25 Unbelievable Things Happening In China Right Now (Featuring China Uncensored)

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You will not believe the things happening in China right now! The world's most populated country (with a population of almost 1.4 billion) and the world's second largest country in terms of area (with an area of almost 10 million sq km or 3.7 million sq mi), China is undoubtedly one of the most overwhelming and fascinating countries on Earth. A unique place where old traditions mix up with super modern technologies and advancement, China is also known to be one of the weirdest and most extraordinary places in the world. If you visit our site regularly, you might have learnt something about this country's unusual shopping habits with these 25 Crazy Things You'll Only Find In Chinese Walmarts; you probably know that the country has been struggling with enormous pollution (see these 25 Shocking Pictures Showing The Extent Of Pollution In China); you might have found out some cool facts about its most iconic feature with these 25 Astonishing Facts About The Great Wall Of China, and you have also learnt why China always wins in the Olympics with these 25 Reasons China Always Wins In The Olympics. Today, we are here with yet another post dedicated to this Asian superpower, but this time around, we will focus on unusual things that are happening in China right now. From a bizarre tradition known as the Ghost Wedding and the infamous dog-eating festival to schools that teach their students how to stab, here are 25 Unbelievable Things Happening In China Right Now.

25 Unbelievable Things Happening In China Right Now | List25

China is planning for the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing
China has Olympic training schools
China has a dog-eating festival
There is a serious Gerbil plague in Western China
A Chinese middle school is giving school girls knife training
China is building some of the world’s weirdest architecture
China has a bootlegged version of RoboCop called Robert Cop
China wants to build a high speed underwater rail to the US
China's IP theft and tech transfer network costs the US $5 trillion every year
The Chinese Communist Party is murdering its citizens en masse for their organs
The Chinese military uses drones to hunt Tibetans
Reincarnation is banned in China
There is a fake Panchen Lama
China has monstrous, centuries-old underground coal fires
China’s space program has lost control of its space station
A Chinese doctor wants to perform the world’s first human head transplant
A Chinese doctor discovered a cure for Malaria using traditional Chinese medicine
There is a guy called the Angel of Nanjing who saves lives of those who want to commit suicide
Chinese people consume 50,000 cigarettes every second
Families find corpse brides for deceased sons in a bizarre tradition called Ghost Weddings
One Chinese town makes as much as 60% of the world’s Christmas decorations
There are entire ghost cities in China with millions of empty apartments
China is building the largest city in human history
China is running out of water
There is a World of Warcraft Theme Park in China



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Рекомендации по теме

My right ear told me to tell you that you guys are running out of ideas.


Not one single good thing said about China, and not one single bad comment, hmmm.


My right ear enjoyed this video immensely!


China is 3rd largest, not 2nd largest in terms of area.

First is Russia, then Canada.


I was lip reading for 30 seconds till I realized my right earbuds wasn't in my ear.


list25 China is not the second largest country by area. That title goes to Canada. I thought you guys would do better research than that


As a Chinese, I laugh happily every time I watch the videos from China Uncensored. Thanks for bringing so much fun, keep posting LOL.


I don't know what's scarier. a space station crashing down to earth. or someone taking a person's brain, sticking it into a bowl, and putting into a decomposing body.


All this things are kind of disturbing to me...


2nd largest country by area? Isn't that Canada?


Chris Chapal is the worst type of propagandist.


How is this a collab? they just did the whole video for you


HI MIKE just noticed that this video was uploaded 23 minutes ago, hope to catch your eye with this comment! I think you're really cool :) esp in that video with the wizard duel I love it!


8 years living in Beijing and it's snow every single year


Donald Trump would love this video....


You can find 100 unbelievable things of USA, but this doesn't tell you the real USA.


Since China clearly is in violation of virtually all laws/accords regarding the environment, human rights, electronic espionage, and copyright protections, is there anything that can be done to remedy any of this?


Im so tired about this "They eat Dogs" thing. Yea so what? We eat cows. We eat hens. We eat pigs. We eat birds. We eat fish. We eat pretty much anything, and when hunger strikes and the winter is cold, yes even we eat dogs. (We as in the general term of my own country, seen across the ages)

is there anything wrong with eating dogs? No, of course not. Yes they are cute. Yes we have them as pets. Same can go with pigs, but when hunger comes and knocks on the door, i only have one thing to say:
Come here Piggy.


Didn't heard the guy cuz i was just wearing the left phone.


As a have to I can not believe you guys take the "China Uncensored" seriously, are you for real ? That's how you get information about China? No wonder American people sounds so ignorant when you are talking about China....
