25 UNBELIEVABLE Things Found On Earth We Can't Explain

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There are unbelievable things found on Earth that we simply can’t explain. Some people have claimed that some of these things come from aliens. Others believe them to be an elaborate hoax. But no matter how you look at them, they remain as some of the most mysterious discoveries made on our planet. Check out these 25 unbelievable things found on Earth we can’t explain.

We discover new things on our planet all the time. These discoveries help shed light on the people that lived thousands of years ago. However, some of these discoveries are so bizarre and seem so out of place within their time, that some scientists are completely baffled as to their origin. Take a look at these unbelievable things found on Earth (and our photo credits and sources) and let us know in the comments below what you think are the answers to some of the mysteries surrounding these objects:

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Have you heard of the Ruins of Atlit Yam? Discovered in 1984, these ruins are completely submerged underwater. How they ended up underwater is a complete mystery. Then there are the Ubaid Lizardmen. These are statues of lizard people that have mysterious origins. Probably one of the most bizarre discoveries is the Atacama Skeleton, a human skeleton only measuring 6 inches! How is that even possible? Scientists still don’t know. Check out these and the rest of these 25 unbelievable things found on Earth we can’t explain.
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What do you think is happening with some of these artifacts? - Juan


In 50 billion years, some alien will find a fossilized tickle-me-elmo doll and put it on a list like this.


In 3018 they will find small books of a man in a flying suit of iron armour shooting lasers from his hands and think “wow, this tech was way before their time.”


Just because we don't understand it does not mean it is from another planet.


The fact that you talk about one thing, while the picture is of something completely different, totally ruined this video for me


If your gonna talk about an artifact you have to include a picture at least, otherwise leave it out


Like future humans will look at our memes and come up with sophisticated theories, when we were just entertaining ourselves


I can only imagine how many of these things would have been documented and explained if we didn't loose the Library of Alexandria?


I love how artists have messed with people for centuries.


Rat Kings are nature's version of the 2000's iPod headphones. Don't tell me Rat Kings are a hoax, have you ever seen how tangled headphone cords get in your backpack?


the weirdest thing about this upload...why no pic of the little alien skelington thing


Scientists: Yea we’re not really sure where this thing came from

Alien Conspirators: Coincidence? I think not!


Rather brief, you give a very basic description then skip to the next thing. Feels unfinished or rushed.


Amazingly, the 700 year old London hammer with the plastic handle says "Sears Craftsman" on the side.


There’s a big difference between “can’t explain” and “haven’t explained yet.”


That hammer was very ancient with it's streamlined plastic handle, I would have dated it the late 70's


You missed something huge on number 6, the Piri Reis map. The most amazing thing about the map was not details of america but rather the fact that it showed what Antarctica looks like under the ice. This has only recently been done with our advanced technology, so was, as far as we know, impossible back then.


I have three opinions
1. Early humans we're not nearly as primitive as they're are made out to be.
2. Anytime archaeologists find anything they don't understand they immediately assume it is religious and nature. Anybody else remember the Viking runes written very high they thought we're religious, but when they actually were able to climb up and read them it was just graffiti that said "this is very high".
3. And probably one of my least popular opinions is that they couldn't accurately carbon date something even if it had the date carved into it.
The answer for everything is to say, "it's a religious relic and it's old". In a thousand years somebody is going to find a Ninja Turtle action figure and say it's a god figurine from 800, 000 years ago.


For number 7 you could have mentioned that the wall design has such tight-fitting stones you can't pass a butter knife through. Not only that, they actually put images into the stone design in places, making it even more amazing.


It's refreshing to listen to this with the narrator resisting the temptation (mostly) to ascribe extraterrestrial origins to these antiquities. Too often events or artifacts shown and discussed in these presentations are quickly assigned to alien influence. If something is unexplained, isn't that enough to say without the silly titillations of breathless narrations of alien technology.
