How to Protect Your Energy From Toxic People

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Renowned brain coach and memory expert Jim Kwik shares practical strategies to effectively deal with toxic people in your life. Whether it's at work, in your social circles, or even within your family, toxic individuals can drain your energy and affect your well-being.

Jim provides actionable tips on setting boundaries, maintaining emotional resilience, and fostering healthier relationships. Discover empowering techniques to protect your mental space and confidently navigate challenging interactions. Learn from Jim Kwik as he guides you toward creating a positive and supportive environment where you can thrive mentally and emotionally.

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I keep my communication very short with them. I yellow-rock or grey-rock. In extreme cases I go No-Contact. Boundaries are critical!


For me it's distance and blocking their toxic energy through words


Most of the time, the difficult or toxic people who push your button are someone you love and care about, and that's the saddest truth! And perhaps the most serious effect of being with toxic people is losing hope. When hope is gone, we tend to give up. Change is possible right indeed! but in my case, I'm one of those who just chose to give up because I don't see any effort from them to improve themselves, to become a better person! There is no change when there is no action at all😞


I dealt with a lot of guilt and shame when starting to set boundaries. It took time and practice. It's ok to say no, and ok to let go. I liked a mindfulness book called 30 Days to Overcome Guilt by Harper Daniels that helped my psyche. Setting boundaries requires bravery and practice.


Great tips Jim!! Thank you as always!! ☺️ Some toxic friendships are hard especially when you've known the person for a long time, the negativity or gossip is so draining, but keeping a calm peace of mind practice, as you mentioned, has helped me 💯👏😇


This is excellent. I had a best friend, who when I got done with the nastiness in the relationship, would say things intentionally to try and trigger me, including about me. I never responded to those, except an occasional calm "no, that's not true" and nothing more. In our last conversation she with a strong arrogance in her voice tried to say that her feelings were more important than intellect, and that was the difference between us. I asked do you know what feelings are? Then explained that feelings are a bio-chemical reaction to what we think, gave an example of feelings based on 2 ways of thinking about the exact same thing, and that feelings don't mean anything, but they do matter because we can then look at what we think objectively about the subject. That was the last I heard from her.


Exactly what I needed today! Thank you


I have the ability to enter a room, and feel the energy. Usually something is coming my way. I know when a path that I am taking is not right...I get immediately get sick to my stomach. I have learned how to recognize toxic people or situations and remove myself. It wasn't always that way. Maybe you develop that cogniyion over time?


Excellent advice 🦋 many thanks. Have a great day


We have to have a game plan regarding the ones closest to us. I had to tell myself that I love them, but I can't change them. I have to care about my mental and physical health. I have removed myself from the area of that person, letting that person know I'm not interested in listening to their negative talk. Thanks for sharing 🙂


Am currently reading limitless expanded edition but it’s really great trying to apply them on a daily


Hard to set limits when my husband of 57 years won’t set limits on his sociopath sister. I’m definitely held hostage which makes it difficult.


Not giving any single attention. Not existing even if they are infront of me.


Amazing video as always Jim! I needed this one right now. Thanks for all that you do 😃💙


Step 1. Quarantine. Step 2. Long-term disposal.


It's so sad the toxic people in my life s my sister, ,really hard deal with her for long years I'll stay with this house, if I have only choice I would liked to rent a house just to avoid her but I can't afford too,
So as much as possible I'll quiet silent even most of d times hurt me silently d way she treated me, am just thankful my work help a. Lot I won't stayed longer here in d house, am old already but her respect s not there, , , ,


Wow watched this too late. Met with a really toxic friend recently and noticed it too late.. the next days it affected how I felt...


Any advice, while acknowledging being empathic and trying applying these techniques.


Jim Kwik - I am wondering if you are aware of the following movements - NoFap and Semen Retention. I would say both of these movements have a tremendous effect on the brain of the men practicing them.

Our semen is life force energy and if we stop wasting it, it is reabsorbed to make us smarter.

You should talk about the negative effects of porn and masturbation on the brain.
