Better Sound on iPhone Videos - Use a USB Audio Interface

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Feeling like the audio quality on your iPhone videos is a bit lacking?

Did you know you can connect USB audio interfaces directly to your iPhone, AND use them as the audio source in the Camera app? I learned it recently, and thought it was awesome... and now there's a video about it!
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That tip about opening camera first is a game changer. If only I’d known that about 6 hours ago!


I've been on a youtube search for this specific information for at least 72 hrs, and today youtube finally shows me your video.


It’s important to note that if your interface is solely powered by USB (like my 2i2), you have to use the dongle that has both the USB A female AND lightning female. That way you can have power coming in through the lightning port while you’re recording. Otherwise, your interface will not receive enough power.


Dude ... you're freaking awesome! Everybody needs to take a lesson from you on how to simplify tutorials. I am excited to try this with my Scarlett. Thanks brother!


This is the tutorial that I’ve been looking. Thanks man.


Thank you ssooo much!! i have been trying to find out how to use an audio interface to record videos for 2 months now!! thank you so much for clear and brief tutorial


Great advice man-works like a charm👏 To help with no interruptions or possible disconnects put your iPhone into ‘aeroplane’ mode before opening the camera/video app. 👍


Yes! Thank you. I have the Focusrite 2i2, and it works, but like Shnapps12 pointed out 2 years ago, you will need the dongle with the lightning jack so that you can power your iphone while recording. Otherwise there doesn't seem to be enough power going to the Focusrite. My next video will be recorded with my Shure 55 mic. Finally!! Can't say enough thanks.


Here is an update from my attempts to do this with a Tascam US-4x4. I first ordered a generic camera/lightening adapter and it didn't work. I ordered the official camera/lightening adapter and tried it. The first few times it wouldn't work. The camera app would even stop recording after I hit record. Then after leaving it connected for about 15 seconds before hitting record it started working on my Ipad. I then repeated this on my Iphone 8 and it worked flawlessly! Thank you for this information and add the Tascam US-4x4 as an interface that is compatible with camera adapter and Iphone.


This is the video I’ve been searching for. Not even the guys at Sweetwater or Guitar Center could explain what you explained in this video. I own the Scarlett 2i2 so I will be testing this out and and letting you and your followers know if it works or not, as you suggested. Now I have only one question left to answer. If you happen to know the answer to this and could take a minute to steer me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. I am an entertainer and have a singing act. My goal is to use the set up that you have explained here, but I need to add a backing track to this, as opposed to live guitar, etc. I also can’t wear headphones because I’m videotaping the performance for the purpose of building a trailer. I’ve been advised to connect the speakers from the scarlet and point them in the opposite direction of the microphone, on the other side of the room, so that it won’t be picked up (very much) in my Shure singing mic, which is in front of me, facing the opposite way. Then in a video production app, I would add the backing track on a separate audio line and mix them. Does that make sense to you or is there a better way? I am subscribed and will be following you.


Focusrite 2i2 works with every direction you shared here! Only one thing important is I always have to use charging cable to make sure it can work. I have an iPhone 8 ha ha.


Thank you for the video. I tried it and it works better than expected! My setup: Behringer X1204USB Mixer connected via original "Apple Lightning to USB Camera Adapter" to my iPhone SE (2016 with iOS 13+) then I use the "Moment Pro Camera App" which has a VU-Meter built-in for proper level setting. This setup never loses the USB Connection to the Mixer even if I go out of the camera app and back in again. The audio of the video even gets played back to the mixer in video replay mode. It works great!


After 3 years this is still relevant. Amazing. thank you!


I have watched more than a dozen video's trying to figure out how to do this!! Yours is the only one that seems to make sense. Thank you!! I'm going to try this today- hope it works!


Behringer u-phoria UMC22 works with this method


This also worked with an Ipad, connected to HX Stomp (Line6), with both a guitar and mic as inputs into the stomp. So tnx!


Thank you so much. This is the only video I found after a frustrating search that helped me record video and sound on my iPhone. It's always those little quirks of the equipment that drive me crazy and you pointed them right out. I'm using my brand new Scarlett Solo third-generation to record videos for our church YouTube channel. This is our only connection as a congregation. So, It's really important. Have a great day!


Very concise video… to the point and exactly what a beginner would need


Tascam US 20x20, iPhone 8+, worked fine.

Thanks for the video! I was trying it last night when the adapter arrived and getting no sound. The order of operations is indeed the secret.


So I have a presonus and got the apple brand and nothing happened, then I see this pop up in my OS to update my the adapter and then i click it and it says updating “Apple usb camera adapter” and I had no power. As soon as it’s done updating I have power and my presonus audio interface turns on and I can finally hear myself through my headphones and it sounds SOOO GOOD!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Also -with iPhone 12 and update, it works in ANY app, like TikTok, Smule, or camera. It all works!
