How to protect your energy

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Here is the mantra :

I call back all my power from all people, places and situations that have been sealing it without my consent now and I give back any power or energy that is not mine to carry.

Thank you


0:44 Understand that your thoughts are not always yours
5:34 Start asking your self : Is this what I am thinking, are these my thoughts?
5:45 Understand when your energy is not yours
8:06 Track your energy when you go out or meet someone
8:48 Prayer and asking for protection
9:34 Sage yourself
10:16 Call your energy back
10:41 Don't fear things that were never meant for you
14:04 Watch out with the words you speak into reality
14:36 Limit your engagement with negativity
16:50 Help yourself before you try to help others
17:42 Don't kiss or sleep with random people
20:28 Don't allow random people into your house
21:06 Don't try to fix or change someone
23:57 Don't engage in unnecessary fights with people
25:09 Salt baths, cleansing shower, swimming in the ocean
26:05 Work with nature and start grounding yourself
26:37 Cover a mirror that's facing your bed to sleep better

I love you, Liz. Thank you for the video. May Allah bless you.


"Your thoughts may come from your parents."
bro so real.
I have spent my ENTIRE LIFE thinking "why don't people like me" or "I think she hates me" every time I noticed a single change in my family members' behavior towards me and recently I only remember that my mom always said the same thing every time so I unconsciously adopted that behavior. Thank you Liz for always speaking the truth.


I love the way Liz speaks. She's got assertive and protective older sister energy and I'm grateful for her content.


Let's be honest this woman is one of the biggest blessings of our generation.


as a muslim, we have duas for stuff like this. that’s why when we for example go out in public or visit friends and their homes, etc. there’s a dua of it to protect yourself from the bad energy/jinns. i love u liz !!!


Im 15 yr old and hav been dealing w/ jealous spirits my whole 🧬 to the point where prophets have told me. It was getting worst to the point where i would be around people who did 🚫 t like me and could feel physical pain inside of my body and didnt know why fell into a deep depression and anxiety. This video brought me to tears because i realized i hav the authority over my energies. I hce the power against entities. I AM FREE.
Thank you jesus


I've been watching Liz for over a year now and i've feel so changed in both my perspective and mindset. Liz really changed my life for the good. I started to attract so much positive energy and people into my life. I've become stronger and a more mature person who's willing to change and always trying to find ways to become the best version of myself. I'm so thankful for Liz for changing me for the best, thank you!


"I call back all my power from all people, places and situations that have been stealing it without my consent now. And I give back any power and energy that's not mine to carry"
One of the best mantra I've ever heard, thank you Liz!


please PLEASE start posting more spiritual stuff, you're really good at making info really sink in. bless u liz <3


She is right. I lost my mom to cancer and I became so scared I would get it too until I realized that just because this was her fate does not mean it will be mine too. Inlet go of my fears and have lived more in peace.


Umm Liz I felt an urge to share this unpopular fact that everyone actually needs to know - the kind of music they hear really really really matters. Cuz people listen to music over and over again...mostly cuz they find it pleasant but the actuall lyrics - they're originallity is this that the artist actually expresses his thoughts into it. Artists what they do they write down their feelings how they feel and turn it into songs....people find it relatable but actually those are not their own energy how you actually sucking the artist's kind of songs people listens really matters....I hope this comment reaches you and the needed you Liz


"I call back all my power from all people, places, and situations that have been stealing it without my consent now. And I give back any power and energy that is not mine to carry." – Love this, Liz, keep making videos like this!


I don’t know why but I am in tears after listening to you…you’re so right…my parents think im just being dramatic, they don’t really listen when I tell them about what’s going on. My best friend does not understand me either…I remember when I used to be really bubbly, jolly and positive all the time but the phase that I’m going through right now is giving me second-hand doubts about myself. I’ve turned weak and pathetic…all I wanted was to someone to listen to me without judging but well, I feel judged when I speak all the damn time. I overthink, I start having mini anxiety attacks, even at school. I hide it from everyone cuz i know there’s nobody who’s actually gonna get me entirely. I just cannot vent. I keep all the things to myself, and I burst eventually. Your words…the things that you’ve recited have given me a piece of calmness…I’m so glad I found you channel…you would be an amazing sister…


So grateful to see you open up and address spiritual ideas. There is so much beyond our physical reality and so much we can learn from one another ♡


I’m so glad someone with a big audience like Liz can make this type of content. I used to tell ppl exactly all this but they’d say I was crazy or stupid. In reality, they just don’t understand how deep and complex life truly is


It's a big fat YES for more spirituality videos Liz. Thanks a ton for educating me. I used to know absolutely NOTHING about spirituality and everything that I know now is all just thanks to YOU.


You're really so positive and I can feel my aura and my energy gaining positivity after watching your content.
To me you're an elder sister and an inspiration. I am leveling up in certain criterias of my life since I started to apply the content you share here.
Thank You so much. Love your sunshine ❤💫


I intuitively knew she knew about these spiritual topics because of the way she talked, of course she left clues. I’m happy that you talked about this! Keep being you and better every day queen! 💗☺️⭐️✨


00:44 you are not your thoughts
05:33 is this what i really think?
05:43 understand when your energy is not yours
08:05 track your energy when you go out or meet someone. How do i feel? How do you feel being with x person?
08:46 prayer and ask for protection
09:34 sage yourself
10:12 call your energy back
10:39 don’t fear things that were never meant for you
14:02 watch out with the words you speak into reality
14:35 limit your engagement with negativity
16:48 help yourself before you try to help others
17:40 don’t kiss or sleep with random people
20:26 don’t allow random people into your house
21:04 don’t try to fix or change someone
23:55 don’t engage in unnecessary fights with people
25:07 salt baths, cleansing shower, swimming in the ocean…
26:04 work with nature and start grounding yourself
26:34 cover a mirror thats facing your bed to sleep better
