10 Major Differences Between INTJ and ISTJ Personality Types

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✅ You need to know these 10 Major Differences Between INTJ and ISTJ Personality Types!
On the first look the INTJ personality type might seem similar to the ISTJ personality for many reasons. This is mostly because of the 16 personalities, INTJ consists of the introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging characters, while the ISTJ personality has the introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging characters.

However, as you can see, they have different function stacks. This means that these types are very different from each other and the intuitive/sensing preference is not the only thing that doesn't match up. If you were ever confused if you are an INTJ personality type or an ISTJ personality type this video will provide you an answer. Furthermore, knowing those differences will help you in your self-improvement journey and increase your social skills. Let's examine the difference between these two personality types. Here are 10 Major Differences Between INTJ and ISTJ Personality Types.

0:00 Intro
1:19 - 1. Intuitive decisions vs Meticulous decisions
2:33 - 2. Vision vs Experience
3:29 - 3. Unconventional leadership vs Traditional leadership
4:10 - 4. Arguments’ appreciation vs Arguments’ aversion
5:03 - 5. Thinking outside the box vs Instructions’ advocating
6:17 - 6. Broad picture vs Detail orientation
6:53 - 7. Cognitive operating vs Contracts operating
7:25 - 8. Reading between lines vs Observing reality
8:57 - 9. Emotional insensitivity vs Emotional confusion
9:31 - 10. Uncovering the unknown vs Sticking to the present

7 Signs That You're An INTJ Personality Type

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Many people of other personalities say that the ISTJ does the same thing all the time, is routine, does not like change, etc. What do you think we are not cases of innovation? or to advance? I want you to know that we are one of the most focused personalities of the MBTI, every time we set ourselves a goal, whether it is changing the country, studying another professional career, learning something new, WE USE THE ROUTINE to plan our time to study, learn, and get the maximum productivity out of what we are doing and of course we innovate, we do it under pressure to want to achieve an objective. Does this mean that we like routine? Yeah!! but only if it is to achieve a goal, we are also very ambitious! We have a very good memory, do you really think that we are not going to use it for studies???? Do you really think that by being routine and not constantly innovating we will do badly? we focus on what DOES WORK and thanks to our excellent memory studies are easy for us. Greetings to all the istj who know exactly what I'm talking about...


When given a recipe
ISTJ: This recipe has garnered positive reviews and it has been tried and tested to work because of the chemistry behind it. I'll try my best to get the ingredients and follow it as much as possible
INTJ: This step could be simplified if I do this instead. I think I've got the gist of it, but I'm gonna do it my own way cause I think it's less work. I'll take this recipe as a guideline to fall back on if my method fails.


My BFF is an INTJ and I’m an ISTJ. We make a great team because we appreciate our differences.


Accurate. I'm an ISTJ and my best friend since childhood is an INTJ. His degree in Business Law and mine Cyber Security.


ISTJs live in an eternal search for patterns. Numbers, logic, routines, laws, rules, floor tiles, etc. are all patterns. What people understand as aversion to change is actually an aversion to broken patterns. Show an ISTJ something outside of a pattern, and you'll see all their creativity (which the stereotype says they don't have) being used to find a way to fit it into a pattern. That's why you'll see an ISTJ trying to adapt an environment to themselves, rather than adapting themselves to an environment.


I'm an INTJ male and was dating a ISTJ female. A lot of hard differences sprung up at various times in the relationship. For one, she was extremely stubborn and resistant to change, and would outright refuse to even when it was clear I was in emotional pain from her words. The majority of our arguments were about small details of which I would have cared about had she brought them to my attention in a nicer way than she would. She also had a explosive temper. By the time we broke up, so many bad things had been said and done to each other.


I'm a combo of both! I just can't deal with the 3rd letter being an F.


I was super happy to hear the bit about ISTJs being bored by change for the sake of change. I've had trouble putting this into words before, because I think it sounds counterintuitive. People usually think we're always completely overwhelmed by change, but that's not the case. Change often seems like a lazy and predictable cop out to me... It is shiny and new and a sign that people would usually rather deflect attention than concentrate on running the systems that are already in place as efficiently as possible.


I did the test in english and I got INTJ x3, and I got ISTJ x2 in Spanish. I believe languages can conditionate the personality. Spanish is my native language and I communicate in spanish with my family, while I use english at work, university, my group of friends, and girlfriend.


Based on past testing, I thought I was a hybrid ISTJ/INTJ leaning more towards INTJ, but based on this I'm much more strongly ISTJ than I thought.


33 male attorney INTJ who works closely with 32 male ISTJ. I realize that obviously individual variance exists within a personality type designation, and that this video can’t possibly explain every iteration of every personality type, but I personally disagree with a lot of this video.

My primary gripe is that it oversimplifies INTJ thought process and decision making. At work, for example, if I receive a new case, I do immediately/subconsciously connect the new facts to older cases, I have an instant idea of what the issues will be, what our strengths and weaknesses are, etc. But from there, I hone and apply the specific facts to analogous cases, and develop a strategy which often is atypical, novel, or otherwise considered risky by others who might not understand my vision. This video makes it seem like we go from intuition to novel idea, but that’s not how it works. Intuition functions as a starting point, albeit an incredibly specific and accurate one, further along than other people’s intuition might start them.

The only time intuition functions the way this video seems to imply, might be on cross examination a witness. A new fact has come out, say, and you suddenly have this understanding that it contradicts prior testimony, though it doesn’t on its face. So you press it. You don’t know why, you don’t have time to investigate your new intuitive lead, you just start pressing this seemingly inconspicuous response because for some reason you know the answer is “off.” I can not tell you how many times this has occurred and almost every single time it exposes some kind of flaw or inconsistency or other truth that this person was trying to hide and which is always beneficial to my client’s case. I do not even know why I go down that road but it always gets me there.

Just my $0.02 on thought process and what intuition/thinking/decision making means to me.


i've done MBTI many times and it always come out I_TJ, where i'm right in the middle of N and S.
this boggles me a lot and i've always wanted and answer. This video is very detailed yet i'm still find the "differences" are kind of not mutually exclusive. so i guess i'm still stuck in the middle. that said, after this video i do think i tend to lean towards INTJ more when i'm in leading role, and towards ISTJ more when i'm in a support role.


The test shows me an ISTJ. I'd say I'm about 80% ISTJ with about 20% leaning towards INTJ.


Thank you for this. I tested for 50/50 intj istj after a 1000 question test. They are similar but adaptability seems to be a linking prospect


I disagree on INTJs not looking backwards. I look backwards all the time and my memory is quite sharp. I can remember some things in excruciating details (ie. places, people, events, etc.) It gives me a grounding force and a sense of stability and certainty/clarity knowing where I came from/what happened to me before and helps make the timeline of my life linear and easy to remember/follow. This makes my present more understandable/tolerable.


I’m a strong chess player. A perfect example of INTJ. It feels great to create a strategy to reach decisive advantage 30-40 moves later w/o calculating. However, it doesn’t work in every game. Especially not against strong players.
In real life I create long term plans as INTJ. However, on short term basis I often act as ISTJ. I wasn’t aware of types. Weak Ne was driving me crazy w/o strong Si to offset. Here’s where I think real value of MBTI is. Once I learned about strong/weak functions, I became much calmer. When, for whatever reason, you have to use your weak function it’s much easier for you to accept results. You can also adjust to a situation better.


Why am i in Middle of intj and istj... I sometimes go with intuition but to do so i still need details and all. If its something that can have impact on me for a long period of time i prefer to know about it as much as possible. Basically i use both intuition and experience or details wtv that was. And i also don't wanna take risks especially ones where i can see or sense im gonna be in trouble. I basically relate to all of these maybe not all of them. It really depends on the situation idk i was trying to understand myself and people this is getting counfusing


can I just say I’m instj and go on with my day


I’m an ISTJ and I liked everything about this video, Thank you so much❤.
