How To Protect Against Psychic Attacks | #AskChristina

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If you want to know how to protect yourself from psychic attacks and negative energy, this week’s Ask Christina is for you! In this video, I explain the underlying belief you need to address to protect yourself. Hint: protecting yourself from negative energy is probably not what you think. Soon, you’ll know what psychic protection really is and why it’s so important to become strong in your energy. Because the fact is, there is no type of energy in the universe too much for you to take on!





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“There’s NO Energy more Powerful than me” I will use this mantra for the rest of my human existence. And try to make myself remember that I’m a Super (Infj) Empath. There is NO energy stronger than I’m going through a spiritual battle and this video couldn’t have been uploaded at a better time. Thank you so much!! ♥️


I have been attacked quite a bit from " dark" lower energy astral beings the last years. I always claim sovereignty, ask them to leave, send them love & light and ask for angels & guides for support. It works every time for me, but can take minutes or more.


Training yourself to be the dominant energy in a space sounds great, but it's not that simple. Other people are also doing that simultaneously all the time, and you will end up in a weird energy battle with them. Taking dominance over a space also makes you into a person who can unintentionally hurt others by not co-creating with them and just trying to dominate.


Omg I am a super Empath toooo. This is very frustrating when I feel other’s negativity all the time. Now I will not be ever disturbed again. Because NO ENERGY IS POWERFUL THAN ME!


Thank u very much Christina!. Today! Today! I was thinking that “I have to protect myself against the energy of a family member against me”… and then I started to pray that I would protect me… your mantra is so empowering! It makes me go upright, straight, strong and super confident (the opposite of “I have to protect me” mood). Thank you, thank you for your work and time. “Side note… ding!, ding!”… I’m visiting your beautiful country… I’m in El Faro” 😍


Totally Agree Dear SelfLove Empowerment, .
And Fear Energy Frequency does Lowers the Human Body within Body Frequency, ..
The Divine Within Us Is Powerful more than Any kind of Energy's that has A Low
Thankyou 💥


isnt this lady just an inspiration.. i am a lightworker slowly swimming in my awakening ❤ christina is a relief..


I encountered psychic attacks within our apartment for months. I didn't know what is a psychic attacks but was experiencing energy drains frequently, until an acquaintance told me that there was a chip in my aura and a shadow intruder in the apartment (I had seen a shadow figure by coincidence one morning in the living room). After a thorough check, there were 3 of them. We did a simple salt and smoke cleansing on 3 occasions. An energy healer I consulted mentioned eel-like entities or archonic entities leeching the solar plexus. I was grateful that with her guide, she was able to do a clearing for me. The psychic attacks declined considerably after we remedied the problems.


An empath has a fragile nervous system that gets worn down as well. Like a battery that gets low, thinking happy thoughts doesnt always fix it. It is true, as within so without, but it's a fact as without so within. To keep an energy that is always overpowering others takes a skillset, I've never seen. We are tuning forks, we can affect others but that goes both ways. If there are 5 tuning forks to your 1 tuning fork.. how does that work? How do you becoming the bigger tuning fork that can dominate when out numbered? Just thinking you are powerful..


when i was going through darker periods during my awakening journey(past 12 years) I would get psychic attacks from entities in my dream state. Every time i stood my ground with them. I believe they kept trying because 1. I am a very powerful empath 2. I was in physical and emotional exhaustion aka weakness. They are nothing to fear, nor do they have power over us.


Mind over matter ~ mental strength
Raise your vibration to shield negative energy
Rise above & beyond energetically
Don't buy into their negativity by refusing to allow their energy to penetrate
Their is no energy more powerful than me 💙✨
Your energy will overpower all negativity, fear or weakness
Shift or transmute in to positive frequency that empowers 💥
Turn the tides ☯☮☪


There is no energy more powerful than me!! I love that mantra and will begin to curve my energies to project that vibrational frequency. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Thank you for answering this! I had a situation arise at 12:34 where I began feeling "the outsider" amd anxiety energy, then immediately received a text from someone wanting to hang out who struggles with anxiety and her shadows. I questioned if I should do better at protecting myself from this or accept that this power is teaching me how to be stronger as this power develops further and further, beyond the space of the immediate location. I set the question into the universe on how I can strengthen this ability and keep my energy space on the path of ascension, and here is my answer. Thank you Christina. I really love your videos and am so thankful for you and your teachings.


I love your video thank you! The power is all within us. When we use attack or protection we blame and we bring ourselves in a victim position. we take the power away from ourselves. No one does this to us. We do it. Realizing that is such a big step of being an empath .


Thank you Dearest Christina ❣️ I worked with a lady years ago, whom I felt really tested my patience. I found myself thanking her inwardly, for I recognised that that was something I had to work on. And it really helped me moving forward ❣️


Thank you, I needed to hear this. I often wake up with very heavy energy. It confuses me a lot because I'm very positive. This morning I just thought "this is not my energy" it is here but it is outside of me and I'm just sensing it. So even more reason to make it a happy day for me so it becomes lighter for others.


Christina when I started my spiritual journey 3 years ago you helped me so much!!! Thank you! It feels like I'm full circle, back to you (home) again. You have always resonated as truth and safety for me. You had a huge part in cultivating that in myself. 🙏❤️ my heart is full of gratitude


Thank you. I've been going through some tough days... and I was wondering how to protect myself from negative energies... thank you so much for this valuable lesson.

Peace, Love and Light


Never had happened but this morning it happened to my partner & myself.
At 4am I had a lucid dream where I was being held underwater on the ocean floor. Starting to drown, I thought how ridiculous. I can swin to the surface. The force released me and I woke up.
3 hours later. My partner, lying on their stomach, had their face forcefully shoved into their pillow. They began to pray and the force released.
We will try your suggestions starting now.
Perfect timing,
Thanks Christina!!


This is genius level advise - others tell you to seek power from outside ( short term solution ), but Christina's is ultimately reminding us the power is within. I also notice when i drink, or listen to news...and my vibrations are lower....i can be more susceptible. But even at that, recalling our power is not as hard as they make it seem.
