Asperger Syndrome: 10 Interesting Facts

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Asperger Syndrome: 10 Interesting Facts.
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I’m 53 and I’ve just learned I’m on the spectrum. It explains my entire life.


Four males to each one female may be diagnosed, but that doesn't mean that that is the relative proportion who have Asperger's, diagnosed or otherwise. There is strong indication that females have been underdiagnosed more than males.


I argue that the reason that there are more males diagnosed is only because ASD in general is often thought of as only in males. It can present differently in females because we tend to “mask” better. Therefore it is often missed much more in females and misdiagnosed and missed as a diagnosis.


What gets me, is that some of the characteristics, such as lack of empathy and lack of coordination, do not apply to a lot of us. I was one of the top jocks in jr high..The major three attributes seem to be; Social difficulties, repetitive behaviors and narrow set of interests


I have this and people are very surprised about it when i tell them 😂


The hereditary fact is true. My grandmother, father, and I all have Asperger’s syndrome. All three of us have become obsessed with one or more things. My grandmother was a microbiologist, my father is a data scientist, and I’m planning on studying marine biology after graduating. It’s been a struggle through the years, I’ve experienced bullying since kindergarten and up until high school, but things are great now. I have friends and my teachers are understanding and have had autistic students before. I’ve never met another person with Asperger’s syndrome before, excluding my grandmother and father, but I’m glad to know that there are people who I can relate to.


I've just come to understand that social isolation is my normal. I haven't been technically diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome but a large majority of symptoms are there. I do have a daughter that has been clinically diagnosed with Asperger's and trust me, she can convert any sceptic into a believer. And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


I was diagnosed at about 2, and also have dispraxia, so getting diagnosed at that age helped me enormously. The earlier you know the better, otherwise you can’t get the help you need and it’s a lot more effective while you’re developing


I used to love living in my own world, but since this has been brought to my attention at a later age in life... It has made me feel even more self conscience than ever before.


I in fact have Asperger and my daily week or life is so useful to my family and friends that I see Asperger as a pleasant gift for life


The one thing you could have mentioned is that symptoms are different in women and men, meaning that women with asperger´s behave differently than men do...


you can still get diagnosed with Asperger's! they use the term ASD but go into more detail about what specifically affects you. I was informed last week that I do in fact have Asperger's.


I have never been formally diagnosed with Asperger's or ASD but I seem to have many of the symptoms of Asperger's. When I was in elementary school I was labeled as being emotionally handicapped and placed in a special ed class for that reason though the class was only for an hour a day and I was able to be in the regular classroom for the rest of the day. This could be due to me having Asperger's but it not being recognized since I was intelligent, and did speak though I did need help with making eye contact and I was also a girl.


Very clear presentation. The illustrations helped.


This was a great report on Aspergers. In one of my favorite singers interview SUSSN BOYLE had this problem and she has a very important IQ. I learnt about this problem today 24th September 2019. I fell upon a documentary about Susan Boyle and it brought tears into my eyes learning about her health. My message is that we give love to those affected and not scorn them out of society. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. I Learnt so much from this video, its heartbreaking for the parents. Thanks for sharing and caring. 😘👍👍👍


Cars, Sea Life, and Space is literally my entire life


0:43 In America it's gone but I think elsewhere it's still called that.


My sister told me that she thought our dad may have had it. He never had friends when I was little. He was a bit excentric. Then I started realizing that I too never had friends after I was little. I too am a bit odd. I have a lot of interests that most people wouldn't even know about. Both my dad and I were and are highly intelligent. I'm 34/50 on the Asperger's chart.


A few of my special interests have been consistent since very early memories, otherwise I tend to go in cycles.


They forgot to say that some people with these can be like the rain man. It’s very rare to be one of those.
