastic and funny. He’s a loner. Likes keeping things in order. I get on his nerves when I question things, try to dive too deep or am too lovey dovey. But having a difficult life he’s been my rock. 24 years


That first sentence is gold: "If some types are unstoppable force, then ISTJs are immovable objects." I can't help but laugh every single time.


I feel bad for ISTJs, we are living under so much continuos change and instability which theoretically is their biggest fear due to their Ne inferior.


My wife is an ISTJ and I am an INTJ. It's rather surreal how similar we are in both general demeanor and drive. However despite this, we've had to invest a lot of patience and effort into our dynamics as a partnership. While we both look ahead, I construct as many feasible paths to achieving my ambitions as possible, whereas as you mentioned, her low Ne gives her a much more cynical view of the majority of them. Understandably despite being very similar types, this dichotomy made future roadmapping for us very difficult early on. While admittedly very frustrating for me as it can sometimes kill my dreams in the process (especially early on haha), I've grown to appreciate her attention to those details when we collaborate. It makes it a lot easier for me to lock into one particular path that is substantially more precise in it's accounting for finer details than I would predominantly produce on my own. And she's gradually grown to appreciate my perspective when multiple larger variables need to be taken into account. Above all else, she's the most dependable person I've ever met, and she keeps me on my toes.


Every time anyone talks about us i feel like the leitmotif is the same: "boring people", "structural", "love cleaning", while it can not be true at all for some of us.


You could call my ISTJ father anything but late for dinner. For him, the entire ritual surrounding eating was a religious experience. If dinner wasn't on time he became like a grumpy bear. His mashed potatoes had to be meticulously mashed and spread evenly with the proper amount of butter, salt and pepper before things were ready. His tea must be steeped for the proper amount of time, made in the same way every time or something was not right. There were procedures and they were to be followed... exactly. I suspect that Introverted Sensing Hero was at play here.


Principled & uncompromising - GO ISTJs!


My little sister is an ISTJ. She is pretty awesome in her own little ways. She has always been the "grow up" in the family and she keeps me grounded (I'm an INFP). We get along great ☺️
