How To Make A Man Think Of You All The Time [ Secrets 99% Of Women Don’t Know ]

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How to make a man think of you all the time.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could make him think about you all the time? Most women secretly fantasize about it. The concept of our man is so obsessed with us that he can't go more than a few minutes without thinking about us. It's a little unrealistic, but it's surely romantic. Everyone has responsibilities in life and cannot spend their entire day fantasizing about the person they love. You do, however, want to remain a constant in his thoughts and emotions, and there are methods to make that happen. You can make him adore you to the point that he can't bear the thought of not being your man. He will be unable to focus on anything else but you, if you follow the 7 steps in this video in the given order, and also you can stop wondering whether he is thinking about you. Because you know better than anybody that he most likely is. Before I go into how to make him miss you, let's take a look at the psychology of why we miss somebody. As we are all aware, it is human nature to seek community. Humans are social beings that rely on one another. But, more precisely, we require intimate connections.


[ Men Fall In Love With Women Who Do THIS ]




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I was the distant woman before, and trust me, it did attract only toxic men, some men were even obsessed with me, but in the wrong way...whereas i was only frightening the good ones... just be yourself and have positive time with him, be kind and super positive and you will have the good and healthy one


If two people really love each other they should always be right there for each other at all times and no mind games !! 🔥💖🔥


*A strong relationship requires choosing to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other.*


I think this video is very correct. I was seeing a man and fell in love with him, but he was not in love with me at the time, just liked me. I quit texting him completely and after a few weeks He would always send me a text or post to see what I was doing. Curiosity …. Is she seeing someone else? Wondering why I still wasn’t jumping at every chance I could have with him ( when it was convenient for him ). It made him miss me and and I became a challenge for him. It made him crave me more… we all want what we can’t have. I believe in the ole saying, men like to be the chasers when pursuing you… women stay busy, positive, and hang out with friends, have a life…. This does get his attention to at-least want to find out what you’re doing ( if he really liked you ) he will realize he will have to work to win your heart and will if he misses you.


Absence makes the Heart grow fonder. But too much absence will make him wonder...


Steps:1) stop initiating contact
2) make urself a best friend
3) make ur life mysterious
4) while u are with him, leave a lasting impression
5) let him live his life
6) stop giving a damn
7) have an open and receptive


Love does not require games or calculate behavior. Games are not love. This seems too much work. Communication #1 for a relationship and be your true self


If he likes you he likes you, I think you'll know it.


I'm a man. When a person treates me like the video says too, I treat the situations like a bank robbery going bad and "Walk!"


These are all games we shouldn't play. Organic relationships are best. They're not easy but no relationship is, as a rule. Men miss us when they can no longer smell our scent (perfume, etc). They miss us when we get busy and have no time for physical intimacy. I could go on (or make a video like this). Follow your instincts. Give him room and don't smother or be suspicious of him.


As a men, i tell all women to attract masculine men is just talk . He will feel very confident with you and that's all ❤️


I talked to my guy for hours before we met in person. I wanted to get to know him before we met. When we met for the first time we enjoyed each other we dreaded when we had to say goodbye. 14 years later we have a deeper love for one another and I cannot see myself without him. You must learn to listen to one another and enjoy the times together. If you argue a lot that’s toxic and it’s probably best to let go.


This is a very old-fashioned perspective. A relationship should develop naturally, without any kind of strategies. We must show ourselves just the way we truly are❤


A man think about u when he loves u exactly


If always having “access” to you makes hm lose interest, all marriages must be doomed.


Do what you love and let people come to you. <3


Ladies pls just follow your inner persons n heart, don't lose nice guys with these crazy advises. If you love him you hv to show him also. Am telling you ❤


How to Make a Man Think of You All the Time:
1. Stop initiating contact.
2. Make yourself your bestfriend.
3. Make your life mysterious. Disappear from him radar.
4. While with him, leave him a lasting impression.
5. Let him live his life without you. The more freedom u give him, the more he will miss you.
6. Stop giving a damn. Stop chasing him. Don't check when he will text, just relax. Do exercises. Don
7. Have an open gentle attitude. Be a master of Pushing and pulling.

Pushing behavior such as contactibf, texting, planning, and controlling are mostly masculine energies. listening, surrendering, accepting are feminine activities.


1. Do not call or text him so often
2. Try to reject his offer
3. Make yourself mysterious


I’m going to ignore my partner who’s been pushing and pulling me for weeks. It’s time he saw my worth.
