10 Physical Signs of Aspergers in Girls (MUST SEE)

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While it is commonly associated with boys, girls can also have Asperger's Syndrome. However, the signs of Asperger's in girls can be difficult to spot, especially when compared to boys. In this video, we will discuss the top 10 physical signs of Asperger's in girls that you need to be aware of.

Difficulty with social interactions: Girls with Aspergers may struggle to make and keep friends. They may have difficulty understanding social cues and body language.

Repetitive behaviors: Girls with Aspergers may engage in repetitive behaviors, such as rocking back and forth, flapping their hands, or spinning objects.

Difficulty with communication: Girls with Aspergers may have trouble with verbal and nonverbal communication. They may speak in a monotone voice, have trouble maintaining eye contact, and struggle to understand sarcasm or humor.

Sensory issues: Girls with Aspergers may be sensitive to certain sounds, textures, or smells. They may become overwhelmed in loud or crowded environments.

Rigidity: Girls with Aspergers may have difficulty with changes to their routine or unexpected events. They may become upset or anxious when things don't go as planned.

Special interests: Girls with Aspergers may have intense interests in specific topics or activities. They may spend a lot of time researching or talking about their interests.

Difficulty with executive functioning: Girls with Aspergers may struggle with planning, organizing, and completing tasks. They may have trouble with time management and prioritizing.

Delayed motor development: Girls with Aspergers may have difficulty with coordination and motor skills. They may struggle with handwriting, sports, or other physical activities.

Emotional regulation: Girls with Aspergers may have difficulty regulating their emotions. They may become overwhelmed by their feelings and have trouble expressing them appropriately.

Unusual body language: Girls with Aspergers may exhibit unusual body language, such as standing too close or too far away from others, or avoiding physical touch.

In conclusion, it is essential to recognize the physical signs of Asperger's in girls to provide early intervention and support. We hope that this video has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the physical signs of Asperger's in girls. If you found this video helpful, please share, like, and subscribe to our channel for more informative content.

Tags and Keywords: Asperger's in Girls, Asperger's Syndrome, Physical Signs, Developmental Disorder, Social Interaction, Communication, Eye Contact, Sensory Sensitivities, Facial Expressions, Early Intervention, Support, Awareness, Understanding, Information, Educational, Psychology, Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Hashtags: #AspergersInGirls #AspergersSyndrome #PhysicalSigns #DevelopmentalDisorder #NeurodevelopmentalDisorders #EarlyIntervention #Support #Awareness #Psychology #education

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I find that ADHD along with Asperger’s makes the symptoms a bit different. ADHD can take over in social situations and make my mouth run away with verbal vomit about nonsense. The more nervous I am, the faster I talk and the oversharing becomes worse. I try to avoid social settings if I can.


Wow I'm a 77 year- old female Aspie and so many I truly have. I wish I'd be confirmed at a young age- had to stumble through life on my own. But i know what i am and i find myself affirming my place in life. I am pretty cool to know.


1. Difficulty with social interaction
2. Repetitive behavior
3. Difficulty with communication
4. Sensory processing issues (light, smell, touch, or noise sensitivity)
5. Rigidity to set path or plan
6. Special Interests thoroughly researched (collecting anything and everything)
7. Difficulties with executive function (organizing life)
8. Delay in motor development (clumsiness)
9. Emotional deregulation (up and down due to inability to express emotions)
10. Unusual body language (personal space; not knowing how to use body language)

Some fit me and some don't; I have good coordination and balance and love to ski.


Refer to the research in Britain.
Another symptom is unusual reactions to psychotropics. Decades ago a boyfriend pressured me into smoking pot - but ot made me feel bad. Alcoholic beverages usually make me feel sleepy, nothing else. One opiate pain prescription I took for severe pain made me feel worse than the pain.
And like many other auties, unless I get regular exercise I don't feel hunger when I should, I tend to postpone eating until I have low blood sugar symptoms like dizziness and nausea.


The organization thing for me is weird-in a huge pile of chaos I can reach in and grab what is needed. When I was a kid my parents were amazed I could find anything. When I hit my teenage years I started trying different organization systems and over the years it's evolved to where I can finally keep everything neat like I want. Being honest sometimes the system baffles me but I can work out the kinks. When someone helps me clean I explain how and why I organize different so no one gets lost in the sauce so to speak. My books are organized by author, my paint is by shades of color (for same colors that are the same I keep them together) and the shades are from light to dark. I keep all of my paint brushes in another container and the two containers stay together with my paint palette on top so when I paint I'm not running back and forth collecting everything together. The sensory thing for me is when I've peopled enough I need alone time to recharge, and I've never felt the need to hang with large crowds-small crowds are better for me in that respect. There's some food I will not touch because of the taste texture or both-sweet potatoes are a no because to me they're too sweet and the texture is yuck-that's the best way to describe it.


My 40+ daughter has 3 autistic children and got tested for autism herself. She says she has it too. All the things you said took me back to the 70's when I was in High school. I didn't relate socially with any of my peers accept the "misfits" that did not fit in. By my senior year I was trying to raise above this but when I was on my own as a young woman, I had no idea how to navigate in the world around me. Add bipolar to the mix and a chaotic childhood with 7 other children that were told how to think, act and behave. Well, I would never have picked up that my daughter was autistic. What's that, it was the 70's.


When I was in elementary school, while kids were playing on the playground, I would search the field and parking lot for fossilized snails and rocks. The area I lived in used to be submerged beneath the Gulf of Mexico, so there are tons of fossils. I collected so many, my dad built a special shelf for me. I have all of these characteristics you mentioned. Very socially awkward. But I never thought of my self as neuro-divergent until my 30s. It’s very obvious that the people around me don’t behave the same way I do (not even close 😂). I sort of like being different though.


I use to collect cookbooks, and now it’s dishware and cookware, and I hate to cook. 😂


Thank you, Dan! Both my kiddos have super powers. My 6 year old daughter and 9 year old son.
I get told often “they don’t look autistic” and it drives me insane.
Next time I hear that I’m just going to point them to your channel 🥰


Mmm no. I believe it was Tony Attwood who has studied females with Asp. and said woman are much stronger at masking the symptoms and are better communicators due to social expectations but are not comfortable with it.


I have a rock collection and did a Geoscience degree for fun - but then struggle to "adult". Took literally 2 years to learn to serve in badminton and I still have zero coordination in sports.


That makes so much sense.... too little too late for me though.... I lost my girl of 10 years due to not realizing or picking up on this sooner....


Or neuro divergence to be inclusive. Respect for assertively poiting that out ❤


I collect cookbooks, nutrition books, and recipes. 🤓


As a mom of an autistic adult female, i will never quite wrap my head aroung the fact that she did not exhibit any of these until about age 3 . She was very talkative, social and flexible, and it suddenly switched .


Thanks Dan, I learn more and more everytime i look at your videos. I'm the girl who asked you in a live video on Instagram witch one of my diagnosis I should work with first, I have Aspergers, adhd and PTSD. And both you and the other man recommended PTSD, I hope I can start with trauma treatment soon. I got my diagnosis this year and I'm 46 years. I hope I can start to medicate my ADHD soon, they talk about Elvanse, do you know that medicine? I'm so sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand it. Have a nice weekend.


When I was young, my parents said once that they didn't know what to do with me.

1. I didn't (and still dont) know how to make friends.
2. I could not answer adults under pressure to speak because, I learned later, I had selective mutism. Which can still happen now and then.
3. I spent my whole summer walking back and forth to the library about a mile from our home, borrowing the maximum 10 books on nearly a daily basis, depending on how long each book was.
4. I was scared to death to have to acknowledge the presence of someone I didnt know, walking on the sidewalk toward me. I would cross the street so I would not have to smile, nod, or say h😢ello.
5. I have so many food issues related to texture! Even beverages cause me problems. I cant stand a cold drink that isnt comepletely full of ice. As a teenager, I would only eat apples, and they had to be really crisp or I got grossed out. I still crave a certain food, eat it every single day, until suddenly Im done with it and move toanother food.
6. Im very light sensitive to the point of its causing me migraines.
7. I collect things until they overwhelm me. I display them so my home is neat and my collection is organized. But if I told you I have spent thousands of dollars on my various collections, it would not be overstating the cost.
8. I have always needed more sleep than anyone else I know, 8 to 10 hours, while my husband can easily get by with 5 or 6.
9. Oversharing is a huge problem for me. Either I cant speak to you at all, or I will tell you far too much detail.
10. Recently, my physician asked me to have my psychiatrist test me for ADHD.

Do you think I should ask my psych doc whether Im somewhere on the Aspie scale?


Well done you made that very easy to understand thank you


Great video. Very on the money. I just got sick of eating toast for breakfast after 10yrs of having toast and tea for breakfast. Now my morning is very chaotic.


I absolutely agree, and I hope this is the type of stuff in the book. I am so excited to get it! I already pre-ordered 🎉
