5 Unbelievable Things That Happen During A Spiritual Awakening! (And You're Definitely Not Crazy)

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5 Unbelievable Things That Happen During A Spiritual Awakening! (And You're Definitely Not Crazy) | Awakening | Spirituality

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Have you ever heard someone being referred to as enlightened or well-informed and wondered what that really means? We often associate these terms with positive qualities like kindness, education, and love - all the things we strive for in our own lives. But what if there's more to enlightenment than just being a good person?

True enlightenment is about embracing the truth, even when it's not easy or comfortable. It's about understanding the world around us on a deeper level, and being willing to confront the harsh realities that come with that understanding.


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1) change in physical appearance/features/eyes
2) personality changes/shifts (ego deaths)
3) become more sensitive/feel things you never felt before and/ or more deeply
4) every thing gets faster (good & bad)
5) suddenly everything becomes crystal clear; seeing things on a spiritual level.


Forty years ago I managed to make a breakthrough with transcendental meditation. The following morning my wife told me she no longer recognized me as the person she married. The journey that started so long ago only came to an end this last month with a massive change of perspective and understanding. I can point to one incidence that brought me through the final leg to this point.. About six or seven years ago I was listening to the hymn "Nearer my God to Thee" and paying attention to the words when I came across the phrase " All that Thou sendest me, in mercy given." I scoffed and asked what I had ever been given. I decided to meditate on the subject and became a groveling wreck as i realised how privieged I had been to have had the universe with me all this time. This led to a glorious experience subsequently and as I started expressing gratitude more blessings were bestowed upon me. even to this day. For me the major turning point was this appreciation of what had been given me which in hindsight makes sense. Why would the universe carry on blessing those who do not appreciate what comes their way.


Im glad i clicked on this video. I decided to push spirituality away. Recently ive become very emotional and sensetive, to the point i couldn't ignore it anymore. This video gave an answer


Here are some signs of real change:

1. VOICE. Deeper, darker tone, this is the Sound of Reason. Words become powerful. My voice changed and my laugh sounded a bit sinister, but this did not indicate that I was a witch or the wife or Dr. Evil. Any futile attempts of an exorcism are strongly prohibited during this time. Note: It is essential to stay away from combative or unhealthy environments, like court rooms or hospitals.

2. SPACED OUT. Nothing to do with rockets, but you “may lose your train of thought” and forget what you wanted to say in the middle of a conversation. Higher vibrations move your thoughts like waves.

3. LESS NEED FOR SLEEP. But energy and focus increases.

4. LOSS OF APPETITE. I could not sit down and enjoy a meal, food just tasted bland.

5. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR PESTY PEOPLE. Trolls beware! Note: It is normal to have disagreements with close friends and family, especially if they are going through their own awakening. But eventually your energies will merge and inspire action.

6. ISOLATION. A craving for some “alone”time. I listen to music, some people meditate or work out at the gym. All cell phone alerts, notifications banners, and alarms should be disabled. Contrary to popular be/lie/f, it is hazardous to your health to be connected as one together at all times.



I Agree With Everything You Have would Like to Add, In My Experience talking amongst Friends, I Explained that it is like Realizing that You Do Have an Ability To See, Hear, and Visualize or Diagnose Data In a Different Way than Before, and Now Realizing it Can Serve Yoour Purpose If it Can Be Learned, Controled, and A Powerful Tool In One`s Tool Box!!....But This Takes


My eyes changed color from brown to green. This change started 8 years ago when I was 56 years old. Since then, many other changes have occurred. Last week I went to get a haircut. My regular barber said: "Your hair has changed, it's more darker than gray and it's thicker." Internal changes are also rapidly increasing. This is truly amazing. I also sense a profound purging of darkness, from within.


Thank you for bringing clarity to me. Let's embrace change because the world is changing so fast. Faster than we anticipated. Accept, forgive, be healed, be at peace with everything and spread love. God's love is a way to connect with us and purify us from our pains. Thank you God for guidance.


Something is pushing me to disappear for 3days to meditate, , I don’t know why but am in a mental stress and feeling totally frustrated by life..Am glad to watch this video


Very nice video. Sensitive spiritual beings are sensitive and get hurt fast but spiritual beings are protected by a divine power.


Yes I'm experiencing most of these since 2022. All anyone tells me no matter where I am. Whether on video call or iin person Is that I'm glowing bright. Which I'm connected to the universe


Well thank you so very much for the enlightenment of wat is ...this is s a matter of fact. I am spiritualy awakened fior 1 yr now been in hermit mode for 4 yrs and Ive understood my symptoms started 10 yrs ago... my feelings on this message is very overwhelming 🙏 in such a way I clearly understand deeply and I am very thankful for your help and supporting those who know but need claritu it really is a major help, thank you... and thank you to those who are taking time to understand deeply ...my appreciations to you all it's really hard wen u don't have anyone who can relate to u...such level of intense transformation My ppl are still stuck in the matrix at this time and are not able to give too at this time it's in such a level of it own... the physical emotional and mental pain is so intensified in the moment of where it is at the time of going through it and wat it truly does as we evolve is a lot to deal with alone so thank you for ur compassion time and patience it truly is needed much ❤️ and light and namaste💜🕉☸️♌️♋️☮️🎉


Clear vision hit home with me. A few times when I've been in the shower in a bathroom that has no windows, I have seen lightning in the sky above me and a second or two later, I'll hear the thunder. It was like the ceiling and walls were not even there.




Thank you for the VDO. I really appreciate it.
I feel a lot better now that I know I’m not crazy after all, though what I’m going through shook me to the core 😢. Never felt like this before in my life.


Hopefully going through these stages in my lifetime will prevent my reincarnation.


I was saved at the bus stop. Jesus came to sit next to me. We were so busy chatting that we missed the bus. It was a profound encounter. It was quite exhausting actually because we were talking so fast. I did have a breakdown or two. Anyway, I’ve am more in love with myself since then .🐥

I’ve uu


Trust your own inner wisdom above all else. No one has all the answers, not even those who seem enlightened. Your journey is unique, and your intuition is your best guide. Always listen to your heart and let love lead the way. 🌟💖 What does your intuition tell you today?


This is all true if anyone thinks it's not ur either in denial or not a spiritual person period and even then I've seen God knock those on there back to where they have nowhere to look but up. When all this started for me was after a traumatic event in my life. It had always been with me something was but I didn't believe in myself enough for anything. Most my life well all my life I was different, my way of thinking was different but I'd keep to myself my feelings and question them. It seemed through out my life one after another was abusive to me either mentally or physically or both except my dad . I'm not sure if everyone goes through what I did but it was told to me a warning yrs before, whatever I went threw happen. Long story short Good was there to guide me but what is typically a place of concern to God or any angelic spiritual being is also a place of concern for evil. Let me tell you some advice evil doesn't play by the rules and is more prevalent. One thing threw this I had to stay strong my faith, hope, my heart who I really came from and you can try but u can't kill what he's annointed. It was a fight but I won that fight and in exchange was the day I woke up sitting on my bed I lifted my eyes and looked out the window but I knew. I knew everything every doubt every thought or feeling they wasn't in my Head they were all true and God let me know that. I can notice when something is off, I know when bad is around or if there even thinking about something negative. I surprise myself sometimes. But let me tell you guys hate this quality I know when there doing something to hurt me. It's really weird we can be getting along, and I'll be ok then out of nowhere I'll get sick to my stomach and all these thoughts flood in and it was right there in front of me was there. I never have to see or know for sure I know bc I feel why feel that now today right now nothing is different that would give it to me.. that's how I know and how u will know. Coincidences they are no such thing. Things just don't happen believing that know that don't let nobody take it from you


Crazy you mention your eyes change, mine went from brown to Hazel Green, with bright highlights, my girlfriend and I argued about my eye color, cuz they've always been brown, I looked in the mirror and was so shocked. This was after my experiences I went through


I'm become more ompassionate.
I relate to this .
