16 Personalities Through the Goggles of the ISTJ

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I enjoy that you keep changing the format for these depending on the POV. Congratulations on never being boring.


I appreciate that the INTP joined the "is always late" category later than everyone else


This is pure genius!!😄 I’m married to an ISTJ and have literally said that his life is a spreadsheet. Now I know what it looks like in there. Brilliant!!


I love how ESTP flipped back and forth between taking nothing personally, and taking everything personally, before settling between the two! 😂


I resent the implication that I am often late. Just because I'm only ten minutes early as opposed to the ISTJ's preference for twenty, does not make me late. -INTJ


I just noticed that it appears every type made it into the “Is often late” box, including ISTJ. This is accurate, as it is how I view basically everyone, including myself 😅


Love the increasing tempo of the Tetris theme, the perfect representation of the ISTJ's quest for perfection


As an ISTJ, I don't think I could love this more. Even the music is perfect.


ok this is pure brilliance -- the organizing them into categories, i can't 😂😂


It's such a shame there's only 16 personalities because your creativity really shines through in this series


I’m an ISTJ who is obsessed with MBTI. I have a spreadsheet with all of my coworkers and friends personality types 😉


Lol my dad is an ISTJ and this is him to a T! He even told me once that the reason he sometimes doesn't answer a question right away is because he is thinking of another problem at the moment and my question has to "get in line" before he can move on to it.🤣


ENFP: Categorizes things based on abstractions of what they represent, and people based on their preferences.
ISTJ: Categorizes things based on what they actually are, and people based on practicality (except for the ESTP and ENTJ, RIP).


This is perfect. I'm an INFJ daughter of an ISTJ mother, and you bet her favorite game was Tetris. I also frustrated the hell out of my mom with my dreamy nature and lack of motivation to clean anything. I must've been a bad influence on her because went from cleaning the house every weekend, to every two weeks, then once a month and then just when she felt it needed it. 😉


As an INFJ married to an ISTJ, I am glad I only suck at two things. lol. And yes, my husband very much rates his friends on the willingness to help him move and be good at it. And other very practical uses of friends. He literally told me he doesn't need anyone to talk to since he has me. (I am flattered, I guess. I don't need friends who help me move, since I have him.)


Kristin, your creativity with these videos never ceases to amaze 🤯 just when you think you’ve seen it all, boom. Grids.


Spit my drink out as an ENTJ. I was wondering why we get a unique section titled "Wears Leather" all to ourselves until I looked down at my shoes and thought: "Yeah, she's right."


As an ISTJ with an ESTP dad, I can absolutely confirm both the accuracy of their categorizations and the facial expression. Lol


I died when you slowly put ISFP in the 'Is often late' box and then a second passes and all of a sudden you quickly put all of the other types into it 🤣🤣


I am an ENTP and my dad is an ISTJ.... it is quite fun, he loves bad jokes and my Ne keeps coming up with bad jokes. So we bond over that xD
Our extreme differences, make for some very comedic moments.

Once I found my dad searching on his special drawer, that stores office stuff. Yeah, he has specific places where he stores specific things. Well in that drawer he had boxes with labels in it, one for rubber bands, tapes, clips, pencils, etc.
Well, when I found him he was ranting about how everyone had kept his drawer very unorganized. He had found the box for rubber bands empty and the box for tapes with both tapes and rubber in it. He was ranting that who would ever put rubber bands in the box that has a tape and is clearly labeled as tape. So I said "Well, rubber bands can be used to hold things together, so in a way you could see them as tape". He laughed begrudgingly, attempting to keep being mad.
Finally, he found what he was searching for, the clips. but the box that the clips were in, it was full of many other things. So naturally he went into rant mode. He said something like "What is the point of labeling all these boxes, if people are just going to put things wherever they feel like it?". Then he goes "It is so simple, Step 1: you find the box with the label you are looking for. Step 2 you use it. Step 3 you put it back int he box where it belongs and put it back in the drawer."
So I laughed and said sarcastically "If only I knew that earlier, I thought the labels were to give the boxes some character". He laughs a bit, but then tries to stay mad and says "That is not funny". And leaves the room with the clips he was looking for.
That is the dynamic I have with my father. But of course, when he is not mad he really enjoys my humor and he even tries to join in. But his Ne, well is not that developed so it usually it isn't that good. Thankfully, I do enjoy bad jokes and there is something endearing to him trying to use Ne. He doesn't enjoy my lack or order tho. I do try to be, I have Si after all, but I always give my minimum effort possible when it comes to organizing, lmao.
I do put/store things in the same places always. It might look chaotic, but I know where everything is.
