How to Walk with a Cane Correctly - Ask Doctor Jo

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Using a cane or crutch when you have an injury can be very confusing especially when characters on TV shows don't even use them right! Once you get the hang of it, it becomes very easy and natural. When we walk normally, our opposite arm swings forward with our opposite leg. When using a cane, you want the same technique so you don't risk injuring something else while you are recovering.

The most important part to start with is to make sure your cane is the right height. Most canes have a pin you can push in to change the height. On your upper leg there is a bone that sticks out called your greater trochanter. It is just below your hip. This is where you want the top of the cane. You should have a slight bend in your elbow about 20 degrees. If the cane is too high, you might irritate your shoulder, and if it is too low, you might lean over too much.

Now for the walking part. The cane should be in the opposite hand of the injured side. Yes, House, MD did it wrong! The cane should always move with the injured side. If the injured side goes forward, the cane goes forward for support. Again, this is how our bodies naturally move; so don't think about it too much. Just move how you would normally move. The cane should be for balance and safety, and if you feel like you are pushing really hard on it, or if you can't walk smoothly, then you probably are not ready for a cane yet.

DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy; however, she is not YOUR Physical Therapist and can't possibly diagnose you through the Internet. So don't use this information to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they have given you. This information is only intended to show you the correct technique for physical therapy exercises and should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you are not properly diagnosed, this information won't help, and it could make things worse. So seriously, check with your healthcare professional before doing these techniques. If you experience any pain or difficulty while doing these exercises, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.
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I was ready to animate a character with a cane, but thought I should look up a few videos first and now I see I had the cane in the wrong hand. Glad I saw this before I had to redo all my work.


There is an episode of House where the physical therapist tells him that he needs to start using the cane on the proper side. I think they knew and just made that another facet of his characterization.


A recent and unexpected knee issue has me requiring assistance from a cane. Someone that had a hip replacement informed me I was using the cane incorrectly. Thankfully she caught it. This video confirmed it. At least I got the height right. I appreciate the clarity, and brevity of this segment. Thank you!


Wow! My knee went out this morning and I just bought a cane an hour ago. The pharmacist didn't how to use it and I just googled you and I'm amazed it's so simple now. Thank you so much Dr Jo!!!


I can’t believe how simple and wonderful this video is. All these years later. Thank you for this.


4 semesters of nursing school and it took a 3 minute video for the light to come on!! Thank you !


so pimps use the cane's correctly & dr house doesn't lol


I had no idea you use the cane on your strong side.


Thank you so much, I recently fractured a toe and have been needing to walk with a cane and this video has just made life so much easier ❤️


This was very helpful for what seems to be such a simple thing, thanks!


Thanks! I’ve been a nurse for 15 years and didn’t know for sure. I’m currently using a cane and this video helps immensely!


I am glad you pay attention to detail!! It always makes me cringe a little when I see TV shows doing it wrong because people see it that way, and do it wrong as well! Good luck with your animation!!


Awesome video AskDoctorJo . I am a 31 y.o. male recently diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis. When I have flare ups in my ankles and feet I have difficulty maintaining my balance while walking. I just bought a quad cane and am practicing using tips from this video!


Can't believe I found you just when my mother in law needs to use a cane to help her balance when walking! I am going to show her this video and practice with her tomorrow! Great instructions and demo! Thank you!


Wow, thank U Dr. Jo. Nobody ever told me how to measure or walk with my cane. I'm close to being 48 yrs old and have been walking with a quad cane for 10 yrs. I suffer from grand mal seizures, fibromylgia, arthritis, all the non-peachy perks that come with my ailments. I've had seizures since I've been 3yrs old, fibromyalgia in my early 20's, and arthritis about 3 or 4 yrs. God has blessed me I can't complain. There are some things I can't do? As drive anymore, work, but you know I'm still fighting the best I know how. Thank you and Goodnight.


I appreciate this vid! Years ago, when I was at my heaviest weight, I developed psoriasis on my right ankle (right side), and began to experience pain. Didn't know why, until I was sitting on the couch one afternoon and saw a commercial discussing "psoriatic arthritis", and then realized what I was dealing with. Psoriasis hasn't ever come back to my ankle, but with cold weather, it's get debilitating sometimes walking on that ankle, or even that foot at times, so having a cane helps alleviate that pressure. Will have to get used to using the cane with my left hand, and trying to walk simultaneously, for those moments when I need that support. Thank you again!


thank you! my first cane is being shipped and your video was much more useful than an article!!


What a nice find!  Thank you, Dr. Jo.    I have considered buying a cane for my Arthritis issues.  Since I don't have a leg injury, but sciatica-like pain in hips, sides, buttocks, legs, etc. I don't really know which hand I should be holding the cane in.  Mostly of late the pain is in the above mentioned areas along my right side.  I was trying a cane in the local drug store and I noticed that pretty quickly I was adding shoulder, hand and opposite leg and knee into the mix.  (Wow, I'm a mess!  LOL )  So, since I can't levitate, I thought a cane could help somewhat.   I have been noticing a decrease in balance of late and on a walk through the woods I had improved that balance when using an old tree branch as a walking stick.  Do you have any advice relative to my issues, or would you suggest experimenting with what works best for me?    Thank you for the video!


I am 39 and I had a stroke 4 days ago. Thank you so much for this video. It showed me that I had my cane too low to begin with and it’s adjusted now so it even feels better on my arm. Thanks again!
