10 simple habits for a clutter free home

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In today's video I'm sharing 10 simple habits you can start implementing today to keep a tidy and clutter-free home! After all, a cluttered space can mean for a cluttered mind. These habits are things we do everyday to keep the clutter a bay.

What are some habits you do to keep you home neat and clutter free? #clutterfree #simplehabits #minimalisthome

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I'm Christina, friendly neighbourhood human on the internet slash pharmacist. You may have previously known me as Style Apotheca. I'm living in Toronto, Canada and on my channel you'll find me on my journey towards minimalism, being content with less, recovery from a shopping addiction, and my journey towards financial freedom from over $120,000 in student loan debt. Thank you SO much for watching and taking the time out of your day to support my channel. A little thumb always helps support me!
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All makes sense IF the person you live with is like minded. But if that person cares not or doesn't even notice clutter and the notion is not intrinsic to them, then consistent decluttering doesn't happen. Communication helps, yes, but doesn't solve the problem. Divergence in that regard is something both people must learn to accept.


I noticed small things of Ukrainian symbols (sticker, a pin on a trench, etc.) a couple of times in your videos. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for this💙💛 It is really important for us that people all over the world are aware of russian aggression and support Ukraine. Thank you🙏 ❤️


Our home is quite tidy and clutter free. I’m married and we have a 3.5 and 5 yr old. My husband never sees messes or dirt so expecting him to see something that needs to be picked up and put away is just not going to happen. I’ve been tidy all my life so asking him to change who he is just asking for it. It’s been about 3 years since I began decluttering and we also moved to a house 1/3rd the size during that time. We completely gutted and rebuilt 2 bathrooms and a kitchen while living here, consciously on my part to make sure we have a place for everything in the design. To those who think that just because they have kids or their spouse is messy, it does NOT mean you can’t have a tidy home. I’ve found that once everything has been given a home, it’s very easy to put those things back, even for my husband. And if it’s just me putting those things back, it takes less than 30 minutes for the whole house.


i just moved into my first apartment with no roommates. i’ve had my fair share of messy roommates and honestly, it’s hard to keep the common areas how you want them when others use the space without fixing it back. this video is so helpful!

something that i learned within the first month of me being by myself is all the mess is MINE. i can’t blame anyone else for the clutter.
ps my list has a vacuum on it now lol


🧹I'm also in a 600sq feet home and storage is probably the biggest priority, most of our furniture has some hidden storage (at the expense of aesthetics, but it's worth it!), and anything we bring into our lives has to have a place that's perfect to put it, or we're not getting it. Agreed on intentional decor, there's only so much space in the home so space tend to go to useful things that could also serve as decor, like a pretty wooden box (for more storage!)

I think the other thing for small homes is to say no to open storage, the more things we leave on surfaces just gives visual clutter and makes our home feel even smaller and cramped, those cute open shelves are not going to do any favours for small spaces.


I love using pretty baskets to hide my clutter 🤩


I like that you said keep decor intentional rather than minimal. I appreciate a modern, minimalist look but it's not my preferred style. A cozy, slightly eclectic bohemian look feels much more homey to me! Yet, every little trinket or plant has it's place, and I do a little tidy each night to keep my space organized and clean. :)


🧹Love these tips. I like to do a quick sweep of the house before bed. It takes less than 5 minutes to tidy up and then you don't wake up to a mess in the morning.


great tips😘
-The dyson stick made me into vacuuming all the time as I hated it before . I can do a quick one in 10 min to my 4 bed 3 bath 2 story house … I even just do the sofa without changing the attachment as I am a savage
-As far as dishes do them as you use them …no dishes in the sink ever
-with time I got rid of most decor as I had a rule that i needed to commit to cleaning it properly every week


I really like the "two-minute" rule. If I can put something away or otherwise take care of it in two minutes or less, I do it now rather than waiting to take care of it later. It's amazing how much this has transformed my home.


My tidy habit - when moving from one room to another, do a quick scan if anything needs to go somewhere else. Also I really love steel cut oats - they are a whole grain (rolled are not) and they have a nice chewy texture - I do 2 cups water to one cup oats. I am thinking of trying them to make sushi rolls as they have enough stickiness to do that.


Yup- still watched this video even though I have been doing these things for years. My husband and I have always been neat, clean, and organized people; And we have taught our kids to be the same. I completely believe in the mantra of "cluttered space- cluttered mind" Though I do believe most people live in a cluttered space; I don't know many people who live neatly like me actually


Your house looks great . 🛋️🛋️
I'm lucky to be living with someone that was a minimalist his whole life without even knowing what minimalism is, he just doesn't own many things. Makes it much easier for our home to be clutter free since I also embarked on the minimalism journey a while back.
The kitchen is the least minimalist space in our house because I love cooking and baking, which translates into a lot of pots, pans and baking dishes. But they have their own space, so I guess that's ok. ☺️


🧹 🧼 yes 🙌!! In addition to, I also do a “ten minute clean 🧼 “ everyday, so things don’t pile up. I set the clock ⏰ ( or Siri/ Alexa) to ten minutes and stop 🛑 once it chimes/ rings! Cleaning 🧽 is my hobby and I have mild OCD! Also tchotchke’s lol 😂 !! My grandma 👵 & mom call them, along with too many picture frames 🖼 “dust collectors”. So they’ve instilled the idea 💡 of minimal decor in me, even for Halloween 🎃 & Christmas 🎄! Hugs 🤗, Amy


I love the fact that you put the accent on "intentional". Even though minimalistic homes are my fave thing ever, my ideal apartment will never be like that, simply because I own a lot of stuff that indeed brings me joy. Collectionists, where you at?


🧹 We wash the dishes as we go and always wash them before bed. Dirty dishes in the sink are a big nono. I need to incorporate vacuuming more often, though. I have definitely pared down my wardrobe so the closet is not cluttered. I like that you say minimalish because I like to have some items around that bring me joy. Thanks for the great content.


I also don’t get all those pillows. Loads of pillows would just stress me out. Yes to beautiful simple bedding.


I love consuming these videos as podcasts while I'm cleaning. Great tips!


I start my coffee in the morning as tidy up till its ready, make my bed, put out things I need for the day.


Thank you Christina for these great tips to keep a space de-cluttered. I love vacuuming also. I need to get me a Dyson!
