'I Miss My Ex So Much... What Should I Do?' (Tips That Actually HELP You!)

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Now, like I said, in this video we’re talking about what to do if you miss your ex like like crazy and don’t know what to do about it.

There’s really two possible ways you can stop missing your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend and stop feeling so lonely and heartbroken all the time… either you can get over them and move on, or you can get back together.

Why Do You Miss Your Ex So Much?

Step #1 - Determine your chance of getting him or her back.

For the majority of you watching this video right now, you probably still have a good chance of undoing your breakup and winning back your ex… unfortunately, that may not be the case for some of you, and it may be time to give up and focus on moving on.

If your quiz score is below 60, then things aren’t looking very promising, and you may want to be realistic about whether you should be putting much effort into trying to win back your ex… if you score above 60-65ish, then you’ve got at least a decent shot at getting them back, assuming you play your cards right and avoid making any mistakes that may push your ex further away.

Step #2 - Change your mindset.

This is arguably the most important thing I’m going to say in this video, so pay close attention…

You can’t use words to win back your ex. You can’t talk your way back into their heart, or convince them to take you back… no matter how charming you might be.

Step #3 - Remove any reminders of your ex for now.

This one is pretty simple. You don’t want to be constantly reminded of your ex throughout the day, so now is a good time to pack up any photos, notes, gifts, etc that could remind you of your ex. Just put them all in a box and throw it in the basement or out of sight somewhere temporarily.

Step #4 - Stop talking to your ex for a month.

No Contact means, with very few exceptions, NO Contact. Don’t give in and randomly text your ex at 2am… don’t play along if they send you a message saying “i miss you” or something confusing like that…. And absolutely do not try to meet them in person, call them up for any reason, or stalk them on social media. Delete their contact details from your phone if you must.

Step #5 - Occupy yourself and stay as busy as possible for the next 30 days.

OK, you’ve started No Contact…. That’s great. Now you’ve got a month or so to focus on yourself, and the most important thing during that month is to STAY BUSY. Occupy your time with fun or productive activities that will take your mind off your ex and put you in a better position to win them back once the No Contact phase is over.

Step #6 - Register for a 60-day risk-free trial of my Ex Factor Guide.

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I now realise that a break up is one of the hardest things in life you will ever go through, no joke


Lucky are those who get text or call by ex during no contact. Why I am not so lucky:(


I miss her but I don't at the same time lol


I wanna die.. I can't forget him😭😭 I feel physical and emotional pain everyday. I see him everyday.. I use no contact from the day we broke up... I'm so broken.. we haven't talked 5 months. But he is my classmate and we sit together.. we never talked. He tried but I was silent bc I was too hurt..


Thankyou Brad I have done everything you said to get back with my ex. And yes it worked and I did. But this time it lasted for only 5 days until she said that she didn't feel like earlier and the excitement in her was vanished so she wants to break up again. So, I decided to let her go and never look back at her and at this relationship again then I thought it would be better for me to move on this tym cause I felt I was giving too much of importance to one undeserved person. God might be having better plans for me ahead. Now it has been around like 40 days since I have talked to her last and now I am happy with whatever I have. Life is too short to waste all your time on somebody who doesn't deserve you
Still if you guys think that she is the ideal one for you then do whatever Brad says as it is and believe me you'll have 90% of chances to get her back. After getting her back don't just sit doing nothing. Do things that make her love you more.
My best wishes. I know it is not easy to overcome but once you do you are up ready for your next goal in life :)


Even then it's rough to stop missing your ex especially when wanting to incorporate them in your keeping busy activities


Hey Brad! My ex boyfriend and I broke up very recently and he told me it was because he didn’t feel loved for the longest time. He’s tried to tell me about this problem many times, but he’s now fed up with everything since there was no change in our relationship. During the time I was so overwhelmed with everything else so I neglected him, but I promised I would make it all up to him. He said he doesn’t love me anymore though and he doesn’t think we’ll be able to ever get back together. What should I do?


I moved out of state now my ex hitting me like crazy I'm good now 😂😂😂


My ex, she was probably the best person I ever met in my life.


I really thank your for your video which gives me strength to overcome the after breakup period; it’s hard for me so I watch your video every time I feel overwhelmed by the “missing feeling”


Hey brad! You need to have your own TV show! always watch your videos, your the man! Keep up the good work!10/10


She was a person who got hurt and was insulted by her ex, she was emotionally scarred and i became the best boyfriend. I taught her how she deserved to be loved and treated like the queen she is. She healed and is now happy with another guy. I miss her .


you are amazing BRAD.I brought your EXfactor guide.its been 11months we broken up .your guide taught me a lot.I am already in my track to receive her.Thanks from bottom of my heart.BTW I am from Bangladesh


I have been emotionally struggled with a toxic friendship for four years, with the fact living together for three years makes me hard not to miss the good times we had abs recently he stopped talking to me and I still feel hard to let go. I moved to my own place since last summer I miss him everyday it is just hard as I was so used to the environment seeing him every day. I wish I never lived with him so long so I cannot change the past


It’s almost been a year now and I still miss her… M.💔


Great point about dating other people Brad. Extremely useful tool. One must be careful however that your ex doesn't come back just to satisfy their own ego and then leave again after it's quenched.


how many broken hearts in the comments section


me too i miss my ex too much brad.., but he's happy now with his new girlfriend.., i want to end my self sometimes.., 😭😭😭


I missed my ex once. I started going to the range more and practicing so I won't miss next time.


Love and miss her. For 30 years I have tried to create distractions but getting older it isn't so easy anymore. Idle my mind runs to her.
